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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

      (ii) The exhaust shall be connected to an exhaust system to the exterior which is separate from the building exhaust system. Biological safety cabinets with HEPA filters and alarms to alert staff do not have to be exhausted to the exterior. If the air changes for biological safety cabinets as provided in Table 3 of §133.169(c) of this title do not provide sufficient air for proper operation of the safety cabinets (when in use), supplementary make-up air (filtered and preheated) shall be provided around these units to maintain the required airflow direction and exhaust velocity. Make-up air system for safety cabinets shall be arranged to minimize "short circuiting" of air and to avoid reduction in air velocity at the point of contaminant capture.

      (iii) The exhaust fan shall be located at the discharge end of the system.

      (iv) The exhaust duct system shall be of noncombustible and corrosion-resistant material.

      (v) Where fume hoods are used, the design should consider the placement and types of air distribution devices to avoid the disturbance of a uniform velocity across the face of the hood.

    (C) When special laboratory hoods are provided, they shall meet the following special standards for these types of hoods.

      (i) Fume hoods, and their associated equipment in the air stream, intended for use with perchloric acid and other strong oxidants, shall be constructed of stainless steel or other material consistent with special exposures, and be provided with a water wash and drain system to permit periodic flushing of duct and hood. Electrical equipment intended for installation within such ducts shall be designed and constructed to resist penetration by water. Duct systems serving these hoods shall be constructed of acid-resistant stainless steel for at least 10 feet from the hood. Lubricants and seals shall not contain organic materials. When perchloric acid or other strong oxidants are only transferred from one container to another, standard laboratory fume hoods and the associated equipment may be used in lieu of stainless steel construction.

      (ii) Each laboratory hood used to process infectious or radioactive materials shall have a minimum face velocity of 90-110 feet per minute, be connected to an independent exhaust system, with suitable pressure-independent air modulating devices and alarms to alert staff of fan shutdown or loss of airflow. Each hood shall also have filters with a 99.97% efficiency (based on the dioctyl-phthalate (DOP) test method) in the exhaust stream, and be designed and equipped to permit the safe removal, disposal, and replacement of contaminated filters. Filters shall be as close to the hood as practical to minimize duct contamination.

      (iii) Fume hoods intended for use with radioactive isotopes shall be constructed of stainless steel or other material suitable for the particular exposure and shall comply with National Fire Protection Association 801, Standard for Facilities Handling Radioactive Materials, 2003 edition and NFPA 99, §11.3.5.

      (iv) Each laboratory hood shall have a suitable pressure-independent air modulating device and alarm to alert staff of fan shutdown or loss of airflow. The alarm shall be audible within the laboratory and at a 24-hour manned location.

    (D) Filtration requirements for air handling units serving the laboratory suite shall be equipped with filters having efficiencies equal to, or greater than specified in Table 4 of §133.169(d) of this title.

    (E) Duct linings exposed to air movement shall not be used in ducts serving any laboratory room and clean room unless terminal filters of at least 80% efficiency are installed downstream of linings. This requirement shall not apply to mixing boxes and acoustical traps that have special coverings over such lining.

  (4) Piping systems and plumbing fixtures. Piping systems and plumbing fixtures shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(4) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) General.

      (i) Faucet spouts at lavatories and sinks shall have clearances adequate to avoid contaminating utensils and the contents of beakers, test tubes, etc.

      (ii) Drain lines from sinks used for acid waste disposal shall be made of acid-resistant material.

      (iii) Drain lines serving some types of automatic blood-cell counters must be of carefully selected material that will eliminate potential for undesirable chemical reactions (and/or explosions) between sodium azide wastes and copper, lead, brass, and solder, etc.

    (B) Medical gas systems. When provided, medical gas systems shall comply with §133.162(d)(4)(A)(iii) and (iv) of this title. The number of outlets in the laboratory for vacuum, gases, and air shall be determined by the functional program requirements.

  (5) Electrical requirements. Electrical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5) of this title.

    (A) The blood storage refrigerator shall have an alarm device to indicate a temperature increase or malfunction and indicate an audible warning at a 24-hour manned location.

    (B) The blood storage refrigerator shall be connected to the critical branch of the emergency essential electrical system.

    (C) All exhausts hoods shall be connected to the emergency essential electrical system.

(o) Laundry suite. Laundry facilities shall be provided on site or off site. On-site laundry services may be within the hospital or in a separate building on-site. The laundry facilities shall be separated from patient rooms, areas of food preparation and storage, and areas in which clean supplies and equipment are stored.

  (1) Architectural requirements.

    (A) When laundry service is provided on site, it shall comply with the following.

      (i) Soiled and clean linen processing rooms shall be provided. When the soiled and clean linen processing are combined in a single room, each process shall be physically separated within the room.

      (ii) Adequate hand washing facilities shall be provided in both the soiled and clean processing areas.

      (iii) A receiving, holding, and sorting room for control and distribution of soiled linen shall be provided. This area may be combined with the soiled linens processing room. Discharge from soiled linen chutes may be received in the soiled room/area or in a separate dedicated room.

      (iv) A laundry processing room shall be provided with a commercial washer(s) and dryer(s) capable of processing at least a seven-day laundry supply within the regular scheduled work week.

      (v) A clean linen processing room/area shall be provided with folding counters or tables. This area shall have provisions for inspections, folding, packing and mending of linen.

      (vi) A holding room or area for storage and issuing of clean linen shall be provided but may be combined with clean linen processing room.

      (vii) Storage space and cabinets for soaps, stain removers, and other laundry processing agents shall be located in the soiled and clean processing room/areas.

      (viii) Laundry equipment shall be arranged so that the processing of laundry is an orderly work flow from soiled to clean operations. Cross-traffic shall be held to a minimum to prevent contamination.

    (B) When laundry service is provided off site, the following minimum requirements shall be provided on site:

      (i) a service entrance which shall have a drive under canopy for protection from inclement weather, for loading and unloading of linen;

      (ii) a control station for pickup and receiving. This may be a room at the common loading dock, in the soiled linen holding room, or the central clean linen storage room;

      (iii) a soiled linen holding room; and

      (iv) a central clean linen storage/issuing room in addition to linen storage required at the individual patient units.

    (C) The following areas/rooms shall be provided regardless of delivery type of laundry service:

      (i) office space for the director of laundry services;

      (ii) cart storage rooms for clean and soiled linen. The cart storage areas may be provided within the clean and soiled rooms. Carts may not be parked or stored in the egress corridor;

      (iii) cart sanitizing facilities which comply with subsection (b) of this section;

      (iv) staff toilet in the laundry suite or convenient for staff use and with a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls;

      (v) lockers for staff use may be in laundry suite or part of a central locker room when convenient to the laundry; and


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