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RULE §26.5Definitions

    (C) the provision of services authorized under the FCC's Public Mobile Radio Service and Rural Radio Service rules; or

    (D) the provision of shared tenant service.

  (120) Internet Protocol (IP)--A data communication protocol used in communicating data from one computer to another on the Internet or other networks.

  (121) Internet Protocol enabled service--A service, capability, functionality, or application that uses Internet Protocol or a successor protocol to allow an end user to send or receive a data, video, or voice communication in Internet Protocol or a successor protocol.

  (122) Interoffice trunks--Those communications circuits which connect central offices.

  (123) IntraLATA equal access--The ability of a caller to complete a toll call in a local access and transport area (LATA) using his or her provider of choice by dialing "1" or "0" plus an area code and telephone number.

  (124) Intrastate--Refers to communications which both originate and terminate within Texas state boundaries.

  (125) Least cost technology--The technology or mix of technologies that would be chosen in the long run as the most economically efficient choice. The choice of least cost technologies, however, shall:

    (A) be restricted to technologies that are currently available on the market and for which vendor prices can be obtained;

    (B) be consistent with the level of output necessary to satisfy current demand levels for all services using the basic network function in question; and

    (C) be consistent with overall network design and topology requirements.

  (126) License--The whole or part of any commission permit, certificate, approval, registration, or similar form of permission required by law.

  (127) Licensing--The commission process respecting the granting, denial, renewal, revocation, suspension, annulment, withdrawal, or amendment of a license.

  (128) Lifeline Service--A program certified by the Federal Communications Commission to provide for the reduction or waiver of the federal subscriber line charge for residential consumers.

  (129) Line--A circuit or channel extending from a central office to the customer's location to provide telecommunications service. One line may serve one customer, or all customers served by a multiparty line.

  (130) Local access and transport area (LATA)--A geographic area established for the provision and administration of communications service. It encompasses one or more designated exchanges, which are grouped to serve common social, economic and other purposes. For purposes of these rules, market areas, as used and defined in the Modified Final Judgment and the GTE Final Judgment, are encompassed in the term local access and transport area.

  (131) Local call--A call within the certificated telephone utility's toll-free calling area including calls which are made toll-free through a mandatory EAS or expanded local calling (ELC) proceeding.

  (132) Local calling area--The area within which telecommunications service is furnished to customers under a specific schedule of exchange rates. A local calling area may include more than one exchange area.

  (133) Local exchange carrier (LEC)--A telecommunications utility that has been granted either a certificate of convenience and necessity or a COA to provide local exchange telephone service, basic local telecommunications service, or switched access service within the state. A local exchange company is also referred to as a local exchange carrier.

  (134) Local exchange telephone service or local exchange service--A telecommunications service provided within an exchange to establish connections between customer premises within the exchange, including connections between a customer premises and a long distance provider serving the exchange. The term includes tone dialing service, service connection charges, and directory assistance services offered in connection with basic local telecommunications service and interconnection with other service providers. The term does not include the following services, whether offered on an intra-exchange or inter-exchange basis:

    (A) central office based PBX-type services for systems of 75 stations or more;

    (B) billing and collection services;

    (C) high-speed private line services of 1.544 megabits or greater;

    (D) customized services;

    (E) private line or virtual private line services;

    (F) resold or shared local exchange telephone services if permitted by tariff;

    (G) dark fiber services;

    (H) non-voice data transmission service offered as a separate service and not as a component of basic local telecommunications service;

    (I) dedicated or virtually dedicated access services;

    (J) a competitive exchange service; or

    (K) any other service the commission determines is not a "local exchange telephone service."

  (135) Local message--A completed call between customer access lines located within the same local calling area.

  (136) Local message charge--The charge that applies for a completed telephone call that is made when the calling customer access line and the customer access line to which the connection is established are both within the same local calling area, and a local message charge is applicable.

  (137) Local service charge--The charge for furnishing facilities to enable a customer to send or receive telecommunications within the local calling area. This local calling area may include more than one exchange area.

  (138) Local telecommunications traffic--

    (A) Telecommunications traffic between a DCTU and a telecommunications carrier other than a commercial mobile radio service (CMRS) provider that originates and terminates within the mandatory single or multi-exchange local calling area of a DCTU including the mandatory EAS areas served by the DCTU; or

    (B) Telecommunications traffic between a DCTU and a CMRS provider that, at the beginning of the call, originates and terminates within the same major trading area.

  (139) Long distance telecommunications service--That part of the total communication service rendered by a telecommunications utility which is furnished between customers in different local calling areas in accordance with the rates and regulations specified in the utility's tariff.

  (140) Long run--A time period long enough to be consistent with the assumption that the company is in the planning stage and all of its inputs are variable and avoidable.

  (141) Long run incremental cost (LRIC)--The change in total costs of the company of producing an increment of output in the long run when the company uses least cost technology. The LRIC should exclude any costs that, in the long run, are not brought into existence as a direct result of the increment of output.

  (142) Mandatory minimum standards--The standards established by the Federal Communications Commission, outlining basic mandatory telecommunication relay services.

  (143) Market--An exchange in which an incumbent local exchange company provides residential local exchange telephone service.

  (144) Master street address guide (MSAG)--A database maintained by each 9-1-1 administrative entity of street names and house number ranges within their associated communities defining emergency service zones and their associated emergency service numbers to enable proper routing of 9-1-1 calls.

  (145) Meet point billing--An access billing arrangement for services to access customers when local transport is jointly provided by more than one CTU.

  (146) Message--A completed customer telephone call.

  (147) Message rate service--A form of local exchange service under which all originated local messages are measured and charged for in accordance with the utility's tariff.

  (148) Minor rate change--A change, including the restructuring of rates of existing services, that decreases the rates or revenues of the small local exchange company (SLEC) or that, together with any other rate or proposed or approved tariff changes in the 12 months preceding the date on which the proposed change will take effect, results in an increase of the SLEC's total regulated intrastate gross annual revenues by not more than 5.0%. Further, with regard to a change to a basic local access line rate, a minor change may not, together with any other change to that rate that went into effect during the 12 months preceding the proposed effective date of the proposed change, result in an increase of more than 50%.

  (149) Municipality--A city, incorporated village, or town, existing, created, or organized under the general, home rule, or special laws of the state.


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