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RULE §11.9Competitive HTC Selection Criteria

    (G) The Development Site at Application is at least in part the Development Site at pre-application, and the census tract number or numbers listed at pre-application is the same at Application. The site at full Application may not require notification to any person or entity not required to have been notified at pre-application

    (H) The distance used to determine the Tie-Breaker established in 10 TAC §11.7(2) remains the same or does not decrease between pre-application and full Application. If closer features to the Development Site are identified that could potentially result in a lower distance used for the Tie-Breaker, Applicants may elect to continue using the higher distance submitted with the Pre-Application in order to not be disqualified from pre-application points;

    (I) For Applications funded through the USDA Set-Aside; year of initial construction as a residential Development remains the same or is not earlier;

    (J) If a high quality Pre-Kindergarten is to be provided under §11.6(3)(C)(v), the election must be made at pre-application and may not change at full Application.

    (K) The pre-application met all applicable requirements.

  (4) Leveraging of Private, State, and Federal Resources. (§2306.6725(a)(3))

    (A) An Application may qualify to receive up to three (3) points if at least 5% of the total Units are restricted to serve households at or below 30% of AMGI (restrictions elected under other point items may count) and the Housing Tax Credit funding request for the proposed Development meet one of the levels described in clauses (i) - (iv) of this subparagraph:

      (i) the Development leverages CDBG Disaster Recovery, HOPE VI, RAD, or Choice Neighborhoods funding and the Housing Tax Credit Funding Request is less than 9% of the Total Housing Development Cost (3 points). The Application must include a commitment of such funding; or

      (ii) if the Housing Tax Credit funding request is less than 9% of the Total Housing Development Cost (3 points); or

      (iii) if the Housing Tax Credit funding request is less than 10% of the Total Housing Development Cost (2 points); or

      (iv) if the Housing Tax Credit funding request is less than 11% of the Total Housing Development Cost (1 point).

    (B) The calculation of the percentages stated in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph will be based strictly on the figures listed in the Funding Request and Development Cost Schedule. Should staff issue an Administrative Deficiency that requires a change in either form, then the calculation will be performed again and the score adjusted, as necessary. However, points may not increase based on changes to the Application. In order to be eligible for points, no more than 50% of the Developer Fee can be deferred. Where costs or financing change after completion of underwriting or award (whichever occurs later), the points attributed to an Application under this scoring item will not be reassessed unless there is clear evidence that the information in the Application was intentionally misleading or incorrect.

  (5) Extended Affordability. (§§2306.6725(a)(5) and (7); 2306.111(g)(3)(C); 2306.185(a)(1) and (c); 2306.6710(e)(2); and 42(m)(1)(B)(ii)(II)) An Application may qualify to receive up to four (4) points for this item.

    (A) Development Owners that agree to extend the Affordability Period for a Development to 45 years total. (4 points)

    (B) Development Owners that agree to extend the Affordability Period for a Development to 40 years total. (3 points)

    (C) Development Owners that agree to extend the Affordability Period for a Development to 35 years total. (2 points)

  (6) Historic Preservation. (§2306.6725(a)(6); §42(m)(1)(C)(x)).

    (A) An Application may qualify to receive five (5) points if;

      (i) For Developments with under 100 total Units at least 55% of the residential Units shall be constructed fully or partially within the Certified Historic Structure.

      (ii) For Developments with 100 total Units or more, at least 55 of the residential Units shall be constructed fully or partially within the Certified Historic Structure.

    (B) To qualify for points, the Development must receive historic tax credits before or by the issuance of Forms 8609. The Application must include either documentation from the Texas Historical Commission that the Property is currently a Certified Historic Structure, or documentation determining preliminary eligibility for Certified Historic Structure status and evidence that the Texas Historic Commission received the request for determination of preliminary eligibility and supporting information on or before February 1 of the current year (5 points).

  (7) Right of First Refusal. (§2306.6725(b)(1); §42(m)(1)(C)(viii)). An Application may receive points under subparagraphs (A) or (B) of this paragraph.

    (A) An Application may qualify to receive (1 point) for Development Owners that will agree to provide a right of first refusal to purchase the Development upon or following the end of the Compliance Period in accordance with Tex. Gov't Code, §2306.6726 and the Department's rules including §10.407 of this title (relating to Right of First Refusal) and §10.408 of this title (relating to Qualified Contract Requirements).

    (B) The Development at the time of LURA execution is single family detached homes on separate lots or is organized as condominiums under Chapter 81 or 82 of the Texas Property Code and commits to offer a right of first refusal to tenants of the property to purchase the dwelling at a selected term but no earlier than the end of the Compliance Period and no later than the Extended Use Period. A de minimis amount of a participating tenant's rent may be attributed to the purchase of a Unit. Such commitment will be reflected in the LURA for the Development. The Applicant must provide a description of how they will implement the 'rent-to-own' activity, how they will make tenants aware of the opportunity, and how they will implement the right at the end of the selected term. If a Development is layered with National Housing Trust Funds, HOME-ARP, or another MFDL source where homeownership is not an eligible activity, the right of first refusal may not be earlier than the end of the Federal Affordability Period. §42(m)(1)(C)(viii). (1 point)

  (8) Funding Request Amount. The Application requests no more than 100% of the amount of LIHTC available within the subregion or set-aside as determined by the regional allocation formula on or before December 1, 2023. (1 point)

  (9) Readiness to Proceed. The Application includes a certification that site acquisition and building construction permit submission will occur on or before the last day of March of the following year or as otherwise permitted under subparagraph (C) of this paragraph. These points are not available in the At-Risk or USDA Set-Asides. (1 point)

    (A) Applications must include an acknowledgement from all lenders and the syndicator of the required closing date.

    (B) The Board cannot and will not waive the deadline and will not consider waiver under its general rule regarding waivers. Failure to acquire the site and submit construction permits by the March deadline will result in penalty under 10 TAC §11.9(f), as determined solely by the Board.

    (C) Applications that remain on the waiting list after awards are made in late July that ultimately receive an award will receive an extension of the March deadline equivalent to the period of time between the late July meeting and the date that the Commitment Notice for the Application is issued.

(f) Factors Affecting Scoring and Eligibility in current and future Application Rounds. Staff may recommend to the Board and the Board may find that an Applicant or Affiliate should be ineligible to compete in the following year's competitive Application Round or that it should be assigned a penalty deduction in the following year's competitive Application Round of no more than two points for each submitted Application (Tex. Gov't Code §2306.6710(b)(2)) because it meets the conditions for any of the items listed in paragraphs (1) - (4) of this subsection. For those items pertaining to non-statutory deadlines, an exception to the penalty may be made if the Board or Executive Director, as applicable, makes an affirmative finding setting forth that the need for an extension of the deadline was beyond the reasonable control of the Applicant and could not have been reasonably anticipated. Any such matter to be presented for final determination of deduction by the Board must include notice from the Department to the affected party not less than 14 days prior to the scheduled Board meeting. The Executive Director may, but is not required, to issue a formal notice after disclosure if it is determined that the matter does not warrant point deductions. The Executive Director may make a determination that the matter does not warrant point deduction only for paragraph (1) of this subsection. (§2306.6710(b)(2)) Any deductions assessed by the Board for paragraph (1), (2), Cont'd...

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