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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

      (ii) Control desk and reception area. A control desk and reception area shall be provided.

      (iii) Dictation and report preparation area. The dictation and report preparation area may be incorporated with the control station.

      (iv) Holding area. The holding area shall be under direct staff control, out of the direct line of traffic, and have space for stretchers. The holding area shall accommodate two stretchers for the first procedure room with one additional station for each additional procedure room.

      (v) Patient toilet facilities. A toilet room with a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls shall be provided convenient to the waiting room and procedure room.

      (vi) Staff toilet facilities. Toilets and hand washing fixtures with hands-free operable controls may be outside the suite but shall be convenient for staff use.

      (vii) Patient dressing rooms or cubicles. Dressing rooms or cubicles shall be provided convenient to the waiting areas and procedure rooms. Each room or cubicle shall include a seat or bench, mirror, and provisions for hanging patients' clothing and for securing valuables. At least one dressing room shall be provided to accommodate wheelchair patients.

      (viii) Exam room(s). When examination rooms are provided, each room shall have a minimum of 100 square feet of clear floor area exclusive of built-in shelves or cabinets. Each exam room shall be equipped with a work counter and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls.

      (ix) Dose administration area. When a dose administration area is provided, the area shall be located near the preparation area and include visual privacy for the patients.

      (x) Computer control area/room. Computer control area shall be located within or adjacent to the treatment room(s). When a centralized computer area is provided, it shall be a separate room with access terminals available within the treatment rooms.

      (xi) Film processing room. A darkroom shall be provided for film processing unless the processing equipment normally used does not require a darkroom for loading and transfer. When daylight processing is used, the darkroom may be minimal for emergency and special uses. Film processing shall be located convenient to the treatment room(s) and to the quality control area.

      (xii) Quality control area or room. A quality control area shall include view boxes illuminated with light of the same color value and intensity.

      (xiii) Film storage room (active). A room with cabinet or shelves for filing patient film for immediate retrieval shall be provided.

      (xiv) Film storage room (inactive). A room for inactive film storage may be located outside the nuclear medicine suite, but must be under the administrative control of nuclear medicine personnel and properly secured to protect films against loss or damage.

      (xv) If digital imaging is utilized throughout the suite, the darkroom film processing area and film viewers may be omitted.

      (xvi) Storage for unexposed film. Storage facilities for unexposed film shall include protection of film against exposure or damage.

      (xvii) Offices for physicians, oncologist, physicists, and assistants. Offices shall include provisions for individual consultation, viewing, and charting of film.

      (xviii) Clerical office(s) spaces. Clerical office(s) spaces shall be provided.

      (xix) Consultation room. A consultation room shall be provided.

      (xx) Clean storage room. A clean storage room shall be provided for clean supplies and linens. A hand washing fixture shall be provided with hands-free operable controls. When conveniently located, the clean storage room may be shared with another department.

      (xxi) Soiled workroom. The soiled workroom shall not have direct connection to the nuclear medicine procedure or diagnostic rooms or sterile activity rooms. The room shall contain a clinical sink or equivalent flushing type fixture, work counter, hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls, waste receptacle, and soiled linen receptacle. When contaminated soiled material or fluid waste is not handled, only a soiled holding room is required.

      (xxii) Housekeeping room. The housekeeping room shall be located within the suite.

  (2) Details and finishes. Details and finishes shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(2) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) Details.

      (i) Radiation protection shall be designed, tested and approved by a medical physicist licensed under the Texas Medical Physics Practice Act, Occupations Code, Chapter 602.

        (I) Room shielding calculations for the stipulated rooms within the nuclear medicine suite must be submitted to the Department of State Health Services, Radiation Control (RC) for approval prior to use. Shielding in diagnostic radiographic rooms will be reviewed by RC inspectors, in the field, subsequent to use. Any changes in design or shielding which affects radiation exposure levels adjacent to those rooms, requires prior approval by RC.

        (II) Facility design and environmental controls associated with licensable quantities of radioactive material in laboratories or procedure rooms must be approved by RC prior to licensed authorizations.

      (ii) The nuclear medicine treatment rooms shall have ceiling heights not less than nine feet. Ceilings containing ceiling-mounted equipment shall be of sufficient height to accommodate the equipment of fixtures and their normal movement.

    (B) Finishes.

      (i) Flooring used in the nuclear medicine procedure room, any work or treatment areas where radioactive material is handled, and soiled workroom shall be of the seamless monolithic type as required by §133.162(d)(2)(B)(iii)(III) of this title.

      (ii) Ceilings in radiopharmacy, hot laboratory, and soiled workrooms shall be monolithic as required by §133.162(d)(2)(B)(vi)(III) of this title.

  (3) Mechanical requirements. Mechanical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(3) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) When radiopharmaceutical preparations are performed, vents and traps for radioactive gases shall be provided.

    (B) Direction of air flow of the HVAC system shall be from nonradioactive spaces into the radioactive spaces. A minimum of two return air inlets located diagonally opposite from one another and near floor level shall be provided.

    (C) In the PET suite, special ventilation systems together with monitors, sensors, and alarm systems shall be required to vent gases and chemicals. The ventilation shall be directly to the exterior.

    (D) Filtration requirements for air handling units serving the nuclear medicine suite shall be equipped with filters having efficiencies equal to, or greater than specified in Table 4 of §133.169(d) of this title.

    (E) Where fume hoods are used, the design should consider the placement and types of air distribution devices to avoid the disturbance of a uniform velocity across the face of the hood. Fume hoods shall be exhausted directly to the exterior.

  (4) Piping systems and plumbing fixtures. Piping systems and plumbing fixtures shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(4) of this title.

  (5) Electrical requirements. Electrical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) General.

      (i) Each nuclear medicine procedure room shall have at least four duplex electrical hospital grade receptacles.

      (ii) Nuclear medicine procedures rooms shall have general lighting in addition to that provided by special lighting units at the procedure tables.

    (B) Nurses calling systems. The nurse call shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5)(L) and Table 7 of §133.169(g) of this title.

(t) Nursing unit. The requirements in this subsection apply to nursing units in hospitals for all types of inpatient care. Facilities providing care to less than 15 pediatric inpatients may be included with an adult nursing unit. Additional requirements for a nursing unit providing care to 15 or more pediatric patients are contained in subsection (w) of this section.

  (1) Architectural requirements. Architectural requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(1) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) Handicapped accessibility requirements. At least 10% of each patient room type, isolation room, bathing units and toilets in medical/surgical, intermediate care, universal care, antepartum, postpartum, mental health, chemical dependency, and pediatric nursing units and all public and common use areas shall be designed and constructed to be handicapped accessible. These requirements shall apply in all new construction and when an existing nursing unit or a portion thereof is converted from one service to another, i.e. mental health care to Cont'd...

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