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RULE §133.308MDR of Medical Necessity Disputes

    (J) other information that was required by the department related to a request from an insurance carrier or the insurance carrier's URA for the assignment of the IRO.

(t) Medical Fee Dispute Request. If the requestor has an unresolved non-network fee dispute related to health care that was found medically necessary, after the final decision of the medical necessity dispute, the requestor may file a medical fee dispute in accordance with §133.305 and §133.307 of this subchapter (relating to MDR--General and MDR of Fee Disputes, respectively).

(u) First Responders. In accordance with Labor Code §504.055(d), an appeal regarding the denial of a claim for medical benefits, including all health care required to cure or relieve the effects naturally resulting from a compensable injury involving a first responder will be accelerated by the division and given priority. The party seeking to expedite the contested case hearing or appeal must provide notice to the division and independent review organization that the contested case hearing or appeal involves a first responder.

(v) Texas Military Forces. In accordance with Labor Code §501.028, the division will accelerate and give priority to an appeal from a denial of a claim for medical benefits.

  (1) This subsection applies to a claim for medical benefits made by a member of the Texas military forces who, while on state active duty, sustains a serious bodily injury, as defined by Penal Code §1.07.

  (2) The division will accelerate and give priority to actions involving all health care required to cure or relieve the effects naturally resulting from a compensable injury.

  (3) The member must notify the division and IRO that the CCH or appeal involves a member of the Texas military forces.

(w) Enforcement. The department or the division may initiate appropriate proceedings under Chapter 12 of this title or Labor Code, Title 5 and division rules against an independent review organization or a person conducting independent reviews.

Source Note: The provisions of this §133.308 adopted to be effective December 31, 2006, 31 TexReg 10314; amended to be effective May 25, 2008, 33 TexReg 3954; amended to be effective May 31, 2012, 37 TexReg 3833; amended to be effective January 7, 2019, 44 TexReg 103; amended to be effective December 28, 2023, 48 TexReg 7999

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