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RULE §127.424Pathophysiology (One Credit), Adopted 2021

    (D) evaluate experimental and engineering designs.

  (4) The student develops evidence-based explanations and communicates findings, conclusions, and proposed solutions. The student is expected to:

    (A) develop explanations and propose solutions supported by data and models and consistent with scientific ideas, principles, and theories;

    (B) communicate explanations and solutions individually and collaboratively in a variety of settings and formats; and

    (C) engage respectfully in scientific argumentation using applied scientific explanations and empirical evidence.

  (5) The student knows the contributions of scientists and engineers and recognizes the importance of scientific research and innovation on society. The student is expected to:

    (A) analyze, evaluate, and critique scientific explanations and solutions by using empirical evidence, logical reasoning, and experimental and observational testing so as to encourage critical thinking by the student;

    (B) relate the impact of past and current research on scientific thought and society, including research methodology, cost-benefit analysis, and contributions of diverse scientists and engineers as related to the content; and

    (C) research and explore resources such as museums, libraries, professional organizations, private companies, online platforms, and mentors employed in a science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) or health science field in order to investigate careers.

  (6) The student analyzes the mechanisms of pathology. The student is expected to:

    (A) describe abnormal biological and chemical processes at the cellular level;

    (B) examine and analyze changes resulting from mutations and neoplasms by examining cells, tissues, organs, and systems;

    (C) investigate factors that contribute to disease, including age, gender, environment, lifestyle, and heredity; and

    (D) analyze and describe how the body's compensating mechanisms attempt to maintain homeostasis when changes occur.

  (7) The student examines the process of pathogenesis. The student is expected to:

    (A) differentiate and identify pathogenic organisms using microbiological techniques such as gram staining, biochemical identification, and microscopic observation;

    (B) research and summarize the stages of pathogenesis, including incubation period, prodromal period, and exacerbation or remission;

    (C) analyze the body's natural defense systems against infection, including barriers, the inflammatory response, and the immune response;

    (D) analyze other mechanisms of disease prevention and treatment such as vaccinations, antibiotics, chemotherapy, and immunotherapy; and

    (E) evaluate the effects of chemical agents, environmental pollution, and trauma on the disease process.

  (8) The student examines diseases throughout the body's systems. The student is expected to:

    (A) investigate the etiology, signs and symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment of diseases;

    (B) explore and describe advanced technologies for the diagnosis and treatment of disease;

    (C) research and describe reemergence of diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, polio, and measles;

    (D) research the causes, prevention, and impact of nosocomial infections and differentiate between the causes, prevention, and impact of nosocomial infections versus community-acquired infections;

    (E) research and describe antibiotic-resistant diseases such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus;

    (F) differentiate between various types of diseases and disorders, including hereditary, infectious, and auto-immune; and

    (G) investigate ways diseases such as diabetes, Parkinson's, lupus, and congestive heart failure affect multiple body systems.

  (9) The student integrates the effects of disease prevention and control. The student is expected to:

    (A) evaluate public health issues related to asepsis, isolation, immunization, and quarantine;

    (B) analyze the effects of stress and aging on the body;

    (C) analyze patient medical data and interpret medical laboratory test results to inform diagnosis and treatment;

    (D) analyze and interpret epidemiological data to determine common trends and predict outcomes in disease progression;

    (E) research and summarize diseases that threaten world health and propose intervention strategies; and

    (F) develop a prevention plan that considers how behaviors contribute to lifestyle diseases.

Source Note: The provisions of this §127.424 adopted to be effective April 26, 2022, 47 TexReg 2166

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