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RULE §127.325Instructional Practices (Two Credits), Adopted 2021

    (A) explain the relationship between school and society;

    (B) recognize and use resources for professional growth such as family, school, and community resources; and

    (C) collaborate with stakeholders such as family, school, and community to promote learning.

  (10) The student develops technology skills. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe the role of technology in the instructional process;

    (B) use technology applications appropriate for specific subject matter and student needs; and

    (C) demonstrate skillful use of technology as a tool for instruction, evaluation, and management.

  (11) The student understands the professional, ethical, and legal responsibilities in teaching and training. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe teacher and trainer practices that promote professional and ethical conduct;

    (B) analyze professional and ethical standards that apply to educators and trainers;

    (C) analyze situations requiring decisions based on professional, ethical, and legal considerations; and

    (D) analyze expected effects of compliance and non-compliance with the Code of Ethics and Standard Practices for Texas Educators.

  (12) The student participates in field-based experiences in education and training. The student is expected to:

    (A) apply instructional strategies and concepts within a local educational or training facility; and

    (B) document, assess, and reflect on instructional experiences.

  (13) The student documents technical knowledge and skills. The student is expected to:

    (A) update professional portfolio components such as resume, samples of work, service-learning log, assessment results, and mock scholarship applications; and

    (B) present the portfolio to interested stakeholders.

  (14) The student demonstrates the knowledge and skills needed to provide meaningful, specific, and timely feedback to students, families, and other school personnel on the growth of students in relation to classroom goals while maintaining student confidentiality. The student is expected to:

    (A) explain the role feedback plays in the learning process;

    (B) provide guidance and feedback to motivate student behavior and outcomes;

    (C) demonstrate methods of providing feedback to students such as checklists, classroom processes, and written documentation;

    (D) demonstrate methods of accepting and reflecting on feedback to determine plans for improvement of educational outcomes; and

    (E) apply questioning strategies to facilitate student discussion.

  (15) The student demonstrates knowledge and understanding of teacher responsibility with regard to accommodations and modifications for students with special needs. The student is expected to:

    (A) identify the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973;

    (B) explain the structure and components of an individualized education program (IEP);

    (C) explain the structure and components of a Section 504 Plan; and

    (D) compare accommodations and modifications for students with special needs.

  (16) The student demonstrates proper record-keeping strategies needed by teachers to demonstrate evidence of student progress. The student is expected to:

    (A) understand and demonstrate the use of learning management systems and record-keeping tools;

    (B) outline school district policies related to teacher record keeping; and

    (C) identify the essential components of behavioral and academic records according to state and school district policy.

  (17) The student uses standard observation techniques to observe a variety of educational settings. The student is expected to:

    (A) evaluate teaching styles, learning environments, and classroom management utilizing observation checklists or other observation and evaluation tools; and

    (B) use observation and evaluation reports to reflect on teaching practices and develop strategies for improvement.

  (18) The student assesses the benefits of how a mentor relationship impacts a teaching career. The student is expected to:

    (A) recognize the benefits of a mentor relationship such as increased teacher retention, mentor guidance, and coaching; and

    (B) seek out and foster mentorship opportunities.

  (19) The student analyzes teacher employment requirements and professional growth opportunities for those in the education profession such as required education and certification. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe required education needed to become a certified teacher;

    (B) explain the steps for becoming a certified teacher in Texas;

    (C) compare certification requirements for various content and grade level areas of interest; and

    (D) identify various financial aid sources available for teacher candidates such as scholarships, student loans, and student loan forgiveness options once certified.

Source Note: The provisions of this §127.325 adopted to be effective April 26, 2022, 47 TexReg 2166

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