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RULE §219.102Records

(a) General records to be maintained. Each person who is subject to this chapter shall maintain the following records if information in such a record is necessary to verify the person's operation:

  (1) operational logs, insurance certificates, and documents to verify the person's operations;

  (2) complete and accurate records of services performed; and

  (3) all certificate of title documents, shipper's certificate of weight, including information used to support the shipper's certificate of weight, weight tickets, permits for oversize or overweight vehicles and loads, dispatch records, load tickets, waybill or any other document that verify the operations of the vehicle to determine the actual weight, insurance coverage, size or capacity of the vehicle, and the size or weight of the commodity being transported.

(b) Evidence of permits.

  (1) Except as stated otherwise in §219.13(e)(4)(B)(ii) of this title (relating to Time Permits), the original permit, a print copy of the permit, or an electronic copy of the permit must be kept in the permitted vehicle until the permit terminates or expires.

  (2) Except as stated otherwise in §219.13(e)(4)(B)(ii), an operator of a vehicle operating under a permit issued under Transportation Code, Subtitle E, shall, on request, provide the original permit, a print copy of the permit, or an electronic copy of the permit to a department inspector or to a peace officer, as defined by Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 2.12.

    (A) If the department provides a permit electronically, the vehicle operator may provide a legible and accurate image of the permit displayed on a wireless communication device.

    (B) The authorization of the use of a wireless communication device to display permit information under this paragraph does not prevent the State Office of Administrative Hearings or a court of competent jurisdiction from requiring a person to provide a paper copy of the person's evidence of permit in a hearing or trial or in connection with discovery proceedings.

(c) Preservation and destruction of records. Records required under this section shall be maintained for not less than two years, except that drivers' time cards and logs shall be maintained for not less than six months.

Source Note: The provisions of this §219.102 adopted to be effective June 1, 2008, 33 TexReg 3776; amended to be effective July 15, 2010, 35 TexReg 6095; transferred effective January 1, 2012, as published in the Texas Register January 27, 2012, 37 TexReg 359; amended to be effective December 14, 2015, 40 TexReg 8900; amended to be effective July 18, 2024, 49 TexReg 5161

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