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RULE §26.5Definitions

  (88) Exchange area--The geographic territory delineated as an exchange area by official commission boundary maps. An exchange area usually embraces a city or town and its environs. There is usually a uniform set of charges for telecommunications service within the exchange area. An exchange area may be served by more than one central office and/or one certificated telephone utility. An exchange area may also be referred to as an exchange.

  (89) Exempt Carrier--A nondominant telecommunications utility that satisfies any of the criteria of PURA §52.154.

  (90) Expenses--Costs incurred in the provision of services that are expensed, rather than capitalized, in accordance with the Uniform System of Accounts applicable to the carrier.

  (91) Experimental service--A new service that is proposed to be offered on a temporary basis for a specified period not to exceed one year from the date the service is first provided to any customer.

  (92) Extended area service (EAS)--A telephone switching and trunking arrangement which provides for optional calling service by DCTUs within a local access and transport area and between two contiguous exchanges or between an exchange and a contiguous metropolitan exchange local calling area. For purposes of this definition, a metropolitan exchange local calling area shall include all exchanges having local or mandatory EAS calling throughout all portions of any of the following exchanges: Austin metropolitan exchange, Corpus Christi metropolitan exchange, Dallas metropolitan exchange, Fort Worth metropolitan exchange, Houston metropolitan exchange, San Antonio metropolitan exchange, or Waco metropolitan exchange. EAS is provided at rate increments in addition to local exchange rates, rather than at toll message charges.

  (93) Extended local calling service (ELCS)--Service provided pursuant to §26.219 and §26.221 of this title (relating to Administration of Expanded Local Calling Requests; and Applications to Establish or Increase Expanded Local Calling Service Surcharges).

  (94) E911 or E9-1-1--9-1-1 service that is capable of providing automatic number identification, automatic location identification, selective routing, and selective transfer.

  (95) Facilities--All the plant and equipment of a public utility, including all tangible and intangible real and personal property without limitation, and any and all means and instrumentalities in any manner owned, operated, leased, licensed, used, controlled, furnished, or supplied for, by, or in connection with the business of any public utility, including any construction work in progress allowed by the commission.

  (96) Facilities-based provider--A telecommunications provider that provides telecommunications services using facilities that it owns or leases or a combination of facilities that it owns and leases, including unbundled network elements.

  (97) Foreign exchange (FX)--Exchange service furnished by means of a circuit connecting a customer's station to a primary serving office of another exchange.

  (98) Foreign serving office (FSO)--Exchange service furnished by means of a circuit connecting a customer's station to a serving office of the same exchange but outside of the serving office area in which the station is located.

  (99) Forward-looking common costs--Economic costs efficiently incurred in providing a group of elements or services that cannot be attributed directly to individual elements or services.

  (100) Forward-looking economic cost--The sum of the total element long-run incremental cost of an element and a reasonable allocation of its forward-looking common costs.

  (101) Forward-looking economic cost per unit--The forward-looking economic cost of the element as defined in this section, divided by a reasonable projection of the sum of the total number of units of the element that the DCTU is likely to provide to requesting telecommunications carriers and the total number of units of the element that the DCTU is likely to use in offering its own services, during a reasonable time period.

  (102) Geographic scope--The geographic area in which the holder of a COA or of a SPCOA is authorized to provide service.

  (103) Grade of service--The number of customers a line is designated to serve.

  (104) Health Center--A federally qualified health center service delivery site.

  (105) Hearing--Any proceeding at which evidence is taken on the merits of the matters at issue, not including prehearing conferences.

  (106) Hearing carryover--A technology that allows an individual who is speech-impaired to hear the other party in a telephone conversation and to use specialized telecommunications devices to send communications through the telecommunications relay service operator.

  (107) High cost area--A geographic area for which the costs established using a forward-looking economic cost methodology exceed the benchmark levels established by the commission.

  (108) High cost assistance (HCA)--A program administered by the commission in accordance with the provisions of §26.403 of this title.

  (109) Identity--The name, address, telephone number, and/or facsimile number of a person, whether natural, partnership, municipal corporation, cooperative corporation, corporation, association, governmental subdivision, or state agency and the relationship of the person to the entity being represented.

  (110) Impulse noise--Any momentary occurrence of the noise on a channel significantly exceeding the normal noise peaks. It is evaluated by counting the number of occurrences that exceed a threshold. This noise degrades voice and data transmission.

  (111) Incumbent local exchange company (ILEC)--A local exchange company that had a CCN on September 1, 1995.

  (112) Informational notice--Notice that is filed in connection with nonbasic services, new service offerings, and pricing and packaging flexibility if required by Public Utility Regulatory Act Chapter 52, 58, or 59.

  (113) Information sharing program--Instruction, learning, and training that is transmitted from one site to one or more sites by telecommunications services that are used by a library predominantly for such instruction, learning, or training, including video, data, voice, and electronic information.

  (114) Integrated services digital network (ISDN)--A digital network architecture that provides a wide variety of communications services, a standard set of user-network messages, and integrated access to the network. Access methods to the ISDN are the Basic Rate Interface (BRI) and the Primary Rate Interface (PRI).

  (115) Interactive multimedia communications--Real-time, two-way, interactive voice, video, and data communications conducted over networks that link geographically dispersed locations. This definition includes interactive communications within or between buildings on the same campus or library site.

  (116) Intercept service--A service arrangement provided by the local exchange carrier whereby calls placed to a disconnected or discontinued telephone number are intercepted and the calling party is informed by an operator or by a recording that the called telephone number has been disconnected, discontinued, changed to another number, or otherwise is not in service.

  (117) Interconnection--Generally means: The point in a network where a customer's transmission facilities interface with the dominant carrier's network under the provisions of this section. More particularly it means: The termination of local traffic including basic telecommunications service as delineated in §26.403 of this title or integrated services digital network (ISDN) as defined in this section and/or EAS/ELCS traffic of a CTU using the local access lines of another CTU, as described in §26.272(d)(4)(A) of this title (relating to Interconnection). Interconnection shall include non-discriminatory access to signaling systems, databases, facilities and information as required to ensure interoperability of networks and efficient, timely provision of services to customers without permitting access to network proprietary information or customer proprietary network information, as defined in this section, unless otherwise permitted in §26.272 of this title.

  (118) Interconnector--A customer that interfaces with the dominant carrier's network under the provisions of §26.271 of this title (relating to Expanded Interconnection).

  (119) Interexchange carrier (IXC)--A carrier providing any means of transporting intrastate telecommunications messages between local exchanges, but not solely within local exchanges, in the State of Texas. The term may include a CTU or CTU affiliate to the extent that it is providing such service. An entity is not an IXC solely because of:

    (A) the furnishing, or furnishing and maintenance of a private system;

    (B) the manufacture, distribution, installation, or maintenance of customer premises equipment;


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