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RULE §219.11General Oversize/Overweight Permit Requirements and Procedures

(a) Purpose and scope. This section contains general requirements relating to oversize/overweight permits, including single-trip permits. Specific requirements for each type of specialty permit are provided for in this chapter.

(b) Motor carrier registration or surety bond. Unless exempted by law, prior to obtaining an oversize/overweight permit, an applicant permitted under the provisions of Transportation Code, Chapter 623, Subchapter D, must be registered as a motor carrier under Chapter 218 of this title (relating to Motor Carriers) or, if not required to obtain a motor carrier registration, file a surety bond with the department as described in subsection (n) of this section.

(c) Permit application.

  (1) An application for a permit shall be made in a form and by the method prescribed by the department, and at a minimum shall include the following, unless stated otherwise in this subchapter:

    (A) name, customer identification number, and address of the applicant;

    (B) name, telephone number, and email address of contact person;

    (C) applicant's USDOT Number if applicant is required by law to have a USDOT Number;

    (D) complete load description, including maximum width, height, length, overhang, and gross weight;

    (E) complete description of vehicle, including truck year, make, license plate number and state of issuance, and vehicle identification number, if required;

    (F) vehicle axle and tire information including number of axles, distance between axles, axle weights, number of tires, and tire size for overweight permit applications; and

    (G) any other information required by law.

  (2) Applications transmitted electronically are considered signed if a digital signature is transmitted with the application and intended by the applicant to authenticate the application.

    (A) The department may only accept a digital signature used to authenticate an application under procedures that comply with any applicable rules adopted by the Department of Information Resources regarding department use or acceptance of a digital signature.

    (B) The department may only accept a digital signature to authenticate an application if the digital signature is:

      (i) unique to the person using it;

      (ii) capable of independent verification;

      (iii) under the sole control of the person using it; and

      (iv) transmitted in a manner that will make it infeasible to change the data in the communication or digital signature without invalidating the digital signature.

(d) Maximum permit weight limits.

  (1) General. An overweight permitted vehicle will not be routed over a load-restricted bridge when exceeding the posted capacity of the bridge, unless a special exception is granted by TxDOT, based on an analysis of the bridge performed by a TxDOT approved licensed professional engineer or by TxDOT. Any analysis by a non-TxDOT licensed professional engineer must have final approval from TxDOT.

    (A) An axle group must have a minimum spacing of four feet, measured from center of axle to center of axle, between each axle in the group to achieve the maximum permit weight for the group.

    (B) The maximum permit weight for an axle group with spacing of five or more feet between each axle will be based on an engineering study of the equipment conducted by TxDOT.

    (C) A permitted vehicle will be allowed to have air suspension, hydraulic suspension, and mechanical suspension axles in a common weight equalizing suspension system for any axle group.

    (D) The department may permit axle weights greater than those specified in this section, for a specific individual permit request, based on an engineering study of the route and hauling equipment performed by a TxDOT approved licensed professional engineer or by TxDOT. Any analysis by a non-TxDOT licensed professional engineer must have final approval from TxDOT.

    (E) A permitted vehicle or combination of vehicles may not exceed the manufacturer's rated tire carrying capacity, unless expressly authorized in the language on the permit based on an analysis performed by a TxDOT approved licensed professional engineer or by TxDOT. Any analysis by a non-TxDOT licensed professional engineer must have final approval from TxDOT.

    (F) If two or more consecutive axle groups have an axle spacing of less than 12 feet, measured from the center of the last axle of the preceding group to the center of the first axle of the following group, the maximum permit weight on the axle groups will be reduced by 2.5% for each foot less than 12 feet.

  (2) Maximum axle weight limits. Maximum permit weight for an axle or axle group is based on 650 pounds per inch of tire width or the following axle or axle group weights, whichever is the lesser amount:

    (A) single axle--25,000 pounds;

    (B) two-axle group--46,000 pounds;

    (C) three-axle group--60,000 pounds;

    (D) four-axle group--70,000 pounds;

    (E) five-axle group--81,400 pounds;

    (F) axle group with six or more axles--determined by TxDOT based on an engineering study of the equipment, which will include the type of steering system used, the type of axle suspension, the spacing distance between each axle, the number of tires per axle, and the tire size on each axle; or

    (G) trunnion axles--30,000 pounds per axle if the trunnion configuration has:

      (i) two axles;

      (ii) eight tires per axle;

      (iii) axles a minimum of 10 feet in width; and

      (iv) at least five feet of spacing between the axles, not to exceed six feet.

  (3) Weight limits for load restricted roads. Maximum permit weight for an axle or axle group, when traveling on a load restricted road, will be based on 650 pounds per inch of tire width or the following axle or axle group weights, whichever is the lesser amount:

    (A) single axle--22,500 pounds;

    (B) two-axle group--41,400 pounds;

    (C) three-axle group--54,000 pounds;

    (D) four-axle group--63,000 pounds;

    (E) five-axle group--73,260 pounds;

    (F) axle group with six or more axles--determined by TxDOT based on an engineering study of the equipment, which will include the type of steering system used, the type of axle suspension, the spacing distance between each axle, the number of tires per axle, and the tire size on each axle;

    (G) trunnion axles--54,000 pounds; and

    (H) if two or more consecutive axle groups have an axle spacing of less than 12 feet, measured from the center of the last axle of the preceding group to the center of the first axle of the following group, the maximum permit weight on the axle groups will be reduced by 2.5% for each foot less than 12 feet.

(e) Permit issuance.

  (1) General. Upon receiving an application in the form prescribed by the department, the department will review the permit application for the appropriate information and will then determine the most practical route based on information provided by TxDOT.

  (2) Routing.

    (A) A permitted vehicle will be routed over the most practical route available taking into consideration:

      (i) the size and weight of the overdimension load in relation to vertical clearances, width restrictions, steep grades, and reduced capacity or load restricted bridges;

      (ii) the geometrics of the roadway in comparison to the overdimension load;

      (iii) sections of highways restricted to specific load sizes and weights due to construction, maintenance, and hazardous conditions;

      (iv) traffic conditions, including traffic volume;

      (v) route designations by municipalities in accordance with Transportation Code, §623.072;

      (vi) load restricted roads; and

      (vii) other considerations for the safe transportation of the load.

    (B) When a permit applicant desires a route other than the most practical, more than one permit will be required for the trip unless an exception is granted by the department.

  (3) Movement to and from point of origin or place of business. A permitted vehicle will be allowed to:

    (A) move empty oversize and overweight hauling equipment to and from the job site; and

    (B) move oversize and overweight hauling equipment with a load from the permitted vehicle's point of origin to pick up a permitted load, and to the permitted vehicle's point of origin or the permittee's place of business after dropping off a permitted load, as long as:


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