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RULE §25.431Retail Competition Pilot Projects

  (5) Extension of pilot projects. Should the commission determine that it is necessary to delay competition and extend the pilot projects, it must make such determination by December 31, 2001, except as otherwise authorized by PURA §39.405.

(k) Pilot project administration and recovery of associated costs.

  (1) Each utility shall be responsible for administering the pilot project for its service area. Costs incurred by the utility to administer the pilot project may include expenses for required communications, third-party outsourcing for any or all administration tasks, enrollment process, or lottery administration.

  (2) The utility may request recovery from the commission of pilot project administrative costs through:

    (A) inclusion in the annual report filed pursuant to PURA §39.257; or

    (B) deferral to future retail transmission or distribution rates.

  (3) Parties do not waive the right to challenge the utility's ability to seek cost recovery for costs associated with the pilot projects at the time that such relief is sought. In addition, nothing in this section shall be construed as resolving the legal issue of whether utilities may recover costs associated with the pilot projects.

(l) Compliance filings.

  (1) Timing and review. Each utility shall file a pilot project implementation plan with the commission under a project number designated by the commission's central records division. An implementation plan filed under this section shall be reviewed administratively to determine whether it is consistent with the principles, instructions and requirements set forth in this section.

    (A) Each utility shall file its implementation plan within 45 days of the commission's adoption of this section. Such filings do not constitute contested case proceedings, but are designed to describe the particular application of this section to the filing utility for the purpose of providing information to the public and the commission.

    (B) No later than 15 days after filing, interested parties may file comments on the implementation plan.

    (C) No later than 25 days after filing, commission staff may file a recommendation concerning the implementation plan.

    (D) Unless the commission or presiding officer determines otherwise, an implementation plan filed under this section shall be deemed approved on the thirtieth day after filing. If the implementation plan is not approved, the utility shall resubmit its plan following consultation with commission staff under a deadline established by the presiding officer.

  (2) Content. The compliance filing shall address each provision of this section with a brief narrative explaining how the utility intends to implement that provision, including the utility's pilot project Internet website address and other contact information, as applicable. Numerical and formulaic data shall also be provided where applicable. Specifically, the compliance filing shall detail the calculation of the 5.0% load available for each customer class, including the 1.0% set-aside, and demonstrate the calculation with sample data. The final calculations containing actual data shall be filed with the commission by January 31, 2001.

  (3) Additional requirements for non-ERCOT utilities.

    (A) A utility subject to PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter I, shall include in its transition plan filed pursuant to PURA §39.402, a plan for extending its pilot project beyond January 1, 2002. The plan for extension of the pilot project shall contain:

      (i) The utility's proposed increase(s) in pilot project participation beyond 5.0%, and proposed timing for such increase(s), including supporting data and workpapers; and

      (ii) A report to the commission on market conditions in the utility's power region, including an analysis of the level of competition that the region can support and all relevant data and workpapers.

    (B) A utility subject to PURA Chapter 39, Subchapter I, shall include in its compliance filing, a plan to ensure proportional representation in its pilot project between customers receiving service from the utility in an area that is certificated solely to the utility and those customers of the utility located in multiply certificated areas.

    (C) A utility in transition to an ITC model shall include in its compliance filing:

      (i) a narrative of how its plan for transition to an ITC is expected to affect the pilot project, including relevant supporting data and workpapers; and

      (ii) an explanation of any requirements of market participants that are unique to its service area (e.g., registration with ITC, data aggregation requirements).

Source Note: The provisions of this §25.431 adopted to be effective September 3, 2000, 25 TexReg 8391; amended to be effective May 13, 2018, 43 TexReg 3001

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