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RULE §25.43Provider of Last Resort (POLR)

      (ii) LSP customer charge must be $2,897.00 per month.

      (iii) LSP demand charge must be $6.00 per kW, per month.

      (iv) LSP energy charge must be the appropriate RTSPP, determined on the basis of 15-minute intervals, for the customer multiplied by 125%, multiplied by the level of kilowatt-hours used. The energy charge must have a floor of $7.25 per MWh.

  (3) If in response to a complaint or upon its own investigation, the commission determines that an LSP failed to charge the appropriate rate prescribed by paragraph (2) of this subsection, and as a result overcharged its customers, the LSP must issue refunds to the specific customers who were overcharged.

  (4) On a showing of good cause by an affected person, the commission may direct an LSP to adjust the rate prescribed by paragraph (2) of this subsection, if necessary to ensure that the rate is consistent with prevailing market conditions. Notwithstanding any other commission rule to the contrary, such rates may be adjusted on an interim basis for good cause shown and after at least 10 business days' notice and an opportunity for hearing on the request for interim relief. Any adjusted rate must be applicable to all LSPs charging the rate prescribed by paragraph (2) of this subsection to the specific customer class, within the POLR area that is subject to the adjustment.

  (5) For transitioned customers, the customer and demand charges associated with the rate prescribed by paragraph (3) of this subsection must be pro-rated for partial month usage if a large non-residential customer switches from the LSP to a REP of choice.

(n) Challenges to customer assignments. A POLR provider is not obligated to serve a customer within a customer class or a POLR area for which the REP is not designated as a POLR provider, after a successful challenge of the customer assignment. A POLR provider must use the ERCOT market variance resolution tool to challenge a customer class assignment with the TDU. The TDU must make the final determination based upon historical usage data and not premise type. If the customer class assignment is changed and a different POLR provider for the customer is determined appropriate, the customer must then be served by the appropriate POLR provider. Back dated transactions may be used to correct the POLR assignment.

(o) Limitation on liability. A POLR provider must make reasonable provisions to provide service under this section to any ESI IDs currently receiving the service and to ESI IDs obtained in a future mass transition or served upon customer request; however, liabilities not excused by reason of force majeure or otherwise must be limited to direct, actual damages.

  (1) Neither the customer nor the POLR provider must be liable to the other for consequential, incidental, punitive, exemplary, or indirect damages. These limitations apply without regard to the cause of any liability or damage.

  (2) In no event will ERCOT or a POLR provider be liable for damages to any REP, whether under tort, contract or any other theory of legal liability, for transitioning or attempting to transition a customer from such REP to the POLR provider to carry out this section, or for marketing, offering or providing competitive retail electric service to a customer taking service under this section from the POLR provider.

(p) REP obligations in a transition of customers to POLR service.

  (1) A customer may initiate service with an LSP by requesting such service at the rate prescribed by subsection (m)(2) of this section with any LSP that is designated to serve the requesting customer's customer class within the requesting customer's service area. An LSP cannot refuse a customer's request to make arrangements for POLR service, except as otherwise permitted under this title.

  (2) The POLR provider is responsible for obtaining resources and services needed to serve a customer once it has been notified that it is serving that customer. The customer is responsible for charges for service under this section at the rate in effect at that time.

  (3) If a REP terminates service to a customer, or transitions a customer to a POLR provider, the REP is financially responsible for the resources and services used to serve the customer until it notifies the independent organization of the termination or transition of the service and the transfer to the POLR provider is complete.

  (4) The POLR provider is financially responsible for all costs of providing electricity to customers from the time the transfer or initiation of service is complete until such time as the customer ceases taking service under this section.

  (5) A defaulting REP whose customers are subject to a mass transition event must return the customers' deposits within seven calendar days of the initiation of the transition.

  (6) ERCOT must create a single standard file format and a standard set of customer billing contact data elements that, in the event of a mass transition, must be used by the exiting REP and the POLRs to send and receive customer billing contact information. The process, as developed by ERCOT must be tested on a periodic basis. Each REP must submit timely, accurate, and complete files, as required by ERCOT in a mass transition event, as well as for periodic testing. The commission will establish a procedure for the verification of customer information submitted by REPs to ERCOT. ERCOT must notify the commission if any REP fails to comply with the reporting requirements in this subsection.

  (7) When customers are to be transitioned or assigned to a POLR provider, the POLR provider may request usage and demand data, and customer contact information including email, telephone number, and address from the appropriate TDU and from ERCOT, once the transition to the POLR provider has been initiated. Customer proprietary information provided to a POLR provider in accordance with this section must be treated as confidential and must only be used for mass transition related purposes.

  (8) Information from the TDU and ERCOT to the POLR providers must be provided in Texas SET format when Texas SET transactions are available. However, the TDU or ERCOT may supplement the information to the POLR providers in other formats to expedite the transition. The transfer of information in accordance with this section must not constitute a violation of the customer protection rules that address confidentiality.

  (9) A POLR provider may require a deposit from a customer that has been transitioned to the POLR provider to continue to serve the customer. Despite the lack of a deposit, the POLR provider is obligated to serve the customer transitioned or assigned to it, beginning on the service initiation date of the transition or assignment, and continuing until such time as any disconnection request is effectuated by the TDU. A POLR provider may make the request for deposit before it begins serving the customer, but the POLR provider must begin providing service to the customer even if the service initiation date is before it receives the deposit - if any deposit is required. A POLR provider must not disconnect the customer until the appropriate time period to submit the deposit has elapsed. For the large non-residential customer class, a POLR provider may require a deposit to be provided in three calendar days. For the residential customer class, the POLR provider may require a deposit to be provided after 15 calendar days of service if the customer received 10 days' notice that a deposit was required. For all other customer classes, the POLR provider may require a deposit to be provided in 10 calendar days. The POLR provider may waive the deposit requirement at the customer's request if deposits are waived in a non-discriminatory fashion. If the POLR provider obtains sufficient data, it must determine whether a residential customer has satisfactory credit based on the criteria the POLR provider routinely applies to its other residential customers. If the customer has satisfactory credit, the POLR provider must not request a deposit from the residential customer.

    (A) At the time of a mass transition, the executive director or staff designated by the executive director will distribute available proceeds from an irrevocable stand-by letter of credit in accordance with the priorities established in §25.107(f)(6) of this title. For a REP that has obtained a current list from the Low Income List Administrator (LILA) that identifies low-income customers, these funds must first be used to provide deposit payment assistance for that REP's transitioned low-income customers. The Executive Director or staff designee will, at the time of a transition event, determine the reasonable deposit amount up to $400 per customer ESI ID, unless good cause exists to increase the level of the reasonable deposit amount above $400. Such reasonable deposit amount may take into account factors such as typical residential usage and current retail residential prices, and, if fully funded, must satisfy in full the customers' initial deposit obligation to the VREP or LSP.


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