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RULE §25.381Capacity Auctions

        (I) The affiliated PGC shall track the amount of each ancillary service for each operating hour and the amount of each ancillary service scheduled by the entitlement holder for each operating hour, both for individual entitlements and for each grouped entitlement.

        (II) For ancillary services other than the balancing energy service, which is determined by an RT, the amount of ancillary service scheduled from each entitlement and for each grouped entitlement for an operating hour is the amount stated in the final timely schedule submitted by the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC for that operating hour for each entitlement or the entitlement group.

      (iii) Deployed ancillary services.

        (I) For balancing energy service, the amount of energy that ERCOT is deemed to have deployed is determined by the integration described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph.

        (II) For all ancillary services other than balancing energy service, the affiliated PGC shall track the deployment of ancillary services from the entitlement group by each grouped ancillary service for each hour in the entitlement month, except for hours in which the affiliated PGC is excused from dispatching ancillary services on a hierarchical basis under clause (i) or (v) of this subparagraph. The total amount of each grouped ancillary service deployed in an hour shall be calculated by the product of:

          (-a-) The ratio of the amount of the grouped ancillary service scheduled by the entitlement holder from its grouped entitlements to the total amount of that specific ancillary service scheduled from resources in the affiliated PGC's QSE;

          (-b-) The amount of energy deployed out of that grouped ancillary service in a particular congestion zone or in ERCOT as a whole, whichever is applicable.

        (III) For all ancillary services other than balancing energy service, the amount of each ancillary service that ERCOT is deemed to have deployed from each entitlement, for hours in which the affiliated PGC is excused from dispatching ancillary services on a hierarchical basis under clause (i) or (v) of this subparagraph, shall be calculated by the product of:

          (-a-) The ratio of the amount of that ancillary service scheduled by the entitlement holder from the entitlement to the total amount of that specific ancillary service scheduled from resources in the affiliated PGC's QSE;

          (-b-) The amount of energy deployed by ERCOT out of that ancillary service in a particular congestion zone or in ERCOT as a whole, whichever is applicable.

      (iv) Hierarchical deployment of grouped ancillary services.

        (I) For determination of the contract price for each entitlement in a grouped entitlement, ERCOT is deemed to have first deployed grouped ancillary services that are deployed by congestion zone pursuant to subclause (III) of this clause with the amount for each entitlement spread proportionally among the entitlement holder's entitlements of that type in that congestion zone.

        (II) After deploying grouped ancillary services by congestion zone pursuant to subclause (I) of this clause, ERCOT is deemed to have deployed the remainder of each grouped ancillary service pursuant to subclause (III) of this clause, with the amount for each type of entitlement spread proportionally among the entitlement holder's entitlements of that type in ERCOT.

        (III) Deployed energy shall be assigned to the entitlement holder's entitlements that scheduled those ancillary services on a hierarchical basis as follows:

          (-a-) For incremental deployments:

            (-1-) First: Baseload entitlements, with the highest priority given to the Baseload entitlements with the lowest energy price;

            (-2-) Second: Gas-intermediate entitlements;

            (-3-) Third: Gas-cyclic entitlements; and

            (-4-) Fourth: Gas-peaking entitlements.

          (-b-) For decremental deployments:

            (-1-) First: Gas-peaking entitlements;

            (-2-) Second: Gas-cyclic entitlements;

            (-3-) Third: Gas-intermediate entitlements; and

            (-4-) Fourth: Baseload entitlements, with the highest priority given to the Baseload entitlements with the highest energy price.

      (v) Exception to dispatching on hierarchical basis. The affiliated PGC is not required to dispatch ancillary services from the entitlement group on a hierarchical basis if the affiliated PGC does not have the information necessary to dispatch ancillary services from the entitlement group in a hierarchical fashion. Necessary information includes, but is not limited to, the signal from ERCOT deploying balancing energy service or the signal from ERCOT deploying other ancillary services.

  (3) Baseload product.

    (A) Baseload scheduling.

      (i) Schedule types. The entitlement holder shall submit a day-ahead schedule for the entitlement. The entitlement holder shall submit a two-day-ahead schedule for the entitlement if notified to do so by ERCOT.

      (ii) Timing of scheduling. All of the times for scheduling referred to in this subparagraph are based on the times in the ERCOT protocols. If the times in the ERCOT protocols are changed, then the times in this subparagraph will be considered to have changed to equitably accommodate the changes in the ERCOT protocols.

        (I) The entitlement holder shall submit day-ahead or two-day-ahead schedules for the entitlement to the affiliated PGC no later than 8:00 a.m. The entitlement holder shall submit hour- ahead schedules for ancillary services from the entitlement to the affiliated PGC no later than one hour before the deadline for the affiliated PGC's QSE to submit hour-ahead schedules to ERCOT.

        (II) On days that ERCOT allows QSEs to change their day-ahead or two-day-ahead schedules to ERCOT by 1:00 p.m. for congestion or capacity insufficiency, the entitlement holder may submit a revised day-ahead or two-day-ahead schedule for energy from the entitlement to the affiliated PGC no later than noon.

        (III) The entitlement holder may submit to the affiliated PGC a revised day-ahead or two-day-ahead schedule for the non- spinning reserve ancillary services from the entitlement no later than 1:45 p.m. The entitlement holder cannot change the amount of energy scheduled in a revised schedule for the non-spinning reserve ancillary services.

        (IV) No hour-ahead schedules are permitted for energy from baseload entitlements. Hour-ahead schedules are permitted for ancillary services from baseload entitlements.

      (iii) Schedule content. Each schedule shall specify, for each settlement interval, the MW of energy scheduled to be delivered to the entitlement holder from the entitlement and the MW of each permitted ancillary service to be scheduled from the entitlement, subject to the scheduling limits in clause (iv) of this subparagraph.

      (iv) Scheduling limits.

        (I) Minimum energy. The entitlement holder may not schedule energy at less than 20 MW from the entitlement at any time during the month.

        (II) Ancillary services. The entitlement holder may use a baseload entitlement to provide responsive reserve service at a level of one MW, and non-spinning reserve service, up to a combined total of three MW. The baseload entitlement may not be used for any other ancillary service. Non- spinning reserve service may be provided from the entitlement in 30 minutes, and responsive reserve service may be provided from the entitlement in ten minutes.

        (III) Maximum changes. Subject to the minimum energy rate specified in subclause (I) of this clause, the rate at which the entitlement holder schedules energy in each hour generally cannot change more than plus or minus two MW. The following additional restrictions apply.

          (-a-) If the entitlement holder schedules or reserves any ancillary services in an hour, then the level of energy scheduled shall be the same in each settlement interval of the hour.

          (-b-) The maximum change in ancillary services scheduled from the first settlement interval in one hour to the first settlement interval of the next hour is plus or minus three MW.

          (-c-) The maximum change in energy scheduled from the first settlement interval in one hour to the first settlement interval in the next hour is plus or minus two MW.

          (-d-) The maximum change in energy scheduled from one settlement interval to the next is plus or minus one MW.

        (IV) Starts. The entitlement holder shall schedule energy from a baseload entitlement for every settlement interval and may not direct any starts of the entitlement.

        (V) Default schedule. If the entitlement holder does not submit a timely day-ahead or two-day ahead schedule, as applicable, then the schedule for the applicable operating day is deemed to be 20 MW of energy and zero MW of ancillary services to be delivered to the entitlement holder's designated default QSE in every settlement interval of the applicable operating day.


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