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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

      (vii) A patient holding area shall be provided and shall be located near the MRI unit and be large enough to accommodate stretchers.

      (viii) A hand washing fixture with hands-free controls shall be provided near the entrance to the MRI room and shall be recessed out of the main traffic areas or corridor.

      (ix) A 3T or larger magnetic strength MRI shall be secured behind locked doors. The patient and staff entrance to the MRI shall have a traffic pattern from the waiting, dressing, holding and work areas through a lockable control station before entering the MRI. At no time shall patients or nonpatients be allowed to enter this restricted area without MRI staff present when the magnet is active.

    (G) Ultrasound room. When ultrasound services are provided, the room(s) size shall be in compliance with the manufacturer's recommendations. A patient toilet room shall be provided convenient to the procedure room and a corridor. The toilet room shall have a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls.

    (H) Cardiac catheterization laboratory. The cardiac catheterization laboratory is normally a separate suite, but may be within the imaging suite. If provided, a cardiac catheterization laboratory shall comply with the requirements of subsection (dd)(1)(C) of this section.

    (I) Service areas. The following common service areas shall be provided.

      (i) Patient waiting area. The area shall be out of traffic and under direct staff visual control. When the waiting area serves both outpatient and inpatients, separate areas shall be provided and include visual privacy between the waiting areas.

      (ii) Control desk and reception area. A control desk and reception area shall be provided.

      (iii) Holding area. The holding area shall be out of direct traffic patterns and under visual control by staff. A minimum of one stretcher station shall be provided for each three diagnostic and procedure rooms or fraction thereof. The minimum clear floor space in the holding area shall be 80 square feet exclusive of aisles and fixed and moveable cabinets and shelves. The area shall contain cabinets, a work counter, and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls. The holding area may be reduced to 50 square feet exclusive of aisles and fixed and moveable cabinets and shelves for mammography, bone density and other similar procedures.

      (iv) Post-procedure observation room. When invasive diagnostic X-ray services for outpatients are provided with anesthesia, a room for extended post-procedure observation of patients shall be provided. The minimum clear floor space for the observation space shall be 100 square feet exclusive of aisles and fixed and moveable cabinets and shelves. The room shall contain cabinets, a work counter, and a hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls.

      (v) Patient toilet rooms. Toilet room(s) with hand washing facilities shall be located convenient to the waiting area.

      (vi) Patient dressing rooms or cubicles. Dressing rooms or cubicles shall be convenient to the waiting areas and X-ray rooms. Each room shall include a seat or bench, mirror, and provisions for hanging patients' clothing and for securing valuables. At least one dressing room shall be provided to accommodate wheelchair patients.

      (vii) Hand washing facilities. A hand washing fixture with hands-free controls shall be provided in or near the entrance to each diagnostic and procedure room unless noted otherwise. When a hand washing fixture is provided in the room, the fixture shall be located near the entrance to the room or near the staff entrance. When a hand washing fixture is located outside the room, the fixture shall be recessed in the egress corridor and located within five feet of the entrance to the room. Hand washing facilities shall be arranged to minimize any incidental splatter on nearby personnel or equipment.

      (viii) Staff facilities. Toilets may be outside the suite and may be shared with other departments but shall be convenient for staff use. When four or more diagnostic or procedure imaging rooms are provided, a staff toilet is required with a hand washing fixture with hands-free controls.

      (ix) X-ray film illuminator viewers. When all the diagnostic and imaging procedures are provided with digital imaging, two mounted X-ray film illuminator viewers shall be provided in the central viewing area/room.

      (x) Contrast media preparation. This room shall include a work counter, a sink with hands-free operable controls, and storage. One preparation room may serve any number of rooms. When prepared media is used, this area may be omitted, but storage shall be provided for the media.

      (xi) Film processing room. A darkroom shall be provided for processing film unless the processing equipment normally used does not require a darkroom for loading and transfer. When daylight processing is used, the darkroom may be minimal for emergency and special uses. Film processing shall be located convenient to the procedure rooms and to the quality control area.

      (xii) Quality control area or room. An area or room for film viewing shall be located near the film processor. All view boxes shall be illuminated to provide light of the same color value and intensity.

      (xiii) Film storage (active). When X-ray film is used, it shall be stored in a room with a cabinet or shelves for filing patient film for immediate retrieval.

      (xiv) Film storage (inactive). When X-ray film is used, a room for inactive film storage shall be provided. It may be outside the imaging suite, but must be under the administrative control of imaging suite personnel and be properly secured to protect films against loss or damage.

      (xv) Storage for unexposed film. When X-ray film is used, storage facilities for unexposed film shall include protection of film against exposure or damage.

      (xvi) Storage of cellulose nitre film. When used, cellulose nitrate film shall be stored in accordance with the requirements of National Fire Protection Association 40, Standard for the Storage and Handling of Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Film, 1994 edition.

      (xvii) Additional spaces. When four or more diagnostic or procedure rooms are provided in the hospital, the following shall be required:

        (I) office(s) for radiologist(s) and assistant(s);

        (II) clerical office spaces, as necessary for the functional program;

        (III) consultation area/room;

        (IV) medication station. Storage and preparation of medication shall be done from a room, alcove area, or from a self-contained dispensing unit but must be under visual control of nursing staff. A work counter, hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls, refrigerator, and double-locked storage for controlled substances shall be provided. Standard cup-sinks are not acceptable for hand washing;

        (V) clean storage room. Clean storage room shall be provided for clean supplies and linens. A hand washing fixture shall be provided with hands-free operable controls. When conveniently located, the clean storage room may be shared with another department; and

        (VI) soiled workroom. The soiled workroom shall not have direct connection to the diagnostic and procedure rooms. The room shall contain a clinical sink or equivalent flushing type fixture, work counter, hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls, waste receptacle, and soiled linen receptacle. When contaminated soiled material or fluid waste is not handled, only a soiled holding room shall be required.

      (xviii) Housekeeping room. The room may serve multiple departments when conveniently located.

  (2) Details and finishes. Details and finishes shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(2) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) Details.

      (i) Radiation protection shall be designed, tested and approved by a medical physicist licensed under the Texas Medical Physics Practice Act, Occupations Code, Chapter 602.

        (I) Room shielding calculations for linear accelerators, teletherapy units and remote control brachytherapy units must be submitted to the Department of State Health Services' Radiation Control (RC) for approval prior to use. Shielding in diagnostic radiographic rooms will be reviewed by RC inspectors, in the field, subsequent to use. Any changes in design or shielding which affects radiation exposure levels adjacent to those rooms, requires prior approval by RC. The RC mailing address is: Radiation Control, Department of State Health Services, 1100 West 49th Street, Austin, Texas 78756.

        (II) Facility design and environmental controls associated with licensable quantities of radioactive material in laboratories and/or imaging rooms shall be approved by RC prior to licensed authorizations.

      (ii) Where protected alcoves with view windows are required, provide a minimum of one foot six inches from the edge where the glazing and the frame connect and the outside partition edge.


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