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RULE §219.5Application Requirements

(a) An application for a permit under this chapter must be filed with the department and must be:

  (1) made in a form and filed by the method prescribed by the department on its website;

  (2) completed by the applicant or an authorized representative of the applicant; and

  (3) accompanied by the required fee, which shall be payable as provided by §209.23 of this title (relating to Methods of Payment).

(b) An authorized representative of the applicant who files an application with the department on behalf of the applicant may be required to provide written proof of authority to act on behalf of the applicant.

(c) The department will not approve an application for a permit unless the applicant:

  (1) provides all information and documents required by the department; and

  (2) complies with all application requirements under this chapter; Transportation Code, Chapters 621, 622, and 623; and other applicable law.

(d) An applicant must register for an account in the department's designated permitting system prior to using the system to apply for or amend a permit. Once the applicant registers for an account in the department's designated permitting system, the system will generate a customer identification number for the applicant to use when applying for a permit. To register for an account, the applicant must provide the following information via the department's designated permitting system, which is accessible on the department's website:

  (1) the applicant's company name, phone number, email address, permit delivery method, physical address, and mailing address;

  (2) first name, last name, and phone number for an emergency contact for the applicant; and

  (3) the requested login information, including a unique username and password.

(e) If the department authorizes an application for a permit to be submitted by mail and the applicant does not have a customer identification number, the applicant must authorize the department to set up an account for the applicant in the department's designated permitting system for the purposes of obtaining a customer identification number for the applicant based on information the department obtains from the applicant's permit application and information the department obtains from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration's system.

Source Note: The provisions of this §219.5 adopted to be effective July 18, 2024, 49 TexReg 5161

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