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RULE §133.41Hospital Functions and Services

        (III) in the reasonable medical judgment of the patient's attending physician, the DNR order is medically appropriate.

      (iii) A DNR order takes effect at the time the order is issued, as provided by Health and Safety Code §166.203(b).

      (iv) Before placing in a patient's medical record a DNR order described by Health and Safety Code §166.203(a)(2), the physician, physician assistant, nurse, or other person acting on behalf of the hospital shall:

        (I) notify the patient of the order's issuance; or

        (II) if the patient is incompetent, make a reasonably diligent effort to contact or cause to be contacted and notify of the order's issuance the patient's known agent under a medical power of attorney or legal guardian or, for a patient who does not have a known agent under a medical power of attorney or legal guardian, a person described by Health and Safety Code §166.039(b)(1), (2), or (3).

      (v) A physician providing direct care to a patient for whom a DNR order is issued shall revoke the patient's DNR order if the patient, or the patient's agent under a medical power of attorney or the patient's legal guardian if the patient is incompetent:

        (I) effectively revokes an advance directive, in accordance with Health and Safety Code §166.042, for which a DNR order is issued under Health and Safety Code §166.203(a); or

        (II) expresses to any person providing direct care to the patient a revocation of consent to or intent to revoke a DNR order issued under Health and Safety Code §166.203(a).

      (vi) A person providing direct care to a patient under the supervision of a physician shall notify the physician of a request to revoke a DNR order under Health and Safety Code §166.205(a).

      (vii) A patient's attending physician may at any time revoke a DNR order executed under Health and Safety Code §166.203(a)(2).

      (viii) On admission to the hospital, the hospital shall provide to the patient or person authorized to make treatment decisions regarding the patient's DNR status notice of the policies and procedures adopted under this subparagraph.

  (7) Services. The governing body shall be responsible for all services furnished in the hospital, whether furnished directly or under contract. The governing body shall ensure that services are provided in a safe and effective manner that permits the hospital to comply with applicable rules and standards. At hospitals that have a mental health service unit, the governing body shall adopt, implement, and enforce procedures for the completion of criminal background checks on all prospective employees that would be considered for assignment to that unit, except for persons currently licensed by this state as health professionals.

  (8) Nurse Staffing. The governing body shall adopt, implement and enforce a written nurse staffing policy to ensure that an adequate number and skill mix of nurses are available to meet the level of patient care needed. The governing body policy shall require that hospital administration adopt, implement and enforce a nurse staffing plan and policies that:

    (A) require significant consideration be given to the nurse staffing plan recommended by the hospital's nurse staffing committee and the committee's evaluation of any existing plan;

    (B) are based on the needs of each patient care unit and shift and on evidence relating to patient care needs;

    (C) ensure that all nursing assignments consider client safety, and are commensurate with the nurse's educational preparation, experience, knowledge, and physical and emotional ability;

    (D) require use of the official nurse services staffing plan as a component in setting the nurse staffing budget;

    (E) encourage nurses to provide input to the nurse staffing committee relating to nurse staffing concerns;

    (F) protect from retaliation nurses who provide input to the nurse staffing committee; and

    (G) comply with subsection (o) of this section.

  (9) Photo identification badge. The governing body shall adopt a policy requiring employees, physicians, contracted employees, and individuals in training who provide direct patient care at the hospital to wear a photo identification badge during all patient encounters, unless precluded by adopted isolation or sterilization protocols. The badge must be of sufficient size and worn in a manner to be visible and must clearly state:

    (A) at minimum the individual's first or last name;

    (B) the department of the hospital with which the individual is associated;

    (C) the type of license held by the individual, if applicable under Title 3, Occupations Code; and

    (D) the provider's status as a student, intern, trainee, or resident, if applicable.

(g) Infection control. The hospital shall provide a sanitary environment to avoid sources and transmission of infections and communicable diseases. There shall be an active program for the prevention, control, and surveillance of infections and communicable diseases.

  (1) Organization and policies. A person shall be designated as infection control professional. The hospital shall ensure that policies governing prevention, control and surveillance of infections and communicable diseases are developed, implemented and enforced.

    (A) There shall be a system for identifying, reporting, investigating, and controlling health care associated infections and communicable diseases between patients and personnel.

    (B) The infection control professional shall maintain a log of all reportable diseases and health care associated infections designated as epidemiologically significant according to the hospital's infection control policies.

    (C) A written policy shall be adopted, implemented and enforced for reporting all reportable diseases to the local health authority and the Infectious Disease Surveillance and Epidemiology Branch, Department of State Health Services, Mail Code 2822, P.O. Box 149347, Austin, Texas 78714-9347, in accordance with Chapter 97 of this title (relating to Communicable Diseases), and Health and Safety Code, §§98.103, 98.104, and 98.1045 (relating to Reportable Infections, Alternative for Reportable Surgical Site Infections, and Reporting of Preventable Adverse Events).

    (D) The infection control program shall include active participation by the pharmacist.

  (2) Responsibilities of the chief executive officer (CEO), medical staff, and chief nursing officer (CNO). The CEO, the medical staff, and the CNO shall be responsible for the following.

    (A) The hospital-wide quality assessment and performance improvement program and training programs shall address problems identified by the infection control professional.

    (B) Successful corrective action plans in affected problem areas shall be implemented.

  (3) Universal precautions. The hospital shall adopt, implement, and enforce a written policy to monitor compliance of the hospital and its personnel and medical staff with universal precautions in accordance with HSC Chapter 85, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome and Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection.

(h) Laboratory services. The hospital shall maintain directly, or have available adequate laboratory services to meet the needs of its patients.

  (1) Hospital laboratory services. A hospital that provides laboratory services shall comply with the Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA 1988), in accordance with the requirements specified in 42 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), §§493.1 - 493.1780. CLIA 1988 applies to all hospitals with laboratories that examine human specimens for the diagnosis, prevention, or treatment of any disease or impairment of, or the assessment of the health of, human beings.

  (2) Contracted laboratory services. The hospital shall ensure that all laboratory services provided to its patients through a contractual agreement are performed in a facility certified in the appropriate specialties and subspecialties of service in accordance with the requirements specified in 42 CFR Part 493 to comply with CLIA 1988.

  (3) Adequacy of laboratory services. The hospital shall ensure the following.

    (A) Emergency laboratory services shall be available 24 hours a day.

    (B) A written description of services provided shall be available to the medical staff.

    (C) The laboratory shall make provision for proper receipt and reporting of tissue specimens.

    (D) The medical staff and a pathologist shall determine which tissue specimens require a macroscopic (gross) examination and which require both macroscopic and microscopic examination.


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