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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

medical or surgical nursing care.

    (B) Patient room suites. A patient room suite shall consist of the patient room and a bathroom. Patient room suites shall comply with the following requirements.

      (i) Maximum patient room capacity. The maximum patient room capacity shall be two patients. In existing facilities where renovation work is undertaken and the present capacity is more than two patients, the maximum room capacity shall be no more than the present capacity with a maximum of four patients.

      (ii) Single-bed patient room. In a single-bed patient room, the minimum clear floor area shall be 120 square feet.

      (iii) Multi-bed (two) patient room. The clearance between the side of a bed and a wall/partition shall be a minimum of three feet. The clearance between sides of beds shall be a minimum of five feet. The minimum distance at the foot of the bed shall not be less than four feet for a single load area/room or seven feet for a double load area/room. Four feet of the passage space at the foot of the bed may be shared between two beds. The requirements of this clause are illustrated in Table 8, Diagram G of §133.169(h) of this title.

      (iv) Multi-bed (two) accessible patient room. The clearance between the side of a bed and a wall/partition shall be a minimum of five feet. The clearance between sides of beds shall be a minimum of four feet. The minimum distance at the foot of the bed shall not be less than four feet for a single load area/room or seven feet for a double load area/room. Four feet of the passage space at the foot of the bed may be shared between two beds. The requirements of this clause are illustrated in Table 8, Diagram H of §133.169(h) of this title.

      (v) Arrangement of patient rooms. Minor encroachments including columns and wall hung lavatories that do not interfere with functions may be ignored when determining space requirements for patient rooms.

        (I) Required clear floor space in patient rooms shall be exclusive of toilet rooms, closets, lockers, built-in cabinets, wardrobes, alcoves, or vestibules.

        (II) Visual privacy shall be provided each patient in multi-bed rooms. Design for privacy shall not restrict independent patient access to the corridor, lavatory, or bathroom.

      (vi) Patient bathroom. Each patient shall have access to a bathroom without having to enter the general corridor area. Each bathroom shall contain a toilet with bed pan washers, hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls, bathing facilities, and storage shelf or cabinet and serve not more than two patient rooms. Hand washing facilities shall be located in the patient room and in the patient bathroom. The hand washing fixture in the room shall be located outside of the patient's cubicle curtain in multi-bed patient room.

      (vii) Patient storage. Each patient shall have a separate wardrobe, locker, or closet that is suitable for hanging full-length garments and for storing personal effects. A minimum of 12 lineal inches of hanging space shall be provided per patient.

    (C) Airborne infection isolation suites. A minimum of one isolation suite shall be provided for each 30 acute care beds or fraction thereof. The suite may be located within a nursing unit or in a separate isolation unit. When a pediatric patient suite is located in an adult nursing unit and is not part of a pediatric or adolescent nursing unit, a minimum of one isolation room shall be designated for pediatric patient care. Each airborne infection isolation suite shall consist of a work area, a patient room, and a patient bathroom.

      (i) The work area may be a separately enclosed anteroom or a vestibule that is open to and is located immediately inside the door to the patient room. It shall have facilities for hand washing, gowning, and storage of clean and soiled materials. One enclosed anteroom may serve multiple isolation rooms.

      (ii) Each patient room shall have a clear floor area of 120 square feet exclusive of the work area and shall contain only one bed. A patient bathroom shall be provided in accordance with subparagraph (B)(vi) of this paragraph.

      (iii) At least one airborne infection isolation suite with an enclosed anteroom shall be provided.

      (iv) A door(s) from an anteroom to an airborne infection isolation room(s) and a door(s) from an egress corridor into an anteroom shall be provided with a self-closing device(s). When an isolation room does not have an anteroom, the door from the egress corridor into the isolation room shall be provided with a self-closing device. When sliding doors are used in isolation rooms in CCU suites and in surgical suite post-anesthesia care units, the self-closing device may not be required as long as assurances of negative air pressure are met when sliding doors are opened.

      (v) Pressure differential monitors or air flow devices shall be installed outside the isolation room and anteroom. Devices shall be installed in corridors, passageways, etc.

    (D) Protective environment suite. When specialized services for patients with extreme susceptibility to infection are provided, spatial requirements for the suite shall be identical to those for airborne infection isolation suites contained in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph with the exception that an enclosed anteroom shall be provided.

    (E) Room for disturbed medical patients. Each general hospital shall provide at least one private patient room for patients needing close supervision for medical and/or psychiatric care. The room may be part of the mental health and chemical dependency nursing suite described in subsection (q) of this section. If the room is part of a nursing suite, the provisions of subparagraph (B)(ii) of this paragraph shall apply. Each room shall be designed in accordance with subsection (q)(2)(A) and (B) of this section.

    (F) Service areas. Service areas shall be located in, or readily available to, each nursing unit. Each service area may be arranged and located to serve more than one nursing unit, but at least one service area shall be provided on each nursing floor. The following service areas shall be provided:

      (i) an administrative center or nurses station with an adjacent but separate dictation space;

      (ii) a nurses office;

      (iii) an area for charting. The area may be combined with the nurses station when adequate space is provided for both;

      (iv) a medication room, medicine alcove area, or a self-contained medicine dispensing unit under visual control of nursing staff. The medication alcove area may be located in the clean workroom. The self-contained medicine dispensing unit may be located in an alcove at the nurse station. The room, area or unit shall contain a work counter, hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls, refrigerator, and double-locked storage for controlled substances. Standard cup-sinks provided in many self-contained units are not adequate for hand washing;

      (v) a nourishment station containing a work counter with sink, microwave, refrigerator and storage cabinets and not located in the clean workroom;

      (vi) a multipurpose room for staff and patient conferences, education, demonstrations, and consultation. The room shall be conveniently accessible to each nursing unit and may serve several nursing units or departments. The room may be located on another floor if convenient for regular use;

      (vii) a conveniently located examination/treatment room which may serve several nursing units located on the same floor. The room shall have a minimum clear floor area of 100 square feet and contain a counter for writing and hand washing facilities with hands-free operable controls. This room may be omitted if all patient rooms on the floor are single-bed patient rooms;

      (viii) special assisted bathing facilities, including space for attendant, for patients on stretchers, carts, and wheelchairs at the ratio of one per 100 beds or a fraction thereof. This may be on another floor if convenient for use. The central bathing room shall contain a bathtub which is accessible to a patient in a wheelchair or a shower that can accommodate a gurney. The room shall have space for drying and dressing and be provided with a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls and a toilet with three feet of clear space on sides and front of the water closet;

      (ix) staff lounge with unisex dressing cubicles, lockers, toilets and hand washing facilities. These facilities may be on another floor;

      (x) securable closets or cabinet compartments for personal articles of nursing unit staff. The closets or lockers shall be located at or near the nurse station. At a minimum, these shall be large enough for purses and billfolds. Coats may be stored in closets or cabinets on each floor or in a central staff locker area;


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