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RULE §219.12Single-Trip Permits Issued Under Transportation Code, Chapter 623, Subchapter D

(a) General. The information in this section applies to single-trip permits issued under Transportation Code, Chapter 623, Subchapter D. The department will issue permits under this section in accordance with the requirements of §219.11 of this title (relating to General Oversize/Overweight Permit Requirements and Procedures).

(b) Overweight loads.

  (1) The maximum weight limits for an overweight permit are specified in §219.11(d).

  (2) The applicant shall pay, in addition to the single-trip permit fee of $60, the applicable highway maintenance fee.

  (3) The applicant must also pay the vehicle supervision fee (VSF) for a permit issued for an overweight vehicle and load exceeding 200,000 pounds gross weight.

    (A) The VSF is $35 if:

      (i) the vehicle and load do not exceed 254,300 pounds gross weight;

      (ii) there is at least 95 feet of overall axle spacing; and

      (iii) the vehicle and load do not exceed maximum permit weight on any axle or axle group, as described in §219.11(d).

    (B) The VSF is $500 if:

      (i) there is less than 95 feet of overall axle spacing;

      (ii) the vehicle and load exceed maximum permit weight on any axle or axle group, as described in §219.11(d); or

      (iii) the vehicle and load exceed 254,300 pounds gross weight. However, for a vehicle and load described in this subparagraph, the VSF is reduced from $500 to $100 if no bridges are crossed, and the VSF is reduced from $500 to $35 for an additional identical load that is to be moved over the same route within 30 days of the movement date of the original permit.

    (C) An applicant must pay the VSF at the time of permit application in order to offset TxDOT's costs for analyses performed in advance of issuing the permit. A request for cancellation must be in writing and received by the department prior to collection of the structural information associated with the permit application. If the application is canceled, the department will return the vehicle supervision fee.

  (4) An applicant applying for a permit to move a load that is required for the fulfillment of a fixed price public works contract that was entered into prior to the effective date of this section, and administered by federal, state, or local governmental entities, will not be required to pay the vehicle supervision fee, provided the applicant presents proof of the contract to the department prior to permit issuance.

  (5) When the department has determined that a permit can be issued for an overdimension load exceeding 200,000 pounds gross weight, all remaining fees are due at the time the permit is issued.

  (6) Unless the permit is issued for a load under subsection (c) of this section, this permit may not be used for a container, including a trailer, loaded with divisible cargo.

  (7) The following provisions apply to an application for a superheavy permit to move an overdimension load that is over 254,300 pounds gross weight, between 200,001 and 254,300 pounds gross weight with less than 95 feet overall axle spacing, or over the maximum permitted weight on any axle or axle group described in §219.11(d) of this title.

    (A) In consultation with TxDOT and the applicant as necessary, the department will determine a tentative route based on the physical size of the overdimension load excluding the weight. After the department provides the tentative route to the applicant, the applicant must investigate the tentative route and acknowledge in writing to the department that the tentative route is capable of accommodating the overdimension load. If the applicant tells the department that the tentative route is not capable of accommodating the overdimension load, the department will consult with TxDOT and the applicant as necessary to attempt to create a tentative route that the applicant can acknowledge is capable of accommodating the overdimension load.

    (B) The applicant must provide the department with the name and email address of the applicant's TxDOT-certified, licensed professional engineering firm, which TxDOT certifies under Chapter 28, Subchapter G of this title (relating to Oversize and Overweight Vehicles and Loads). Once the applicant provides the department with the name and email address of the applicant's TxDOT-certified, licensed professional engineering firm and acknowledges to the department that the tentative route is capable of accommodating the overdimension load, the department will provide the tentative route and the applicant's application information to the applicant's TxDOT-certified, licensed professional engineering firm.

    (C) The applicant must provide information and documents, as requested, to the applicant's TxDOT-certified, licensed professional engineering firm to enable the engineering firm to provide TxDOT with a written report under §28.86 of this title (relating to Bridge Report).

