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RULE §219.13Time Permits

(a) General information. Applications for time permits issued under Transportation Code, Chapter 622 and Chapter 623, and this section shall be made in accordance with §219.11(b) and (c) of this title (relating to General Oversize/Overweight Permit Requirements and Procedures). Permits issued under this section are governed by the requirements of §219.11(e)(1) of this title.

(b) 30, 60, and 90 day permits. The following conditions apply to time permits issued for overwidth or overlength loads, or overlength vehicles, under this section.

  (1) Validity of Permit. Time permits are valid for a period of 30, 60, or 90 calendar days, based on the request of the applicant, and will begin on the effective date stated on the permit.

  (2) Weight/height limits. The permitted vehicle may not exceed the weight or height limits set forth by Transportation Code, Chapter 621, Subchapters B and C.

  (3) Vehicle indicated on permit. The permit will indicate only the truck or truck-tractor transporting the load; however, any properly registered trailer or semi-trailer is covered by the permit.

  (4) Permit routes. The permit will allow travel on a statewide basis.

  (5) Restrictions.

    (A) The permitted vehicle must not cross a load restricted bridge or load restricted road when exceeding the posted capacity of the road or bridge.

    (B) The permitted vehicle may travel through highway construction or maintenance areas if the dimensions do not exceed the construction restrictions as published by the department.

    (C) The permitted vehicle is subject to the restrictions specified in §219.11(l) of this title, and the permittee is responsible for obtaining from the department information concerning current restrictions.

  (6) Escort requirements. Permitted vehicles are subject to the escort requirements specified in §219.11(k) of this title.

  (7) Transfer of time permits. Time permits issued under this subsection are non-transferable between permittees or vehicles.

  (8) Amendments. With the exception of time permits issued under subsection (e)(4) of this section, time permits issued under this subsection will not be amended except in the case of permit officer error.

(c) Overwidth loads. An overwidth time permit may be issued for the movement of any load or overwidth trailer, subject to subsection (a) of this section and the following conditions:

  (1) Width requirements.

    (A) A time permit will not be issued for a vehicle with a width exceeding 13 feet.

    (B) When multiple items are hauled at the same time, the items may not be loaded in a manner that creates a width greater than the width of the widest item being hauled.

  (2) Weight, height, and length requirements.

    (A) The permitted vehicle shall not exceed legal weight, height, or length according to Transportation Code, Chapter 621, Subchapters B and C.

    (B) When multiple items are hauled at the same time, the items may not be loaded in a manner that creates:

      (i) a height greater than 14 feet;

      (ii) an overlength load; or

      (iii) a gross weight exceeding the legal gross or axle weight of the vehicle hauling the load.

  (3) Movement of overwidth trailers. When the permitted vehicle is an overwidth trailer, it will be allowed to:

    (A) move empty to and from the job site; and

    (B) haul a load from the permitted vehicle's point of origin to pick up a permitted load, and to the permitted vehicle's point of origin or the permittee's place of business after dropping off a permitted load, as long as:

      (i) the load does not exceed legal size and weight limits under Transportation Code, Chapters 621 and 622; and

      (ii) the transport complies with the permit, including the time period stated on the permit.

  (4) Use in conjunction with other permits. An overwidth time permit may be used in conjunction with an overlength time permit.

(d) Overlength loads. An overlength time permit may be issued for the transportation of overlength loads or the movement of an overlength self-propelled vehicle, subject to subsection (a) of this section and the following conditions:

  (1) Length requirements.

    (A) The maximum overall length for the permitted vehicle may not exceed 110 feet.

    (B) The department may issue a permit under Transportation Code, §623.071(a) for an overlength load or an overlength self-propelled vehicle that falls within the definition of a nondivisible load or vehicle.

  (2) Weight, height and width requirements.

    (A) The permitted vehicle may not exceed legal weight, height, or width according to Transportation Code, Chapter 621, Subchapters B and C.

    (B) A permit will not be issued when the load has more than 25 feet front overhang, or more than 30 feet rear overhang.

  (3) Use in conjunction with other permits. An overlength time permit may be used in conjunction with an overwidth time permit.

  (4) Emergency movement. A permitted vehicle transporting utility poles will be allowed emergency nighttime movement for restoring electrical utility service, provided the permitted vehicle is accompanied by a rear escort flag vehicle.

(e) Annual permits.

  (1) General information. All permits issued under this subsection are subject to the following conditions.

    (A) Permits issued under this subsection are not transferable.

    (B) Vehicles permitted under this subsection shall be operated according to the restrictions described in §219.11(l) of this title. The permittee is responsible for obtaining information concerning current restrictions from the department.

    (C) Vehicles permitted under this subsection may not travel over a load restricted bridge or load restricted road when exceeding the posted capacity of the road or bridge.

    (D) Vehicles permitted under this subsection may travel through any highway construction or maintenance area provided the dimensions do not exceed the construction restrictions as published by the department.

    (E) With the exception of permits issued under paragraph (5) of this subsection, vehicles permitted under this subsection shall be operated according to the escort requirements described in §219.11(k) of this title.

  (2) Implements of husbandry. An annual permit may be issued for an implement of husbandry being moved by a dealer in those implements, and for harvesting equipment being moved as part of an agricultural operation. Permits issued under this paragraph are subject to the conditions described in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

    (A) The fee for a permit issued under this paragraph is $270, plus the highway maintenance fee specified in Transportation Code, §623.077.

    (B) The time period will be for one year and will start on the effective date stated on the permit.

    (C) The maximum width may not exceed 16 feet; maximum height may not exceed 16 feet; maximum length may not exceed 110 feet; and maximum weight may not exceed the limits stated in §219.11(d) of this title.

    (D) Unless stated otherwise on the permit, the permitted vehicle must travel in the outside traffic lane on multi-lane highways, when the width of the load exceeds 12 feet.

    (E) The permitted vehicle must be registered in accordance with Transportation Code, Chapter 502, for maximum weight for the vehicle or vehicle combination, as set forth by Transportation Code, Chapter 621.

  (3) Water well drilling machinery. The department may issue annual permits under Transportation Code, §623.071, for water well drilling machinery and equipment that fall within the definition of a nondivisible load or vehicle. Permits issued under this paragraph are subject to the conditions described in paragraph (1) of this subsection.

    (A) The fee for a permit issued under this paragraph is $270, plus the highway maintenance fee specified in Transportation Code, §623.077 for an overweight load.

    (B) A water well drilling machinery permit is valid for one year from the effective date stated on the permit.

    (C) The maximum dimensions may not exceed 16 feet wide, 14 feet 6 inches high, 110 feet long, and maximum weight may not exceed the limits stated in §219.11(d) of this title.

    (D) The permitted vehicle must be registered in accordance with Transportation Code, Chapter 502, for the maximum weight of the vehicle, as set forth by Transportation Code, Chapter 621.

    (E) A permit issued under this section authorizes a permitted vehicle to operate only on the state highway system.

  (4) Envelope vehicle permits.


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