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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

subparagraph are illustrated in Table 8, Diagram F of §133.169(h) of this title.

    (B) Service areas. The following minimum service areas and facilities shall be provided convenient to the hyperbaric chamber suite.

      (i) Patient waiting area. The area shall be out of traffic, under staff control, and shall have seating capacity in accordance with the functional program. Outpatients and inpatients shall be provided with separate waiting areas with screening for visual privacy between the waiting areas. Patient waiting areas may be omitted for two or less individual hyperbaric chamber units.

      (ii) Control desk and reception area. A control desk and reception area shall be provided.

      (iii) Holding area. A holding area under staff control shall accommodate inpatients on stretchers or beds. Stretcher patients shall be out of the direct line of normal traffic. The patient holding area may be omitted for two or less individual hyperbaric chamber units.

      (iv) Patient toilet rooms. Toilet rooms shall be provided with hand washing fixtures with hands-free operable controls and with direct access from the hyperbaric suite.

      (v) Patient dressing room(s). A dressing room(s) for outpatients shall be provided and shall include a seat or bench, mirror, and provisions for hanging patients' clothing and for securing valuables. At least one dressing room shall be provided to accommodate wheelchair patients.

      (vi) Staff facilities. Toilets with hand washing fixtures with hands-free operable controls may be outside the suite but shall be convenient for staff use. These facilities may be shared with an adjacent suite.

      (vii) Consultation room. An appropriate consultation room for individual consultation with referring clinicians shall be provided for outpatients. This room may be shared with an adjacent suite.

      (viii) Storage space. A clean storage space shall be provided for clean supplies and linens. The space shall contain a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls. The storage room may be shared with another department if convenient to both.

      (ix) Soiled holding room. A soiled holding room shall be provided with waste receptacles and soiled linen receptacles. This room may be shared with an adjacent suite.

      (x) Hand washing. A lavatory equipped for hand washing with hands-free operable controls shall be located in the room where the hyperbaric chambers are located.

      (xi) Housekeeping room. The housekeeping room shall contain a floor receptor or service sink, storage space for housekeeping supplies and equipment, and be located nearby.

  (2) Details and finishes. Details and finishes shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(2) of this title.

  (3) Mechanical requirements. Mechanical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(3) of this title.

  (4) Piping systems and plumbing fixtures. Piping systems and plumbing fixtures shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(4) of this title.

  (5) Electrical requirements. Electrical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) Grounding of hyperbaric chambers shall be connected only to the equipment ground in accordance with NFPA 99, §3-, and National Fire Protection Association 70, National Electrical Code, 1999 edition, (NFPA 70), Article 250 (A) - (C), and Article 517.

    (B) Additional grounds such as earth or driven grounds shall not be permitted.

    (C) The nurse call shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5)(L) and Table 7 of §133.169(g) of this title.

(l) Imaging suite.

  (1) Architectural requirements.

    (A) General. Each hospital shall have a diagnostic radiographic (X-ray) room convenient to emergency, surgery, cystoscopy, and outpatient suites.

      (i) All diagnostic imaging room sizes shall be in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific equipment. Clearance and unobstructed space shall not be less than three feet around the diagnostic equipment.

      (ii) When radiation protection is required for any diagnostic imaging room, a medical physicist licensed under the Texas Medical Physics Practice Act, Occupations Code, Chapter 602, shall specify the type, location, and amount of radiation protection to be installed for the layout and equipment selections.

      (iii) Each room where radiation protection is required shall include a shielded control alcove. The control alcove shall be provided with a view window designed to permit full view of the examination table and the patient at all times.

      (iv) Warning signs capable of indicating that the equipment is in use shall be provided.

      (v) Diagnostic and procedure room intended for patients with airborne infectious diseases shall meet the ventilation requirements as contained in Table 3 of §133.169(c) of this title.

    (B) Diagnostic X-ray and radiographic and fluoroscopy (R&F) rooms. X-ray and R&F rooms shall be in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations for the specific equipment. Clearance and unobstructed space shall not be less than three feet around the diagnostic equipment.

      (i) A control alcove shall be provided with a view window designed to provide full view of the patient at all times.

      (ii) A toilet room shall be provided including a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls and have direct access to each R&F room and a corridor.

    (C) Noninvasive angiography imaging room. When noninvasive angiography imaging is provided, the room shall have minimum clear floor area of 250 square feet exclusive of built-in shelves or cabinets. Clearance and unobstructed space shall not be less than three feet around the diagnostic equipment.

      (i) A control alcove shall be provided with a view window designed to provide full view of the patient at all times.

      (ii) A viewing room or area shall be provided and shall be a minimum of 10 feet in length. The viewing room or area may be provided in combination with the control room.

      (iii) A scrub sink shall be near the entrance to each angiographic room and shall be recessed out of the main traffic areas or corridor. Scrub facilities shall be arranged to minimize any incidental splatter on nearby personnel or supply carts.

      (iv) Storage space for portable equipment and supplies shall be provided.

    (D) Computerized tomography (CT) scanning. When CT services are provided, the CT room(s) size shall be in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations and shall contain the following.

      (i) A control room shall be provided with a view window permitting view of the patient. The control room shall be located to allow convenient film processing.

      (ii) A patient toilet shall be provided conveniently to the procedure room. When directly accessible to the scan room, the toilet shall be arranged so that a patient may leave the toilet room without having to reenter the scan room. The toilet room shall have a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls.

    (E) Mammography. When mammography services are provided, the room(s) shall have a minimum clear floor area of 100 square feet exclusive of built-in shelves or cabinets.

      (i) A control alcove shall be provided with a view window designed to provide full view of the patient at all times.

      (ii) When mammography machines with built-in shielding for the operator are provided, the alcove may be omitted when approved by a medical physicist licensed under the Texas Medical Physics Practice Act, Occupations Code, Chapter 602.

    (F) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). When MRI services are provided, the room shall be of sufficient size to house equipment but no less than 325 square feet of clear floor area exclusive of built-in shelves or cabinets.

      (i) A control alcove shall be provided with a view window designed to provide full view of the patient at all times.

      (ii) A separate computer room shall be provided to accommodate the equipment.

      (iii) When cryogen is provided, a storage room or closet shall have a minimum clear floor area of 50 square feet for two large dewars of cryogen. A storage room or closet shall be required in areas where service to replenish supplies is not readily available.

      (iv) When a darkroom is provided, the room shall be located near the required control room and shall be outside the 10-gauss field.

      (v) When spectroscopy is provided, caution should be exercised in locating it in relation to the magnetic fringe fields.

      (vi) Magnetic shielding may be required to restrict the magnetic field plot. Radio frequency shielding is required to attenuate stray radio frequencies.


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