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RULE §194.6Procedural Rules and Minimum Eligibility Requirements for Applicants for a Certificate or Placement on the Board's Non-Certified Technician Registry

    (E) Applicant is delayed due to unanticipated military assignments, medical reasons, or catastrophic events;

  (2) who in any way falsify the application may be required to appear before the board;

  (3) on whom adverse information is received by the board may be required to appear before the board;

  (4) shall be required to comply with the board's rules and regulations which are in effect at the time the completed application form and fee are filed with the board;

  (5) may be required to sit for additional oral or written examinations that, in the opinion of the board, are necessary to determine competency of the applicant;

  (6) must have the application complete in every detail at least 20 days prior to the board meeting in which they are considered for certification. Applicants may qualify for a temporary certificate prior to being considered by the board for certification, contingent upon meeting the minimum requirements for a temporary certificate under this section;

  (7) who previously held a Texas health care provider license, certificate, permit, or registration may be required to complete additional forms as required.

(l) Alternative Procedures for Military Service Members, Military Veterans, and Military Spouses.

  (1) An applicant who is a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse may be eligible for alternative demonstrations of competency for certain requirements related to an application for certification or placement on the board's Non-Certified Technician Registry. Unless specifically allowed in this subsection, an applicant must meet the requirements for certification as a medical radiologic technologist, limited medical radiologic technologist, or placement on the board's Non-Certified Technician Registry as specified in this chapter.

  (2) To be eligible, an applicant must be a military service member, military veteran, or military spouse and meet one of the following requirements:

    (A) hold an active unrestricted certificate, license, or registration as a medical radiologic technologist, limited medical radiologic technologist, or non-certified technician in another state, the District of Columbia, or a territory of the United States that has requirements that are substantially equivalent to the requirements for a Texas certificate or placement on the NCT Registry; or

    (B) within the five years preceding the application date held a certificate to practice radiologic technology in this state.

  (3) The executive director may waive any prerequisite to obtaining a certificate or other authorization for an applicant described in paragraph (1) of this subsection after reviewing the applicant's credentials.

  (4) Applications for certification or other authorization from applicants qualifying under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection shall be expedited by the board's licensure division. Such applicants shall be notified, in writing or by electronic means, as soon as practicable, of the requirements and process for renewal of the certificate.

  (5) Alternative Demonstrations of Competency Allowed. Applicants qualifying under paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection:

    (A) in demonstrating compliance with subsection (i) of this section must only provide sufficient documentation to the board that the applicant has, on a full-time basis, actively practiced, been a student at an approved program, or has been on the active teaching faculty of an approved program, within one of the last three years preceding receipt of an application for certification;

    (B) notwithstanding the one-year expiration in subsection (k)(1) of this section, are allowed an additional six months to complete the application prior to it becoming inactive; and

    (C) notwithstanding the 20-day deadline in subsection (k)(6) of this section, may be considered for certification up to five days prior to the board meeting.

(m) Applicants with Military Experience.

  (1) The board shall, with respect to an applicant who is a military service member or military veteran as defined in §194.2 of this title, credit verified military service, training, or education toward the requirements, other than an examination requirement, for a certificate or other authorization issued by the board.

  (2) This section does not apply to an applicant who:

    (A) has had a license, certificate, or registration to practice radiologic technology suspended or revoked by this state, another state, a Canadian province, or another country;

    (B) holds a license, certificate, or registration to practice radiologic technology issued by another state, Canadian province, or another country that is subject to a restriction, disciplinary order, or probationary order; or

    (C) has an unacceptable criminal history.

(n) Re-Application for Certification or other Authorization Prohibited. A person who has been determined ineligible for a certificate or placement on the NCT Registry by the Licensure Committee may not reapply for a certificate or placement on the NCT Registry prior to the expiration of one year from the date of the board's ratification of the Licensure Committee's determination of ineligibility and denial.

(o) Request for Criminal History Evaluation Letter.

  (1) In accordance with Texas Occupations Code, §53.102, prior to applying for certification or other authorization, an individual may request that board staff review the person's criminal history to determine if the person is potentially ineligible for certification or other authorization based solely on the person's criminal background.

  (2) Requestors must submit their requests in writing along with appropriate fees as provided in §175.1 of this title (relating to Application and Administrative Fees).

  (3) The board may require additional documentation including fingerprint cards before issuing a criminal history evaluation letter.

  (4) The board shall provide criminal history evaluation letters that include the basis for potential ineligibility, if grounds for ineligibility exist to all requestors no later than the 90th day after the board receives all required documentation to allow the board to respond to a request.

  (5) If a requestor does not provide all requested documentation within one year of submitting the original request, the request will be considered as withdrawn.

  (6) All evaluations letters shall be based on existing law at the time of the request. All requestors remain subject to the requirements for licensure at the time of application and may be determined ineligible under existing law at the time of application. If a requestor fails to provide complete and accurate information to the board, the board may invalidate the criminal history evaluation letter.

  (7) An individual shall be permitted to apply for certification or other authorization, regardless of the board's determination in a criminal history evaluation letter.

Source Note: The provisions of this §194.6 adopted to be effective April 3, 2017, 42 TexReg 1763; amended to be effective March 27, 2018, 43 TexReg 1867; amended to be effective April 17, 2019, 44 TexReg 1859; amended to be effective November 10, 2019, 44 TexReg 6883

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