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RULE §25.107Certification and Obligations of Retail Electric Providers (REPs)

    (C) ERCOT terminates a REP's SFA or the applicable independent organization terminates a similar agreement and the REP's financial resource expires in 30 days less; or

    (D) The commission's executive director determines that a REP has failed to satisfy its financial obligations under PURA, the commission's substantive rules, or the applicable independent organization's protocols; and the financial resource expires in 30 days or less.

  (6) Proceeds from financial instruments.

    (A) Proceeds from an irrevocable stand-by letter of credit or irrevocable guaranty agreement provided under this subsection may be used to satisfy the following obligations of a REP, in the following order of priority:

      (i) first, if available, to assist in the payment of residential customer deposits to retail electric providers that volunteer to provide service in a mass transition event under §25.43 of this title of low-income customers as identified by the Low-Income List Administrator under §25.45 of this title (relating to Low-Income List Administrator);

      (ii) second, if available, to assist in the payment of residential customer deposits to retail electric providers that are designated to provide service in a mass transition event under §25.43 of this title of low-income customers as identified by the Low-Income List Administrator under §25.45 of this title;

      (iii) third, if available, to assist in the payment of residential customer deposits to retail electric providers that volunteer to provider service in a mass transition event under §25.43 of this title, and to retail electric providers that are designated to provide service in a mass transition event under §25.43 of this title;

      (iv) fourth, for services provided by the independent organization related to serving customer load;

      (v) fifth, for services provided by a TDU; and

      (vi) sixth, for administrative penalties assessed under Chapter 15 of PURA or commission rules.

    (B) Proceeds from an irrevocable stand-by letter of credit or irrevocable guaranty agreement provided under this subsection must, to the extent that the proceeds are not needed to satisfy an obligation set out in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, be paid to the applicable entity identified as the Applicant on the irrevocable stand-by letter of credit or the Guarantor on the irrevocable guaranty agreement.

(g) Persons prohibited from exercising control. An Option 1 REP must maintain compliance with this subsection at all times. This subsection does not apply to an Option 2 or Option 3 REP.

  (1) In no instance may any of the following persons control the REP or be relied upon to meet the requirements of subsections (d) and (e) of this section:

    (A) A person who was a principal of a market participant, at any time within the six months prior to the market participant:

      (i) experiencing a mass transition of the REP's customers under §25.43 of this title;

      (ii) having their ERCOT SFA, or similar agreement for an independent organization other than ERCOT terminated; or

      (iii) exiting an electricity or gas market with outstanding payment obligations that, at the time of the application or amendment, remain outstanding; or

    (B) A person who, by commission order, is prohibited from serving as a principal for any commission-regulated entity.

  (2) If an independent organization or TDU is aware that a person who is otherwise barred from exercising direct or indirect control over a REP is acting in violation of this section or other commission substantive rules, the independent organization or TDU has an affirmative duty to report this information to the division of the commission charged with enforcement of the commission's substantive rules.

(h) Update or relinquishment of certification. A REP must maintain and update the information required by subsections (d), (e), and (f) of this section, as applicable, on an ongoing basis.

  (1) A REP must electronically submit updated information in the manner established by the commission within five working days of any change to its contact information as identified in subsection (d)(1)(D) or this section.

  (2) A REP must apply to amend its certification within ten working days from the occurrence of a material change to its certification. A REP may apply for the commission to approve a material change by filing an application to amend its certification before the material change is anticipated to occur. A material change includes:

    (A) a change in control of the REP including a change in the controlling owner, a corporate restructuring that involves the REP, a transfer of a REP certificate, or a change in the persons that have a minimum of ten percent ownership of the REP or a controlling parent of the REP, but not including a change in the ownership percentages of individual owners;

    (B) a name change (including addition or deletion of assumed names);

    (C) for Option 1 REPs, a change in service area;

    (D) for Option 1 REPs, a change in technical or managerial qualifications, including

      (i) any information previously provided or attested to under the technical and managerial requirements of subsection (e)(1)(A) and (B) of this section that correspond with the documentation requirements under subsection (e)(2)(B) and (C), and (E)(iv) and (v) of this section. Such information includes:

      (ii) personnel relied upon for experience, and

      (iii) changes, termination, or expiration of a contract to provide commodity risk management services;

      (iv) a change in identification of any of the applicant's principals, executive officers, employees, and third-party providers that meet the criteria under subsection (e)(2)(E)(iv)(I) of this section, or a change in the applicant's relationship with such persons under subsection(e)(2)(E)(iv)(II) of this section, if such a relationship exists; and

      (v) a change necessitating an updated statement affirming that the persons identified under subsection (g)(1) of this section do not control the REP and are not relied upon to meet the requirements of subsection (e)(1)(A) and (B) of this section; and

    (E) for Option 1 REPs, a change in financial qualifications, including:

      (i) the REP's certificated method for maintaining its access to capital requirement of subsection (f)(1) of this section, including terminations made to the irrevocable guaranty agreement or power purchase agreement;

      (ii) the certificated method for protecting its customer deposits and prepayments, and

      (iii) the approved account for protecting customer deposits and prepayments;

    (F) a change in REP's type of certification as an Option 1, Option 2, or Option 3 REP; and

    (G) for Option 2 REPs, the addition or removal of customers served by the Option 2 REP.

  (3) A REP that no longer serves customers may relinquish its REP certificate by filing an application for relinquishment on a form prescribed by the commission. A REP that does not serve customers for two consecutive years must relinquish its certificate. Prior to relinquishing its certificate, the REP must no longer serve any customers. At least 45 days prior to ceasing operations, a REP that intends to cease operations as a REP and is not seeking to relinquish its REP certificate must file a notice in the commission control number established under this paragraph to notify the commission of a REP ceasing operations. A REP must not cease operations as a REP without prior notice of at least 45 days to each of the REP's customers to whom the REP is providing service on the planned date of cessation of operations. The REP must also notify, the Low Income Discount Administrator, the applicable independent organization, and all TDUs and the providers of last resort for service territories in which the REP serves customers. As applicable, a REP must also notify all electric cooperatives and municipally owned utilities in whose service territory the REP serves customers. If a REP improperly transfers customers without providing adequate notice, under §25.493 of this title (relating to Acquisition and Transfer of Customers from One Retail Electric Provider to Another) then the REP may be subject to enforcement proceedings even after relinquishment of its certificate. Within the application to relinquish its certificate a REP must include a statement explaining whether customers' deposits were refunded to the customers or transferred to an alternative REP. The statement must be supported by a signed, notarized affidavit from an executive officer of the REP.

  (4) A REP that applies to amend its certification must:

    (A) state the effective date of each material change that prompted the amendment application; and


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