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RULE §133.41Hospital Functions and Services

        (II) if the patient is incompetent, make a reasonably diligent effort to contact or cause to be contacted and inform of the order's issuance the patient's known agent under a medical power of attorney or legal guardian or, for a patient who does not have a known agent under a medical power of attorney or legal guardian, a person described by Health and Safety Code §166.039(b)(1), (2), or (3).

      (v) A physician providing direct care to a patient for whom a DNR order is issued shall revoke the patient's DNR order if the patient or the patient's agent under a medical power of attorney or the patient's legal guardian if the patient is incompetent:

        (I) effectively revokes an advance directive, in accordance with Health and Safety Code §166.042, for which a DNR order is issued under Health and Safety Code §166.203(a); or

        (II) expresses to any person providing direct care to the patient a revocation of consent to or intent to revoke a DNR order issued under Health and Safety Code §166.203(a).

      (vi) A person providing direct care to a patient under the supervision of a physician shall notify the physician of the request to revoke a DNR order under Health and Safety Code §166.205(a).

      (vii) A patient's attending physician may at any time revoke a DNR order executed under Health and Safety Code §166.203(a)(2).

(l) Mental health services.

  (1) Mental health services unit. A hospital may not admit patients to a mental health services unit unless the unit is approved by the department as meeting the requirements of §133.163(q) of this title.

  (2) Admission criteria. A hospital providing mental health services shall have written admission criteria that are applied uniformly to all patients who are admitted to the service.

    (A) The hospital's admission criteria shall include procedures to prevent the admission of minors for a condition which is not generally recognized as responsive to treatment in an inpatient setting for mental health services.

      (i) The following conditions are not generally recognized as responsive to treatment in a hospital unless the minor to be admitted is qualified because of other disabilities, such as:

        (I) cognitive disabilities due to intellectual disability; or

        (II) learning disabilities.

      (ii) A minor may be qualified for admission based on other disabilities which would be responsive to mental health services.

    (B) The medical record shall contain evidence that admission consent was given by the patient, the patient's legal guardian, or the managing conservator, if applicable.

    (C) The hospital shall have a preadmission examination procedure under which each patient's condition and medical history are reviewed by a member of the medical staff to determine whether the patient is likely to benefit significantly from an intensive inpatient program or assessment.

    (D) A voluntarily admitted patient shall sign an admission consent form prior to admission to a mental health unit which includes verification that the patient has been informed of the services to be provided and the estimated charges.

  (3) Compliance. A hospital providing mental health services shall comply with the following rules administered by the department. The rules are:

    (A) Chapter 411, Subchapter J of this title (relating to Standards of Care and Treatment in Psychiatric Hospitals);

    (B) Chapter 404, Subchapter E of this title (relating to Rights of Persons Receiving Mental Health Services);

    (C) Chapter 405, Subchapter E of this title (relating to Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT));

    (D) Chapter 414, Subchapter I of this title (relating to Consent to Treatment with Psychoactive Medication--Mental Health Services); and

    (E) Chapter 415, Subchapter F of this title (relating to Interventions in Mental Health Programs).

(m) Mobile, transportable, and relocatable units. The hospital shall adopt, implement and enforce procedures which address the potential emergency needs for those inpatients who are taken to mobile units on the hospital's premises for diagnostic procedures or treatment.

(n) Nuclear medicine services. If the hospital provides nuclear medicine services, these services shall meet the needs of the patients in accordance with acceptable standards of practice and be licensed in accordance with §289.256 of this title (relating to Medical and Veterinary Use of Radioactive Material).

  (1) Policies and procedures. Policies and procedures shall be adopted, implemented, and enforced which will describe the services nuclear medicine provides in the hospital and how employee and patient safety will be maintained.

  (2) Organization and staffing. The organization of the nuclear medicine services shall be appropriate to the scope and complexity of the services offered.

    (A) There shall be a medical director or clinical director who is a physician qualified in nuclear medicine.

    (B) The qualifications, training, functions, and responsibilities of nuclear medicine personnel shall be specified by the medical director or clinical director and approved by the medical staff.

  (3) Delivery of services. Radioactive materials shall be prepared, labeled, used, transported, stored, and disposed of in accordance with acceptable standards of practice and in accordance with §289.256 of this title.

    (A) In-house preparation of radiopharmaceuticals shall be by, or under, the direct supervision of an appropriately trained licensed pharmacist or physician.

    (B) There shall be proper storage and disposal of radioactive materials.

    (C) If clinical laboratory tests are performed by the nuclear medicine services staff, the nuclear medicine staff shall comply with CLIA 1988 in accordance with the requirements specified in 42 CFR Part 493.

    (D) Nuclear medicine workers shall be provided personnel monitoring dosimeters to measure their radiation exposure. Exposure reports and documentation shall be available for review.

  (4) Equipment and supplies. Equipment and supplies shall be appropriate for the types of nuclear medicine services offered and shall be maintained for safe and efficient performance. The equipment shall be inspected, tested, and calibrated at least annually by qualified personnel.

  (5) Records. The hospital shall maintain signed and dated reports of nuclear medicine interpretations, consultations, and procedures.

    (A) The physician approved by the medical staff to interpret diagnostic procedures shall sign and date the interpretations of these tests.

    (B) The hospital shall maintain records of the receipt and disposition of radiopharmaceuticals until disposal is authorized by the department's Radiation Safety Licensing Branch in accordance with §289.256 of this title.

    (C) Nuclear medicine services shall be ordered only by an individual whose scope of state licensure and whose defined staff privileges allow such referrals.

(o) Nursing services. The hospital shall have an organized nursing service that provides 24-hour nursing services as needed.

  (1) Organization. The hospital shall have a well-organized service with a plan of administrative authority and delineation of responsibilities for patient care.

    (A) Nursing services shall be under the administrative authority of a chief nursing officer (CNO) who shall be an RN and comply with one of the following:

      (i) possess a master's degree in nursing;

      (ii) possess a master's degree in health care administration or business administration;

      (iii) possess a master's degree in a health-related field obtained through a curriculum that included courses in administration and management; or

      (iv) be progressing under a written plan to obtain the nursing administration qualifications associated with a master's degree in nursing. The plan shall:

        (I) describe efforts to obtain the knowledge associated with graduate education and to increase administrative and management skills and experience;

        (II) include courses related to leadership, administration, management, performance improvement and theoretical approaches to delivering nursing care; and

        (III) provide a time-line for accomplishing skills.

    (B) The CNO in hospitals with 100 or fewer licensed beds and located in counties with a population of less than 50,000, or in hospitals that have been certified by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services as critical access hospitals in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 42, Volume 3, Part 485, Subpart F, §485.606(b), shall be exempted from the requirements in subparagraph (A)(i) - (iv) of this paragraph.


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