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RULE §133.163Spatial Requirements for New Construction

      (ix) A housekeeping room shall be provided and contain a service sink, and storage for housekeeping supplies and equipment. A shared nursing unit housekeeping room that is adjacent to the intermediate care suite is acceptable.

  (2) Details and finishes. Details and finishes shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(2) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) Details.

      (i) At least one door to an intermediate care multi-bed open ward patient room shall be not less than four feet wide and arranged to minimize interference with movement of beds and large equipment.

      (ii) Sliding doors in intermediate care rooms shall not have floor tracks and shall have hardware that minimizes jamming possibilities and break-away feature from any position and be in accordance with §133.162(d)(2)(A)(vi) of this title.

    (B) Finishes.

      (i) Flooring used in soiled workrooms shall be of the seamless type as required by §133.162(d)(2)(B)(iii)(III) of this title.

      (ii) Ceilings in the soiled workroom shall be monolithic type as required by §133.162(d)(2)(B)(vi)(III) of this title.

  (3) Mechanical Requirements. Mechanical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(3) of this title and this paragraph. Room recirculating units shall not be used.

  (4) Piping systems and plumbing fixtures. Piping systems and plumbing fixtures shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(4) of this title.

  (5) Electrical requirements. Electrical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) General.

      (i) Receptacles at each bed location shall be served by two branch circuits, one or more from the critical branch panel of the emergency electrical system and one or more from the normal system. One critical branch circuit shall serve only one bed location. All branch circuits from the normal system shall be from a single panelboard. All branch circuits from the emergency electrical system shall be from a single panelboard.

      (ii) A minimum of three hospital grade duplex outlets shall be conveniently located at the head of each bed. At least two of these duplex outlets shall be on the critical branch of the emergency electrical system.

      (iii) One duplex receptacle connected to a normal branch circuit and one duplex outlet connected to the critical branch circuit shall be located on opposite sides of the head of each bed. In addition at least one duplex outlet shall be located on each wall. A dedicated outlet shall be provided at the television location.

    (B) Illumination requirements.

      (i) Each single patient room and multi-patient wards shall be provided with general lighting and night lighting. General lighting and night lighting shall be controlled at the room entrance. All controls for lighting in patient areas shall be of the quiet operating type. Control of night lighting circuits may be achieved by automatic means and in such instances control of night lighting at the room entrance shall not be required. At least one general light fixture and night lighting shall be powered from the critical branch of the essential electrical system.

      (ii) A reading light shall be provided over each patient bed. Reading light control shall be readily accessible from each patient bed. Flexible light arms, if used, shall be mechanically controlled to prevent the bulb from coming in contact with bed linen. High heat-producing light sources such as incandescent and halogen shall be avoided to prevent burns to patients and/or bed linen. Light sources shall be covered with a diffuser or a lens.

      (iii) A wall or ceiling-mounted lighting fixture shall be provided above each lavatory.

      (iv) A ceiling-mounted fixture shall be provided in patient bathrooms where the lighting fixture above the lavatory does not provide adequate illumination of the entire bathroom. Some form of fixed illumination shall be powered from the critical branch.

    (C) Nurses calling systems. The nurse call shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(5)(L) and Table 7 of §133.169(g) of this title.

(n) Laboratory suite.

  (1) Architectural requirements.

    (A) General.

      (i) Laboratory facilities and services shall be provided by the hospital such as hematology, clinical chemistry, urinalysis, cytology, anatomic pathology, immunohematology, microbiology, bacteriology and others.

      (ii) Each laboratory unit shall meet the requirements of Chapter 11 of NFPA 99 (relating to Laboratories), and Chapter 18 of NFPA 101 (relating to New Health Care Occupancies).

    (B) Minimum laboratory facilities. When laboratory services are provided off site by contract, the following minimum facilities shall be provided within the hospital.

      (i) Laboratory work room. The laboratory workroom shall include a counter and a sink with hands-free operable controls.

      (ii) General storage. Cabinets or closets shall be provided for supplies and equipment used in obtaining samples for testing. A refrigerator or other similar equipment shall be provided for specimen storage waiting for transfer to off-site testing.

      (iii) Blood storage facilities. Refrigerated blood storage facilities for transfusions shall be provided. The blood storage refrigerator shall be equipped with temperature monitoring and alarm signals.

      (iv) Specimen collection facilities. A blood collection area shall be provided with a counter, space for seating, and hand washing fixture with hands-free operable controls. A toilet and lavatory with hands-free operable controls shall be provided for specimen collection. This facility may be outside the laboratory suite if conveniently located.

    (C) On-site laboratory facilities. When the hospital provides on-site laboratory services, the following facilities shall be provided in addition to the requirements in subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph.

      (i) Laboratory workroom(s). The laboratory work room shall include counter(s), space appropriately designed for laboratory equipment and sink(s) with hands-free operable controls.

      (ii) General storage. Storage, including refrigeration for reagents, standards, supplies, and stained specimen microscope slides, etc. shall be provided. Separate facilities shall be provided for such incompatible materials as acids and bases, and vented storage shall be provided for volatile solvents.

      (iii) Chemical safety facilities. When chemical safety is a requirement, provisions shall be made for an emergency shower and eye flushing devices.

      (iv) Flammable liquids. When flammable or combustible liquids are used, the liquids shall be stored in approved containers, in accordance with National Fire Protection Association 30, Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code, 2003 edition.

      (v) Radioactive materials. When radioactive materials are employed, storage facilities shall be provided.

    (D) Bone marrow laboratory. A cryopreservation laboratory and a human leukocyte antigen laboratory shall be provided in hospitals providing bone marrow transplantation services.

    (E) Service areas and facilities. The following service areas and facilities shall be provided.

      (i) Hand washing facilities. Each laboratory room or work area shall be provided with a hand washing fixture(s) with hands-free operable controls.

      (ii) Office spaces. The scope of laboratory services shall determine the size and quantity for administrative areas including offices as well as space for clerical work, filing, and record maintenance. At a minimum, an office space shall be provided for the use of the laboratory service director.

      (iii) Staff facilities. Lounge, locker, and toilet facilities shall be conveniently located for male and female laboratory staff. These may be outside the laboratory area and shared with other departments.

      (iv) Housekeeping room. A housekeeping room shall be located within the suite or conveniently located nearby.

  (2) Details and finishes. Details and finishes shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(2) of this title. Floors in laboratories shall comply with the requirements of §133.162(d)(2)(B)(iii) of this title except that carpet flooring shall not be used.

  (3) Mechanical requirements. Mechanical requirements shall be in accordance with §133.162(d)(3) of this title and this paragraph.

    (A) No air from the laboratory areas shall be recirculated to other parts of the facility. Recirculation of air within the laboratory suite is allowed.

    (B) When laboratory hoods are provided, they shall meet the following general requirements.

      (i) The average face velocity of each exhaust hood shall be at least 75 feet per minute.


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