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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

      (xiii) Lounge. A lounge shall be provided in hospitals with four or more obstetrical surgical and delivery rooms. The lounge shall permit staff use without leaving the obstetrical surgical suite or delivery suite and may be accessed from the obstetrical suite staff clothing change rooms or staff changing room for delivery suite. The lounge shall not have direct access from outside the surgical suite. When the lounge is remote from the clothing change rooms, toilet facilities and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls accessible from the lounge shall be provided.

      (xiv) Staff toilet facilities. Toilet facilities located in the obstetrical suite for exclusive staff use shall be provided and contain hand washing facilities with hands-free operable controls. The toilet room may be accessible from a staff lounge, when provided.

      (xv) Nurses' toilet. A nurses' toilet room shall be provided at the labor and recovery area(s) and shall include hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls.

      (xvi) Dictation and report preparation area. This may be accessible from the lounge area.

      (xvii) On-call rooms. Physicians and staff on 24-hour on-call work schedules shall be provided with sleeping rooms with access to a toilet, lavatory and shower. If not contained within the unit itself, the area shall have a telephone or intercom connection to the obstetrical suite(s).

      (xviii) Clean workroom or clean supply room. A clean workroom is required. It shall contain a work counter, a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls, storage facilities for clean supplies, and a space to package reusable items. The storage for sterile supplies must be in a separated room. When the room is used only for storage and holding as part of a system for distribution of clean and sterile supply materials, the work counter and hand washing fixture may be omitted.

      (xix) Soiled workroom. The soiled workroom shall be for the exclusive use of the obstetrical suite and shall be in addition to the soiled workroom required for the obstetrical surgical suite. The soiled workroom for the obstetrical c-section operating room or delivery room suite shall not have direct connection with operating rooms or other sterile activity rooms. The soiled workroom shall contain a clinical sink with hands-free operable controls or equivalent flushing type fixture, work counter, sink equipped for hand washing, waste receptacle, and linen receptacle. There shall be a designated soiled workroom for the exclusive use of the NCCU.

      (xx) Housekeeping rooms. A separate housekeeping room containing a floor receptor or service sink and storage space for housekeeping supplies and equipment shall be provided for the exclusive use of the obstetrical suite, the c-section operating room, and nurseries (one for each).

      (xxi) Triage room. When triage services are provided, there shall be a minimum of one triage room in the obstetrical suite.

        (I) An obstetrical triage room shall be a minimum clear floor area of 100 square feet with a minimum dimension of nine feet. The obstetrical triage room shall contain cabinets, work counter, examination light, and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls. The fixed and movable cabinets and shelves shall not encroach upon the bed/gurney clear floor space/area.

        (II) When a multiple-bed/gurney triage patient station is provided, the clearance between the side of a bed/gurney and a wall/partition shall be a minimum of three feet. The clearance between sides of beds/gurneys shall be a minimum of six feet. The minimum distance at the foot of the bed/gurney shall not be less than seven feet for single load area/room or ten feet for double load area/room. Four feet of the passage space at the foot of the bed may be shared between two beds/gurneys. The multiple-bed/gurney triage room shall contain cabinets, medication storage, work counter, examination light, and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls. The fixed and movable cabinets and shelves shall not encroach upon the bed/gurney clear floor space/area. Privacy shall be provided for each patient with cubicle curtains or movable screens. The requirements of this subclause are illustrated in Table 8, Diagram D of §133.169(h) of this title.

        (III) A patient in a triage bed shall have access to a patient toilet room without entering the corridor.

  (2) Details and finishes. Details and finishes shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(2) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) Details.

      (i) C-section operating rooms and delivery rooms shall have ceiling heights not less than nine feet.

      (ii) Recreation rooms, exercise rooms, equipment rooms, and similar spaces where impact noises may be generated shall not be located directly over operating rooms or delivery rooms, unless special provisions are made to minimize such noise as contained in Table 1 of §133.169(a) of this title.

      (iii) When vision panels are provided in labor rooms, LDRs, and LDRPs, the windows shall be located, draped, or otherwise arranged to preserve patient privacy from casual observation from outside the labor room.

      (iv) Shower controls shall be outside the wet area for use by nursing staff for labor room showers. In the LDRP rooms shower control outside of the wet area may be omitted.

      (v) When viewing windows are provided in a NCCU, provision shall be made to control casual viewing of infants.

      (vi) Noise control and sound attenuation in a NCCU shall be a design factor and meet the requirements contained in Table 1 of §133.169(a) of this title.

    (B) Finishes.

      (i) Finishes for LDR and LDRP rooms shall be selected for ease of cleaning and resistance to strong detergents.

      (ii) Flooring in c-section operating rooms, delivery rooms, labor rooms, isolation room, and soiled workroom shall be of the seamless type in accordance with the requirements of §133.162(d)(2)(B)(iii)(III) of this title. LDR and LDRP rooms shall have seamless type flooring below the bed and four feet at each side of the bed and foot of the bed.

      (iii) Ceilings and walls in c-section operating rooms, delivery rooms, soiled workroom, isolation and anteroom, and sterile processing room shall be of the monolithic type in accordance with §133.162(d)(2)(B)(vi)(III) of this title. Acoustic lay-in ceiling is permissible in the LDR and LDRP rooms.

  (3) Mechanical requirements. Mechanical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(3) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) The air supply for the c-section operating room and delivery room shall be from ceiling outlets near the center of the work area. Return air shall be from near the floor level. Each c-section operating room and delivery room shall have at least two return air inlets located as remotely from each other as practical. (Design should consider turbulence and other factors of air movement to minimize fall of particulate into a wound site).

    (B) Air supply for LDRs, LDRPs, and nurseries shall be from ceiling outlets or high wall outlets. Return air shall be from near the floor level. Each LDR, LDRP, and nursery shall have at least two return air inlets located diagonally opposite from each other.

    (C) The ventilation system for anesthesia storage rooms shall conform to the requirements of NFPA 99, §4-

    (D) Each c-section operating room, delivery room and nursery shall have temperature and humidity indicating devices mounted at eye level.

    (E) Air handling units serving the obstetrical and surgical suite shall be equipped with filter having efficiencies equal to, or greater than specified in Table 4 of §133.169(d) of this title.

  (4) Piping systems and plumbing fixtures. Piping systems and plumbing fixtures shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(4) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) General.

      (i) Drainage and waste piping shall not be installed within the ceiling or installed in an exposed location in c-section operating rooms and delivery rooms unless special precautions are taken to protect the spaces below from leakage and condensation from necessary overhead piping systems. Any required secondary protection shall be labeled every 20 feet "code required secondary drain system." The labeling shall be in highly visible print.

      (ii) Floor drains shall not be installed in c-section rooms and delivery rooms.

      (iii) Bedpan-flushing devices shall be installed in all patient toilet rooms serving LDRs and LDRPs.

    (B) Medical gas systems. Medical gas systems shall be provided in accordance with §133.162(d)(4)(A)(iii)-(vi) of this title.

      (i) Nonflammable medical gas and clinical vacuum outlets shall be provided in accordance with Table 6 of §133.169(f) of this title.


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