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RULE §127.473Food Science (One Credit), Adopted 2015
Repealed Date:08/01/2024

    (B) compare unsaturated, saturated, and supersaturated solutions, including boiling and freezing points;

    (C) calculate the concentration of a solution using mass percent;

    (D) describe the properties of colloidal dispersions;

    (E) investigate the relationships among the three parts of an emulsion; and

    (F) create various food emulsions.

  (9) The student analyzes the functions of enzymes in food science. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe the role of enzymes as catalysts in chemical reactions of food;

    (B) explain the relationship between an enzyme and a substrate;

    (C) analyze the functions of enzymes in digestion, including the factors that influence enzyme activity; and

    (D) analyze enzyme reactions in food preparation.

  (10) The student evaluates the role of fermentation in food science. The student is expected to:

    (A) analyze reasons food is fermented;

    (B) assess the role of bacteria in food fermentation; and

    (C) prepare various fermented food products.

  (11) The student assesses the reaction of leavening agents in baked products. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify various leavening agents and describe their role;

    (B) analyze the role of acids as leavening agents;

    (C) compare doughs and batters;

    (D) conduct laboratory experiments with various leavening agents using the scientific processes; and

    (E) create baked products using various leavening agents.

  (12) The student explores the roles of food additives. The student is expected to:

    (A) evaluate the various types of food additives such as incidental, intentional, natural, and artificial;

    (B) investigate the various roles of food additives such as food preservation, nutritive value, and sensory characteristics; and

    (C) research agencies involved in regulating food additives.

  (13) The student analyzes the processes of energy production in food. The student is expected to:

    (A) discuss molecular motion and temperature;

    (B) examine heat transfer processes such as conduction, convection, and radiation;

    (C) investigate the role of latent heat in phase changes in food production such as crystallization and condensation; and

    (D) analyze rates of reaction using various temperatures.

  (14) The student evaluates the properties of carbohydrates in food and their effects on food production. The student is expected to:

    (A) discuss photosynthesis;

    (B) identify the chemical structures of carbohydrates;

    (C) describe the functions of carbohydrates in food production such as a caramelizing agent, crystallizing agent, and thickening agent;

    (D) compare the structures of simple and complex carbohydrates and how these structures affect food production;

    (E) describe various process such as gelatinization, retrogradation, and syneresis in food production; and

    (F) create food products using simple and/or complex carbohydrates.

  (15) The student evaluates the properties of fats in food and their effects on food production. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify the chemical structure of saturated and unsaturated fats;

    (B) compare the properties of saturated and unsaturated fats;

    (C) examine the functions of fats in food production;

    (D) explore methods for controlling fat oxidation;

    (E) analyze the effects of temperature on fats in food preparation;

    (F) conduct laboratory experiments using the scientific processes to explore the functions of fats in food production; and

    (G) create food products using saturated and unsaturated fats.

  (16) The student evaluates the properties of proteins and their effects on food production. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain the processes of protein denaturation and coagulation;

    (B) examine the functions of proteins in food productions such as emulsifiers, foams, and gluten formation;

    (C) analyze the effect of temperature on protein in food production and storage;

    (D) explore moist and dry heat methods for preparing protein rich foods; and

    (E) create food products using protein.

  (17) The student evaluates the properties of vitamins and minerals and their effects on food production. The student is expected to:

    (A) discuss the functions of vitamins and minerals in food production;

    (B) compare the effects of food production on water- and fat-soluble vitamins; and

    (C) assess the interrelationships among vitamins and minerals in food production.

  (18) The student evaluates the properties of water and their effects on food production. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify the properties of water;

    (B) compare the effects of hard and soft water on food production;

    (C) analyze the phases of water and their effects on food production; and

    (D) explain the functions of water in food production such as a heat medium and a solvent and create a food product.

  (19) The student analyzes processes that destroy bacteria during food production. The student is expected to:

    (A) examine the food irradiation process; and

    (B) investigate the pasteurization process.

  (20) The student examines packaging and labeling guidelines. The student is expected to:

    (A) research federal food packaging guidelines;

    (B) analyze components of appropriate commercial food containers;

    (C) describe controlled-atmosphere packaging; and

    (D) describe information required on a food label.

  (21) The student analyzes food preservation processes. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe reasons for food preservation;

    (B) compare methods of dehydration and create a food product using dehydration;

    (C) analyze various methods of personal and commercial food canning; and

    (D) examine the various methods of personal and commercial food freezing.

Source Note: The provisions of this §127.473 adopted to be effective April 7, 2022, 47 TexReg 1677

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