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RULE §127.628Firefighter I (Two Credits), Adopted 2015

    (I) demonstrate the use of the self-contained breathing apparatus to manage a restricted passage in conditions of obscured visibility; and

    (J) demonstrate emergency procedures to be used in the event of failure of the self-contained breathing apparatus.

  (13) The student demonstrates inspection, care, and testing procedures for the self-contained breathing apparatus. The student is expected to:

    (A) document routine maintenance for the self-contained breathing apparatus; and

    (B) describe the use of an air supply system for recharging an air cylinder and cylinder testing maintenance of a self-contained breathing apparatus.

  (14) The student identifies the types and components of fire service protective clothing and personal protective equipment. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify the various types of fire service protective clothing;

    (B) identify the different components of structural firefighting protective equipment and their functions;

    (C) demonstrate the correct procedures for inspection and maintenance of personal protective equipment;

    (D) describe the limitations of personal protective equipment in providing protection to firefighters;

    (E) explain the physical limitations of a firefighter working in a personal protective ensemble; and

    (F) demonstrate the donning and doffing of personal protective equipment such as helmet with eye protection, hood, boots, gloves, protective coat and trousers, self-contained breathing apparatus, and personal alert safety system device.

  (15) The student demonstrates the proper testing and operation of a personal alert safety system device. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain the proper operation of a personal alert safety system; and

    (B) demonstrate the proper testing of a personal alert safety system.

  (16) The student recognizes all aspects of the fire department organization. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify aspects of the fire department organization;

    (B) explain the firefighter's role as a member of the fire department;

    (C) analyze the rules and regulations common to most fire departments;

    (D) identify the mission of the fire service and of the local fire department according to the authority having jurisdiction;

    (E) describe the function of a standard operating system and the responsibilities of a firefighter relating to compliance with the provisions of occupational safety and health programs; and

    (F) explain the components of a member assistance program.

  (17) The student recognizes common types of accidents and injuries and their causes. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe the elements of a personnel accountability system and the application of the system at an incident;

    (B) identify potential long-term firefighter health considerations of exposure to products of combustion;

    (C) identify common types of accidents or injuries such as those occurring at the emergency scene, responding to and returning from calls on fire apparatus, in personal vehicles, at the fire station, at other on-duty locations, and during training; and

    (D) demonstrate techniques for action when trapped or disoriented in a fire situation or in a hostile environment.

  (18) The student describes the handling of different types of accidents and hazards. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe the procedures for terminating utility services to a building;

    (B) explain hazards that exist and describe procedures to be used in electrical emergencies;

    (C) describe the safe handling and operation of hand and power tools;

    (D) describe safety procedures for fire service lighting equipment such as power supply (portable or mounted), lights, cords, and connectors; and

    (E) recognize the procedures for the use of safety equipment such as seat belts, ear protection, eye protection, and other safety equipment provided for protection while riding on apparatus.

  (19) The student identifies safety procedures for ensuring a safe environment. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify protective equipment and describe its uses;

    (B) recognize traffic and scene control devices;

    (C) identify structure fire and roadway emergency scene potential hazards;

    (D) describe solutions to mitigate potential hazards; and

    (E) describe procedures for safe operation at emergency scenes.

Source Note: The provisions of this §127.628 adopted to be effective April 7, 2022, 47 TexReg 1677

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