    (D) Before the superheavy permit may be issued, the applicant's TxDOT-certified, licensed professional engineering firm must provide TxDOT with a written report that includes a detailed structural analysis of the bridges on the tentative route, demonstrating that the bridges and culverts on the tentative route are capable of sustaining the load. The department will not issue a superheavy permit unless TxDOT provides the department with approval for the tentative route proposed by the department and acknowledged by the applicant as capable of accommodating the overdimension load.

(c) Drill pipe and drill collars hauled in a pipe box.

  (1) A vehicle or combination of vehicles may be issued a permit under Transportation Code, §623.071, to haul drill pipe and drill collars in a pipe box.

  (2) The maximum width must not exceed 10 feet.

  (3) The axle weight limits must not exceed the maximum weight limits as specified in §219.11(d)(3).

  (4) The height and length must not exceed the legal limits specified in Transportation Code, Chapter 621, Subchapter C.

  (5) The permit will be issued for a single-trip only. For loads over 80,000 pounds, the applicant must pay the single-trip permit fee, in addition to the highway maintenance fee specified in Transportation Code, §623.077.

  (6) The permit is valid only for travel on any farm-to-market and ranch-to-market road, and such road will be specified on the permit; however, the permitted vehicle will not be allowed to cross any load restricted bridge when exceeding the posted capacity of the bridge.

  (7) Movement will be restricted to daytime only.

(d) Houses.

  (1) The issuance of a permit for a house exceeding 20 feet in width will be based on:

    (A) the amount of inconvenience and hazard to the traveling public, based on traffic volume;

    (B) highway geometrics and time of movement; and

    (C) the overall width, measured to the nearest inch, of the house, including the eaves or porches.

  (2) The proposed route must include the beginning and ending points on a state highway.

  (3) A permit may be issued for the movement of an overweight house provided:

    (A) the applicant provides the department with the requested information regarding weights;

    (B) each support beam, parallel to the centerline of the highway, is equipped with an identical number of two-axle groups which may be placed directly in line and across from the other corresponding two-axle group or may be placed in a staggered offset arrangement to provide for proper weight distribution;

    (C) that, when a support beam is equipped with two or more two-axle groups, each two-axle group is connected to a common mechanical or hydraulic system to ensure that each two-axle group shares equally in the weight distribution at all times during the movement; and when the spacing between the two-axle groups, measured from the center of the last axle of the front group to the center of the first axle of the following group, is eight feet or more, the front two-axle group is equipped for self-steering in a manner that will guide or direct the axle group in turning movements without tire scrubbing or pavement scuffing; and

    (D) the department conducts a detailed analysis of each structure on the proposed route and determines the load can be moved without damaging the roads and bridges.

(e) Self-propelled off-road equipment. A permit may be issued for the movement of oversize and overweight self-propelled off-road equipment under the following conditions.

  (1) The weight per inch of tire width must not exceed 650 pounds.

  (2) The rim diameter of each wheel must be a minimum of 25 inches.

  (3) The maximum weight per axle must not exceed 45,000 pounds.

  (4) The minimum spacing between axles, measured from center of axle to center of axle, must not be less than 12 feet.

  (5) The equipment must be moved empty.

  (6) The route will not include any controlled access highway, unless an exception is granted based on a route and traffic study conducted by TxDOT.

Source Note: The provisions of this §219.12 adopted to be effective February 21, 1999, 24 TexReg 1221; amended to be effective July 18, 1999, 24 TexReg 5218; amended to be effective January 9, 2005, 29 TexReg 12246; amended to be effective June 1, 2008, 33 TexReg 3776; transferred effective January 1, 2012, as published in the Texas Register January 27, 2012, 37 TexReg 359; amended to be effective June 28, 2015, 40 TexReg 4003; amended to be effective December 14, 2015, 40 TexReg 8900; amended to be effective July 18, 2024, 49 TexReg 5161

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