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RULE §131.143Construction Requirements for a New Facility

      (v) The battery charger for emergency lighting at the emergency generator shall be connected to the life safety branch of the electrical system.

    (B) An executed contract with an outside supplier/vendor(s) that will provide a portable emergency generator(s) and fuel on demand.

      (i) An electrical transfer switch with plug-in device sized to provide emergency power for the patient care areas and the provisions in NFPA 99, §

      (ii) An alternate source of power (battery power lighting) shall be provided separate and independent from the normal electrical power source that will be effective for a minimum of one and one half hours after loss of the electrical power. The emergency lighting system shall be capable of providing sufficient illumination to allow safe evacuation from the building. The battery pack systems shall be maintained and tested quarterly.

      (iii) The facility shall implement the emergency contingency plan upon the loss of electrical power following a natural weather or man-made event when the electrical power may not be restored within 24 hours. The facility shall exercise the contract(s) with the supplier/vendor(s) to have portable emergency generator(s) available within 36 hours after the loss of electrical power.

  (15) Fire alarm system. A fire alarm system which complies with NFPA 101, §20.3.4, and with NFPA 72, Chapter 6 requirements, shall be provided in each facility. The required fire alarm system components are as follows.

    (A) A fire alarm control panel (FACP) shall be installed at a visual location such as the main lobby. A remote fire alarm annunciator listed for fire alarm service and installed at a continuously attended location and capable of indicating both visual and audible alarm, trouble, and supervisory signals in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72 may be substituted for the FACP.

    (B) Manual fire alarm pull stations shall be installed in accordance with NFPA 101, §20.3.4.

    (C) Ceiling-mounted smoke detector(s) shall be installed in room containing the FACP when this room is not attended continuously by staff as required by NFPA 72, §4.4.5.

    (D) Smoke detectors shall be installed in air ducts in accordance with NFPA 72, § and §5.14.5 and NFPA 90A, §6.4.2.

    (E) Smoke detectors shall be installed in return air ducts in accordance with requirements of NFPA 72 § and §5.14.5 and NFPA 90A, §

    (F) Fire sprinkler system water flow switches shall be installed in accordance with requirements of NFPA 101, §9.6.2; NFPA 13, §6.9; and NFPA 72, §

    (G) Sprinkler system valve supervisory switches shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 72, §

    (H) A fire alarm signal notification which complies with NFPA 101, §9.6.3, shall be provided to alert occupants of fire or other emergency.

    (I) Audible alarm indicating devices shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of NFPA 101, §20.3.4, and NFPA 72, §7.4.

    (J) Visual fire alarm indicating devices which comply with the requirements of NFPA 72, §7.5, shall be provided.

    (K) Devices for transmitting alarm for alerting the local fire brigade or municipal fire department of fire or other emergency shall be provided. The devices shall be listed for the fire alarm service by a nationally recognized laboratory, and be installed in accordance with such listing and the requirements of NFPA 72.

    (L) Wiring for fire alarm detection circuits and fire alarm notification circuits shall comply with requirements of NFPA 70, Article 760.

Source Note: The provisions of this §131.143 adopted to be effective June 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 4400

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