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RULE §155.24Content of Draft Environmental Impact Statement

information gained from inventory studies, a discussion of species-environment interrelationships should be provided such that the impacts of the proposed activity can be predicted and evaluated. The discussion should describe functional aspects of community organization such as area usage, trophic relationships, and food webs, and life histories of important animals and plants as they are relevant to community dynamics. An assessment of community uniqueness and importance to surrounding areas is requisite in this paragraph;

    (G) Sites of special scenic, archeologic, or historic significance;

    (H) Current land use (mapped) and land use history of the general area;

    (I) A concise summary of unique or significant features mentioned above (e.g., endangered species, archeological sites, unusual plant communities).

  (7) the relationship of the proposed activities, structures, or facilities to land use, air quality, water quality, and waste disposal plans, policies, and controls for the impacted area. Include up-to-date maps depicting existing and use plans for the area and letters of assurance or other evidence of planning coordination with the concerned federal, state, and local agencies. Where a conflict or inconsistency exists, describe the extent to which the applicant has reconciled its proposed action with the plan, policy, or control, and the reasons the applicant has decided to proceed notwithstanding the absence of full reconciliation;

  (8) the probable environmental impact of the proposed action. Assess the probable impacts of specific activities, structures, and/or facilities which are proposed, upon the variety of existing environmental elements and factors inventoried in paragraph (6) of this subsection. Both direct (or primary) and indirect (or secondary) consequences for the environment should be included in the assessment. Secondary consequences of the proposed project could include, for example, population growth, economic growth, and demands upon the resource base of the impacted area. If the economic and population growth impacts are expected to be substantial, the applicant should identify where applicable, and discuss the implications of other proposed, approved, or current federal, state, or local plans, policies, or controls for accommodating such growth. Each impact should be documented and qualified to the extent possible. Attach as an appendix a copy of original field/lab data obtained during quantification. Where significant environmental impact is generated, discuss alternatives considered and explain the measures which are proposed to minimize undesirable impact;

  (9) unavoidable adverse environmental impacts. Summarize those effects discussed in paragraph (8) of this subsection which are adverse and unavoidable under the proposed action;

  (10) projected monetary cost/benefit analysis. Any price, cost, or benefit assumptions, especially those regarding fuel and water use, transportation, and recreation should be stated explicitly. All parameters under paragraph (6) of this subsection should be considered from an economic viewpoint and their calculated economic value substantiated. Estimated social and environmental costs are to be included in the analysis. Indicate the extent to which such costs have not been reflected;

  (11) the relationship between local short-term uses of man's environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity. Discuss the extent to which the proposed action involves trade-offs between short-term environmental gains at the expense of long-term losses, or vice versa. Describe the cumulative and long-term effects of the proposed action which significantly reduce or enhance the state of the environment for future generations. Identify effects which narrow the range of beneficial uses for the future or pose long-term risks to health or safety. Explain why the proposed action is believed to be justified now, at the expense of reserving a long-term option for other alternatives;

  (12) alternatives to the proposed action. A rigorous exploration and objective evaluation of the environmental impacts of all reasonable alternative actions, particularly those that might enhance environmental quality or avoid some or all of the adverse environmental effects, is essential. The discussion should cover alternatives which require actions of a significantly different nature which would provide similar benefits with different environmental impacts; alternatives related to different design or details of the proposed project which would present different environmental impacts; alternative measures to provide for compensation of fish and wildlife losses, including the acquisition of land, waters, and interests therein; and the alternatives of taking no action or of postponing action pending further study. Discussion of the alternatives and their impacts should conform generally to the requirements herein for discussion of the proposed activity, structure, or facility. In each case, the analysis and discussion should be sufficiently detailed to reveal the applicant's comparative evaluation of the environmental benefits, costs, and risks of the proposed action and of each reasonable alternative. Where an existing impact statement already contains such an analysis, its treatment of alternatives may be incorporated provided that such treatment is current and relevant to the precise purpose of the proposed action;

  (13) an indication of what other interests and considerations of state policy are thought to offset the adverse environmental effects of the proposed activity, structure, or facility. This subsection should also indicate the extent to which these stated compensating benefits could be realized by following reasonable alternatives that would avoid all or some of the adverse environmental effects;

  (14) a discussion of problems and objections. Briefly discuss any objections, complaints, or problems which have been voiced against the proposed activity, structure, or facility, particularly those raised at public meetings;

  (15) if the proposed activity upon or use of state-owned lands involves dredging, excavating, filling or dredged material disposal, the environmental impact statement must specifically cover the following points, in addition to those covered in paragraphs (1)-(14) of this subsection;

    (A) dredging and excavating (including any activity which consists of the removal or movement of earth from a bay, channel, stream, salt water or brackish lake, or other water body);

      (i) Describe the following:

        (I) the bottom characteristics and benthic communities in the impacted area;

        (II) the method of dredging to be used;

        (III) secondary changes which occur from sedimentation and water quality degradation due to disturbances from dredging;

        (IV) the effects of dredging activity on water quality;

        (V) any extraneous material such as submerged cables, piles, pipelines, pipes, and other trash which must be removed, and the method to be used for the disposal of such;

      (ii) State the quantity of material to be removed.

      (iii) Describe the measures which will be taken to reduce adverse environmental impact (e.g., keeping erosion, turbidity, and siltation at the lowest possible level), and the procedures to be used to minimize impacts, such as silt screens, diapers, etc., and coordinating dredging activities with fishery and wildlife agencies to minimize the impact of unavoidable water quality degradation, noise pollution, etc.

      (iv) Discuss in detail all alternatives to the proposed activity including the alternatives of no action and of choosing a different site.

      (v) Discuss in detail the impacts resulting from choosing a different site.

      (vi) Describe any irreversible and irretrievable commitment of resources, and specifically address the issue of whether the project will result in the commitment of the water body to a single-use purpose (such as navigation) at the expense of long-range environmental values.

      (vii) State whether the project will result in a long-term or a short-term economic gain, and whether the gain is worth the environmental cost.

    (B) filling (including dredged material disposal and any other activity which consists of the disposal of material, including material removed by excavating, by placing such material on dry upland areas, adjacent wetlands, or into deep water areas);

      (i) Describe the following:

        (I) the location and characteristics of the proposed disposal site;

        (II) the present land use of the disposal site;

        (III) the characteristics and origin of the material to be disposed, including nature and quality and quantity of material to be disposed, dewatering properties, compactability and settling rates of material to be disposed;

        (IV) disposal schedule and the relation to migration and feeding habits of fish and wildlife.

      (ii) Discuss the relationship of the applicant's disposal plans to any proposed, approved, or implemented comprehensive plan or policy for filling and dredged material disposal.

      (iii) Discuss the following:

        (I) the method of disposal to be utilized;

        (II) the characteristics of ground water and/or surface water at the site;

        (III) the type of leachates to be produced from the disposed material and plans for protection of water quality at the site;


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