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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

      (ii) Nonflammable medical gas and clinical vacuum outlets for the infant resuscitation area or room shall be provided in addition to the required medical gas and vacuum for the mother in accordance with Table 6 of §133.169(f) of this title.

      (iii) When a labor room is intended to function as an emergency delivery room the nonflammable medical gas and clinical vacuum outlets shall be provided in accordance with Table 6 of §133.169(f) of this title.

  (5) Electrical requirements. Electrical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) General.

      (i) X-ray film illuminators for handling at least four films simultaneously shall be provided in each c-section operating room, labor, and delivery room. When the entire obstetrical suite is provided with digital imaging system capabilities, a minimum of two X-ray film illuminator viewers shall be provided. The film illuminators shall be mounted within the central area of the suite.

      (ii) Each c-section operating room shall have at least eight duplex hospital grade receptacles.

      (iii) Each delivery room, LDR and LDRP shall have at least six duplex hospital grade receptacles.

      (iv) Operating rooms and delivery rooms shall have at least three of the required duplex hospital grade receptacles located convenient to the head of the procedure table.

      (v) Newborn and continuing care nurseries shall have one normal and one critical duplex outlet for every two bassinets.

      (vi) In the infant resuscitation area or room, three duplex hospital grade receptacles shall be provided for the infant in addition to those required for the mother.

      (vii) The electrical circuit(s) to equipment in wet areas shall be provided with five milliampere GFCI. GFCI circuits shall not be used in c-section operating rooms and delivery rooms. When GFCIs are used in critical areas, provisions shall be made to ensure that other essential equipment is not affected by activation of one interrupter.

      (viii) C-section operating rooms and delivery rooms shall have general lighting in addition to that provided by special lighting units at the surgical and obstetrical tables. Each fixed special lighting unit at the operating or delivery table shall be connected to an independent circuit powered by the critical branch of the essential electrical system. Portable units may share circuits.

      (ix) Indirect lighting and high-intensity lighting shall be provided in the NCCU(s). The lighting shall be able to be adjusted over individual patient care spaces. No direct ambient lighting shall be permitted in the infant care spaces, and any direct ambient lighting used outside the infant care area shall be located or framed so as to avoid any infant's direct line of sight to the fixture. This does not exclude the use of direct procedure lighting.

      (x) Receptacles at each bed location in a NCCU shall be served by two branch circuits, one or more from the critical branch panel of the emergency electrical system and one or more from the normal system. One critical branch circuit shall serve only one bed location. All branch circuits from the normal system shall be from a single panelboard. All branch circuits from the emergency electrical system shall be from a single panelboard.

      (xi) A minimum of seven hospital grade duplex outlets shall be conveniently located at the head of each NCCU bed, crib or bassinet. At least three of these duplex outlets shall be on the critical branch of the emergency electrical system.

    (B) Nurses calling system. The nurse call shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5)(L) and Table 7 of §133.169(g) of this title.

(v) Outpatient suite.

  (1) Architectural requirements.

    (A) General. Outpatient services that the hospital provides to patients under the hospital license shall be within the hospital. Outpatient services and facilities (diagnostics, imaging, surgical, etc.) may be provided throughout the hospital within other suites, departments or units within the hospital. When an organized outpatient suite is provided for the hospital, it shall be in one identifiable contiguous location within the hospital and meet all the elements described in this subsection. To be included in the hospital license, an outpatient suite located in an office building or other building shall be physically connected to the hospital and become contiguous to the hospital. In no case may one leave the hospital, traverse the other occupancies, and then reenter the hospital to access the remaining portion of the hospital. A hospital may not occupy two or more noncontiguous areas of nonhospital occupancies, which contain intervening space of the nonhospital occupancies even if on the same floor or other floors. Outpatient facilities physically connected to the hospital with a common wall or an enclosed connection shall comply with the requirements of NFPA 101, Chapter 18.

    (B) Site, administration and public areas. The following shall be provided.

      (i) Parking. When an outpatient suite is provided, four parking spaces shall be required for each surgical procedure room, treatment room, and diagnostic room, plus additional spaces for each staff member.

      (ii) Entrance. When an established outpatient suite in one identifiable location provides surgical services, an illuminated covered drive through entrance shall be provided.

      (iii) Public waiting area. Toilet facilities, public telephone, and drinking fountain shall be provided. When pediatric services are provided, pediatric and adult patients waiting areas shall be separate.

      (iv) Control station. A control station shall be located to permit staff observation of waiting area and control of access to treatment rooms, procedure rooms, diagnostic rooms, and the surgical suite.

      (v) Wheelchair storage alcove. The alcove provided for wheelchair storage shall be located out of line of traffic.

      (vi) Interview space. Interview spaces shall be provided for social services, credit, and admissions. Provisions shall be made for privacy and dignity of the patient during interview, examination, and treatment.

      (vii) Offices. General or individual offices shall be provided for business transaction, records, and administrative and professional staff.

      (viii) Multipurpose rooms. Multipurpose rooms for conferences, meetings, and health education purposes shall be provided.

    (C) Examination, treatment, and observation rooms. When examination, treatment, or observation facilities are provided, the following shall be included.

      (i) Examination room. The room shall have a minimum clear floor area of 100 square feet exclusive of fixed cabinets and shelves. Each examination room shall contain a work counter, cabinets, examination light and hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls. A clearance of three feet shall be provided at each side and the foot of the examination table.

      (ii) Special purpose examination rooms. The special purpose examination room shall comply with the requirements of an examination room as described in clause (i) of this subparagraph, but room size and configuration may be modified for specialized equipment.

      (iii) Treatment room. The room shall have a minimum clear floor area of 120 square feet exclusive of fixed and movable cabinets and shelves. The minimum clear dimension between fixed cabinets and built-in shelves shall be 10 feet. The treatment room shall contain a work counter, cabinets, medication storage, examination light and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls.

      (iv) Observation room. The room shall be located to permit close observation from either a nurse station or the control station. The room shall have a minimum clear area of 80 square feet exclusive of fixed and movable cabinets and shelves. Patients shall have access to a toilet room without entering the general corridor area.

      (v) Multiple-bed holding/observation room/area. In a multiple-bed holding/observation room/area, the clearance between the side of a bed/gurney and a wall/partition shall be a minimum of three feet. The clearance between sides of beds/gurneys shall be a minimum of six feet. The minimum distance at the foot of the bed/gurney shall not be less than seven feet for single load area/room or ten feet for double load area/room. Four feet of the passage space at the foot of the bed may be shared between two beds/gurneys. The multiple-bed holding/observation room/area shall contain cabinets, work counters, and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls. The fixed and moveable cabinets and shelves shall not encroach upon the bed/gurney clear floor space/area. The requirements of this clause are illustrated in Table 8, Diagram D of §133.169(h) of this title.


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