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RULE §25.5Definitions

  (113) Retail customer--The separately metered end-use customer who purchases and ultimately consumes electricity.

  (114) Retail electric provider (REP)--A person that sells electric energy to retail customers in this state. A retail electric provider may not own or operate generation assets. The term does not include a person not otherwise a retail electric provider who owns or operates equipment used solely to provide electricity charging service for consumption by an alternatively fueled vehicle, as defined by Section 502.004, Transportation Code.

  (115) Retail electric provider (REP) of record--The REP assigned to the electric service identifier (ESI ID) in ERCOT's database. There can be no more than one REP of record assigned to an ESI ID at any specific point in time.

  (116) Retail stranded costs--That part of net stranded cost associated with the provision of retail service.

  (117) Retrofit--The installation of control technology on an electric generating facility to reduce the emissions of nitrogen oxide, sulfur dioxide, or both.

  (118) River authority--A conservation and reclamation district created under the Texas Constitution, article 16, section 59, including any nonprofit corporation created by such a district pursuant to the Texas Water Code, chapter 152, that is an electric utility.

  (119) Rule--A statement of general applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy, or describes the procedure or practice requirements of the commission. The term includes the amendment or repeal of a prior rule, but does not include statements concerning only the internal management or organization of the commission and not affecting private rights or procedures.

  (120) Separately metered--Metered by an individual meter that is used to measure electric energy consumption by a retail customer and for which the customer is directly billed by a utility, retail electric provider, electric cooperative, or municipally owned utility.

  (121) Service--Has its broadest and most inclusive meaning. The term includes any act performed, anything supplied, and any facilities used or supplied by an electric utility in the performance of its duties under PURA to its patrons, employees, other public utilities or electric utilities, an electric cooperative, and the public. The term also includes the interchange of facilities between two or more public utilities or electric utilities.

  (122) Spanish-speaking person--A person who speaks any dialect of the Spanish language exclusively or as their primary language.

  (123) Standard meter--The minimum metering device necessary to obtain the billing determinants required by the transmission and distribution utility's tariff schedule to determine an end-use customer's charges for transmission and distribution service.

  (124) Stranded cost--The positive excess of the net book value of generation assets over the market value of the assets, taking into account all of the electric utility's generation assets, any above-market purchased-power costs, and any deferred debit related to a utility's discontinuance of the application of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards Number 71 ("Accounting for the Effect of Certain Types of Regulation") for generation-related assets if required by the provisions of PURA Chapter 39. For purposes of PURA §39.262, book value shall be established as of December 31, 2001, or the date a market value is established through a market valuation method under PURA §39.262(h), whichever is earlier, and shall include stranded costs incurred under PURA §39.263.

  (125) Submetering--Metering of electricity consumption on the customer side of the point at which the electric utility measures electricity consumption for billing purposes.

  (126) Summer net dependable capability--The net capability of a generating unit in megawatts (MW) for daily planning and operational purposes during the summer peak season, as determined in accordance with requirements of the reliability council or independent organization in which the unit operates.

  (127) Supply-side resource--A resource, including a storage device, that provides electricity from fuels or renewable resources.

  (128) System emergency--A condition on a utility's system that is likely to result in imminent, significant disruption of service to customers or is imminently likely to endanger life or property.

  (129) Tariff--The schedule of a utility, municipally-owned utility, or electric cooperative containing all rates and charges stated separately by type of service, the rules and regulations of the utility, and any contracts that affect rates, charges, terms or conditions of service.

  (130) Termination of service--The cancellation or expiration of a sales agreement or contract by a retail electric provider by notification to the customer and the registration agent.

  (131) Tenant--A person who is entitled to occupy a dwelling unit to the exclusion of others and who is obligated to pay for the occupancy under a written or oral rental agreement.

  (132) Test year--The most recent 12 months for which operating data for an electric utility, electric cooperative, or municipally-owned utility are available and shall commence with a calendar quarter or a fiscal year quarter.

  (133) Texas jurisdictional installed generation capacity--The amount of an affiliated power generation company's installed generation capacity properly allocable to the Texas jurisdiction. Such allocation shall be calculated pursuant to an existing commission-approved allocation study, or other such commission-approved methodology, and may be adjusted as approved by the commission to reflect the effects of divestiture or the installation of new generation facilities.

  (134) Transition bonds--Bonds, debentures, notes, certificates, of participation or of beneficial interest, or other evidences of indebtedness or ownership that are issued by an electric utility, its successors, or an assignee under a financing order, that have a term not longer than 15 years, and that are secured or payable from transition property.

  (135) Transition charges--Non-bypassable amounts to be charged for the use or availability of electric services, approved by the commission under a financing order to recover qualified costs, that shall be collected by an electric utility, its successors, an assignee, or other collection agents as provided for in a financing order.

  (136) Transmission and distribution business unit (TDBU)--The business unit of a municipally owned utility/electric cooperative, whether structurally unbundled as a separate legal entity or functionally unbundled as a division, that owns or operates for compensation in this state equipment or facilities to transmit or distribute electricity at retail, except for facilities necessary to interconnect a generation facility with the transmission or distribution network, a facility not dedicated to public use, or a facility otherwise excluded from the definition of electric utility in a qualifying power region certified under PURA §39.152. Transmission and distribution business unit does not include a municipally owned utility/electric cooperative that owns, controls, or is an affiliate of the transmission and distribution business unit if the transmission and distribution business unit is organized as a separate corporation or other legally distinct entity. Except as specifically authorized by statute, a transmission and distribution business unit shall not provide competitive energy-related activities.

  (137) Transmission and distribution utility (TDU)--A person or river authority that owns, or operates for compensation in this state equipment or facilities to transmit or distribute electricity, except for facilities necessary to interconnect a generation facility with the transmission or distribution network, a facility not dedicated to public use, or a facility otherwise excluded from the definition of "electric utility", in a qualifying power region certified under PURA §39.152, but does not include a municipally owned utility or an electric cooperative. The TDU may be a single utility or may be separate transmission and distribution utilities.

  (138) Transmission line--A power line that is operated at 60 kilovolts (kV) or above, when measured phase-to-phase.

  (139) Transmission service--Service that allows a transmission service customer to use the transmission and distribution facilities of electric utilities, electric cooperatives and municipally owned utilities to efficiently and economically utilize generation resources to reliably serve its loads and to deliver power to another transmission service customer. Includes construction or enlargement of facilities, transmission over distribution facilities, control area services, scheduling resources, regulation services, reactive power support, voltage control, provision of operating reserves, and any other associated electrical service the commission determines appropriate, except that, on and after the implementation of customer choice in any portion of the ERCOT region, control area services, scheduling resources, Cont'd...

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