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RULE §26.5Definitions

  (150) National integrated services digital network (ISDN)--The standards and services promulgated for integrated services digital network by Bellcore.

  (151) Negotiating party--A CTU or other entity with which a requesting CTU seeks to interconnect in order to complete all telephone calls made by or placed to a customer of the requesting CTU.

  (152) Next generation 9-1-1 system (NG9-1-1 system)--A system of securely managed IP-based 9-1-1 networks and elements that augment and are capable of interoperating with present-day E9-1-1 features and functions and add new capabilities. NG9-1-1 may replace or complement the present E9-1-1 system. NG9-1-1 is designed to provide access to emergency services from all sources, and to provide multimedia data capabilities for public safety answering positions and other emergency service organizations.

  (153) New service--Any service not offered on a tariffed basis prior to the date of the application relating to such service and specifically excludes basic local telecommunications service including local measured service. If a proposed service could serve as an alternative or replacement for a service offered prior to the date of the new-service application and does not provide significant improvements (other than price) over, or significant additional services not available under, a service offered prior to the date of such application, it shall not be considered a new service.

  (154) Nonbasic services--Those services identified in Public Utility Regulatory Act §58.151, including any service reclassified by the commission pursuant to Public Utility Regulatory Act §58.024.

  (155) Non-discriminatory--Type of treatment that is not less favorable than that an interconnecting CTU provides to itself or its affiliates or other CTUs.

  (156) Non-dominant certificated telecommunications utility (NCTU)--A CTU that is not a DCTU and has been granted a CCN (after September 1, 1995, in an area already certificated to a DCTU), a COA, or a SPCOA to provide local exchange service.

  (157) Nondominant carrier--

    (A) An interexchange telecommunications carrier (including a reseller of interexchange telecommunications services).

    (B) Any of the following that is not a dominant carrier:

      (i) a specialized communications common carrier;

      (ii) any other reseller of communications;

      (iii) any other communications carrier that conveys, transmits, or receives communications in whole or in part over a telephone system; or

      (iv) a provider of operator services that is not also a subscriber.

    (C) A deregulated company that holds a COA.

  (158) North American Numbering Plan (NANP)--Use of 10-digit dialing in the format of a 3-digit "NPA" followed by a 3-digit "NXX" and a 4-digit line number, NPA-NXX-XXX.

  (159) Numbering plan area (NPA)--The first three digits of a ten-digit North American Numbering Plan (NANP) local telephone number uniquely identifying a Numbering Plan area. Generally referred to as the area code of a NANP telephone number.

  (160) NXX--A 3-digit code in which N is any digit 2 through 9 and X is any digit 0 through 9. Typically used in describing the "Exchange Code" fields of a North American Numbering Plan telephone number.

  (161) Open network architecture--The overall design of an ILEC's network facilities and services to permit all users of the network, including the enhanced services operations of an ILEC and its competitors, to interconnect to specific basic network functions on an unbundled and non-discriminatory basis.

  (162) Operator service--Any service using live operator or automated operator functions for the handling of telephone service, such as local collect, toll calling via collect, third number billing, credit card, and calling card services. The transmission of "1-800" and "1-888" numbers, where the called party has arranged to be billed, is not operator service.

  (163) Operator service provider (OSP)--Any person or entity that provides operator services by using either live or automated operator functions. When more than one entity is involved in processing an operator service call, the party setting the rates shall be considered to be the OSP. However, subscribers to customer-owned pay telephone service shall not be deemed to be OSPs.

  (164) Originating line screening (OLS)--A two digit code passed by the local switching system with the automatic number identification (ANI) at the beginning of a call that provides information about the originating line.

  (165) Out-of-service trouble report--An initial customer trouble report in which there is complete interruption of incoming or outgoing local exchange service. On multiple line services a failure of one central office line or a failure in common equipment affecting all lines is considered out of service. If an extension line failure does not result in the complete inability to receive or initiate calls, the report is not considered to be out of service.

  (166) P.01 grade of service--A standard of service quality intended to measure the probability (P), expressed as a decimal fraction, of a telephone call being blocked. P.01 is the grade of service reflecting the probability that one call out of one hundred during the average busy house will be blocked.

  (167) Packaged Service--The combination of any regulated service with any other regulated or unregulated service or with any service of an affiliate, offered to customers at a packaged rate or rates.

  (168) Partial deregulation--The ability of a cooperative to offer new services on an optional basis and/or change its rates and tariffs under the provisions of the Public Utility Regulatory Act, §§53.351 - 53.359.

  (169) Pay-per-call-information services--Services that allow a caller to dial a specified 1-900-XXX-XXXX or 976-XXXX number. Such services routinely deliver, for a predetermined (sometimes time-sensitive) fee, a pre-recorded or live message or interactive program. Usually a telecommunications utility will transport the call and bill the end-user on behalf of the information provider.

  (170) Pay telephone access service (PTAS)--A service offered by a CTU which provides a two-way, or optionally, a one-way originating-only business access line composed of the serving central office line equipment, all outside plant facilities needed to connect the serving central office with the customer premises, and the network interface; this service is sold to pay telephone service providers.

  (171) Pay telephone service (PTS)--A telecommunications service utilizing any coin, coinless, credit card reader, or cordless instrument that can be used by members of the general public, or business patrons, employees, and/or visitors of the premises' owner, provided that the end user pays for local or toll calls from such instrument on a per call basis. Pay per call telephone service provided to inmates of confinement facilities is PTS. For purposes of this section, coinless telephones provided in guest rooms by a hotel/motel are not pay telephones. A telephone that is primarily used by business patrons, employees, and/or visitors of the premises' owner is not a pay telephone if all local calls and "1-800" and "1-888" type calls from such telephone are free to the end user.

  (172) Per-call blocking--A telecommunications service provided by a telecommunications provider that prevents the transmission of calling party information to a called party on a call-by-call basis.

  (173) Per-line blocking--A telecommunications service provided by a telecommunications utility that prevents the transmission of calling party information to a called party on every call, unless the calling party acts affirmatively to release calling party information.

  (174) Percent interstate usage (PIU)--An access customer-specific ratio or ratios determined by dividing interstate access minutes by total access minutes. The specific ratio shall be determined by the CTU unless the CTU's network is incapable of determining the jurisdiction of the access minutes. A PIU establishes the jurisdiction of switched access usage for determining rates charged to switched access customers and affects the allocation of switched access revenue and costs by CTUs between the interstate and intrastate jurisdictions.

  (175) Person--Any natural person, partnership, municipal corporation, cooperative corporation, corporation, association, governmental subdivision, or public or private organization of any character other than an agency.

  (176) Pleading--A written document submitted by a party, or a person seeking to participate in a proceeding, setting forth allegations of fact, claims, requests for relief, legal argument, and/or other matters relating to a proceeding.

  (177) Prepaid local telephone service (PLTS)--Prepaid local telephone service means:


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