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RULE §228.35Preparation Program Coursework and/or Training
Repealed Date:09/01/2024

observation, the field supervisor shall participate in an individualized pre-observation conference with the candidate; document educational practices observed; provide written feedback through an individualized, synchronous, and interactive post-observation conference with the candidate; and provide a copy of the written feedback to the candidate's site supervisor. Neither the pre-observation conference nor the post-observation conference need to be onsite. Formal observations conducted through collaboration with school or district personnel can be used to meet the requirements of this subsection. Informal observations and coaching shall be provided by the field supervisor as appropriate. The field supervisor shall collaborate with the candidate and site supervisor throughout the practicum experience.

  (1) An EPP must provide a minimum of one formal observation within the first third of the practicum, one formal observation within the second third of the practicum, and one formal observation within the final third of the practicum.

  (2) The three required formal observations must be at least 135 minutes in duration in total throughout the practicum and must be conducted by the field supervisor.

  (3) If a formal observation is not conducted on the candidate's site in a face-to-face setting, the formal observation may be provided by use of electronic transmission or other video or technology-based method. A formal observation that is not conducted on the candidates' site in a face-to-face setting must include a pre- and post-conference.

(i) Coursework and/or training for candidates seeking Early Childhood: Prekindergarten-Grade 3 certification.

  (1) In support of the educator standards that are the curricular basis of the Early Childhood: Prekindergarten-Grade 3 certificate, an EPP shall integrate the following concepts and themes throughout the coursework and training:

    (A) using planning and teaching practices that support student learning in early childhood, including:

      (i) demonstrating knowledge and skills to support child development (birth-age eight) in the following areas:

        (I) brain development;

        (II) physical development;

        (III) social-emotional learning; and

        (IV) cultural development;

      (ii) demonstrating knowledge and skills of effective, research supported, developmentally appropriate instructional approaches to support young students' learning, including, but not limited to:

        (I) intentional instruction with clear learning goals;

        (II) project-based learning;

        (III) child-directed inquiry;

        (IV) learning through play; and

        (V) integration of knowledge across content areas;

      (iii) demonstrating knowledge and skills in implementing instruction tailored to the variability in learners' needs, including, but not limited to, small group instruction;

      (iv) demonstrating knowledge and skills in early literacy development and pedagogy, including:

        (I) demonstrating effective ways to support language development, particularly oral language development, including, but not limited to, growth in academic vocabulary, comprehension, and inferencing abilities; and

        (II) demonstrating effective ways to support early literacy development, including letter knowledge, phonological awareness, early writing, and decoding;

      (v) demonstrating knowledge and skills in early mathematics and science development and pedagogy;

      (vi) demonstrating knowledge and skills in developing and implementing pedagogical approaches for students who are English learners and/or bilingual; and

      (vii) demonstrating knowledge and skills in developing and implementing pedagogical approaches for students who have or are at risk for developmental delays and disabilities;

    (B) assessing the success of instruction and student learning through developmentally appropriate assessment, including:

      (i) demonstrating knowledge of multiple forms of assessment, the information that each form of assessment can provide about a student's learning and development, and how to conceive, construct, and/or select an assessment aligned to standards that can demonstrate student learning to stakeholders;

      (ii) demonstrating knowledge in how to use assessments to inform instruction to support student growth; and

      (iii) demonstrating knowledge and application of children's developmental continuum in the analysis of assessment results utilizing a variety of assessment types to gain a full understanding of students' current development and assets;

    (C) creating developmentally appropriate learning environments, including:

      (i) demonstrating knowledge and skills in supporting learners' development of self-regulation and executive function (e.g., behavior, attention, goal setting, cooperation);

      (ii) demonstrating knowledge and skills in designing, organizing, and facilitating spaces for learning, particularly small group learning, in both indoor and outdoor contexts; and

      (iii) demonstrating knowledge and skills in developing learning environments that support English learners' development, including structures to support language development and communication;

    (D) working with families, students, and the community through:

      (i) teacher agency and teacher leadership;

      (ii) research-based family engagement practices;

      (iii) understanding the capabilities of students through parent and community input; and

      (iv) the development and modeling of responsive relationships with children; and

    (E) using a diversity and equity framework, such as:

      (i) demonstrating knowledge and skills in creating early learning communities that capitalize on the cultural knowledge and strengths children bring to the classroom;

      (ii) demonstrating knowledge and skills in creating an early learning environment that reflects the communities in which they work; and

      (iii) demonstrating knowledge and skills in how to access the knowledge children and families bring to school.

  (2) An EPP shall provide each candidate who holds a valid standard, provisional, or one-year classroom teacher certificate specified in §230.31 of this title (relating to Types of Certificates) in a certificate category that allows the applicant to teach all subjects in Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, or Grade 3 with a minimum of 150 clock-hours of coursework and/or training that is directly aligned to the educator standards as specified in Chapter 235, Subchapter B, of this title (relating to Elementary School Certificate Standards and that is based on the concepts and themes specified in subsection (i)(1) of this section. A clinical teaching, internship, or practicum assignment is not required for completion of program requirements.

  (3) An EPP shall provide each candidate who holds a valid standard, provisional, or one year classroom teacher certificate specified in §230.31 of this title in a certificate category that does not allow the candidate to teach all subjects in Prekindergarten, Kindergarten, Grade 1, Grade 2, or Grade 3 coursework and/or training as specified in subsections (a) and (b) of this section that is directly aligned to the educator standards as specified in Chapter 235, Subchapter B, of this title and that is based on the concepts and themes specified in subsection (i)(1) of this section, a clinical experience as specified in subsection (e)(2) of this section, a mentor or cooperating teacher as specified in subsection (f) of this section, and ongoing support as specified in subsection (g) of this section.

(j) Coursework and/or training for candidates seeking a Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments (TVI) Supplemental: Early Childhood-Grade 12 certification.

  (1) An EPP must provide a minimum of 300 hours of coursework and/or training related to the educator standards for that certificate adopted by the SBEC.

  (2) An EPP shall provide a clinical experience of at least 350 clock-hours in a supervised educator assignment in a public school accredited by the TEA or other school approved by the TEA for this purpose. A TVI certification candidate must demonstrate proficiency in each of the educator standards for the certificate being sought during the clinical experience. A clinical experience is successful when the field supervisor recommends to the EPP that the TVI certification candidate should be recommended for a TVI supplemental certification.

    (A) An EPP will provide guidance, assistance, and support for the TVI certification candidate by assigning a cooperating teacher and/or providing individual or group consultation. The EPP is responsible for providing training to cooperating teachers and/or consultation providers.


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