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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

    (D) Diagnostic facilities. Services shall be available to the outpatient suite. When separate radiology units are located within the outpatient suite, the requirements in subsection (l) of this section shall be met.

    (E) Laboratory. Services shall be made available to the outpatient suite. When a separate laboratory unit is installed within the outpatient suite, the requirements in subsection (n) of this section shall be met. All laboratory services provided within the outpatient suite or by a written contractual arrangement shall comply with the requirements of §133.41(h) of this title.

    (F) Surgical facilities. Outpatient surgical facilities may be provided separately or may be shared with the inpatient facilities.

      (i) When a separate outpatient surgery suite is provided, it shall meet the requirements in subsection (ee) of this section.

      (ii) The following additional rooms and areas shall be provided in each surgical suite wherever outpatient surgical procedures are performed. A preoperative area for outpatient use shall be provided. The area shall include a waiting room, public toilet facilities, sitting space for ambulatory patients, and at least one or more of the following: a single patient preoperative room, multiple-bed/gurney preoperative patient stations, single patient preoperative/recovery room, or multiple-bed/gurney preoperative/recovery patient stations. Traffic patterns shall be arranged for patients to enter the preoperative area from outside the surgical suite, prepare for surgical procedure and then move directly into the restricted corridor of the operating suite.

        (I) When a single patient preoperative room is provided the minimum clear area is 100 square feet exclusive of aisles and fixed and moveable cabinets and shelves. The room shall contain cabinets, work counter, and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls.

        (II) When a multiple-bed/gurney preoperative patient station is provided, the clearance between the side of the bed/gurney and a wall/partition shall be a minimum of three feet. The clearance between sides of beds/gurneys shall be a minimum of six feet. The minimum distance at the foot of the bed/gurney shall not be less than seven feet for single load area/room or ten feet for double load area/room. Four feet of the passage space at the foot of the bed may be shared between two beds/gurneys. The multiple-bed/gurney preoperative patient room shall contain cabinets, medication storage, and work counter. The fixed and movable cabinets and shelves shall not encroach upon the bed/gurney clear floor space/area. One hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls shall be provided for every four stations or fraction thereof. Privacy shall be provided for each patient with cubicle curtains or movable screens. The requirements of this subclause are illustrated in Table 8, Diagram D of §133.169(h) of this title.

        (III) When a single patient preoperative/recovery room is provided the minimum clear area is 120 square feet exclusive of aisles and fixed and moveable cabinets and shelves. The room shall contain cabinets, work counter, and hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls.

        (IV) When a multiple-bed/gurney preoperative/recovery patient station is provided, the clearance between the side of a bed/gurney and a wall/partition shall be a minimum of four feet. The clearance between sides of beds/gurneys shall be a minimum of six feet. The minimum distance at the foot of the bed/gurney shall not be less than eight feet for single load area/room or twelve feet for double load area/room. Four feet of the passage space at the foot of the bed may be shared between two beds/gurneys. The multiple-bed/gurney preoperative/recovery patient station shall contain cabinets, medication storage, and work counter. The fixed and movable cabinets and shelves shall not encroach upon the bed/gurney clear floor space/area. One hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls shall be provided for every four stations or fraction thereof. Privacy shall be provided for each patient with cubicle curtains or movable screens. The requirements of this subclause are illustrated in Table 8, Diagram M of §133.169(h) of this title.

      (iii) A secondary recovery lounge (for outpatients requiring additional observation) with a nurse's station and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls shall be provided. One hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls shall be provided for every four secondary recovery stations or fraction thereof. In each secondary recovery station, the clearance between a side of lounger/gurney and a wall/partition shall be a minimum of three feet. The clearance between sides of lounger/gurney shall be a minimum of six feet. The minimum distance at the foot of the lounger/gurney shall not be less than six feet for single load area/room or nine feet for double load area/room. Three feet of passage space requirement at the foot of the lounger/gurney may be shared between two loungers/gurneys. The fixed and movable cabinets and shelves shall not encroach upon the lounger/gurney clear floor space/area. Privacy shall be provided for each patient with cubicle curtains or movable screens. The requirements of this clause are illustrated in Table 8, Diagram D of §133.169(h) of this title.

      (iv) A toilet room for use by outpatients shall be provided directly accessible from the outpatient preoperative, recovery and secondary recovery lounge areas. The toilet room shall contain a water closet and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls. There shall be one outpatient toilet room for every ten patient stations or fraction thereof. Toilet rooms may be shared if convenient to the outpatient preoperative, recovery and secondary recovery lounge areas.

    (G) Special procedure room(s). When outpatient special procedures services are provided within the outpatient suite, the special procedure room(s) shall comply with the requirements in subsection (dd) of this section.

    (H) Service areas. The following service areas and facilities shall be provided within the outpatient suite unless noted otherwise.

      (i) Nurse station(s). The nurse station shall contain a work counter, communication system, space for supplies, and provisions for charting.

      (ii) Hand washing fixtures. Hand washing fixtures with hands-free operable controls shall be available at all patient care areas.

      (iii) Patient toilet room(s). Toilet room(s) shall be conveniently located to treatment room(s), examination room(s), and diagnostic room(s) and shall include hand washing fixture(s) with hands-free operable controls.

      (iv) Staff toilet facilities. Toilet rooms equipped with hand washing fixtures with hands-free operable controls shall be provided for the exclusive staff use. Toilet facilities may be provided in conjunction with the staff lounge.

      (v) Staff lounge. A staff lounge with separate male and female staff clothing change rooms and toilets with hand washing fixtures with hands-free operable controls shall be provided in hospitals having a total of six or more diagnostic and treatment rooms.

      (vi) Medication station. Storage and distribution of medication may be done from a medicine preparation room, medicine alcove area or from a self-contained medicine dispensing unit but must be under visual control of nursing staff. A work counter, a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls, refrigerator, and double-locked storage for controlled substances shall be provided. Standard cup-sinks provided in many self-contained units are not acceptable for hand washing. The medication station may be shared with the clean workroom.

      (vii) Dictation and report preparation area. This area may be accessible from the lounge.

      (viii) Cast room. When a cast room is provided, it shall be equipped with hand washing facilities, plaster sink, storage, and other provisions required for cast procedures.

      (ix) Wheelchair and stretcher storage. Wheelchair and stretcher storage space or alcove shall be provided and located out of direct line of traffic.

      (x) Storage. Storage facilities shall be provided for office supplies, sterile supplies, pharmaceutical supplies, splints and other orthopedic supplies, and housekeeping supplies and equipment.

      (xi) Ice machine. A self-dispensing ice machine shall be provided.

      (xii) Clean workroom. A clean workroom or clean supply room shall be provided.

      (xiii) Storage room. A storage room for the outpatient services shall be provided at least equal to 5.0% of the total area of the outpatient suite. This required storage room area may be combined with general stores.

      (xiv) Soiled workroom. A soiled workroom shall be provided. It shall not have direct access to any patient treatment, examination, diagnostic rooms, or sterile rooms. The room shall contain a clinical sink or equivalent flushing rim fixture, work counter, hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls, waste receptacle, and linen receptacle.


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