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RULE §25.43Provider of Last Resort (POLR)

    (B) For a REP that has obtained a current list from the LILA that identifies low-income customers, the Executive Director or the staff designee will distribute available proceeds pursuant to §25.107(f)(6) of this title to the VREPs proportionate to the number of customers they received in the mass transition, who at the time of the mass transition were identified as low-income customers by the current LILA list, up to the reasonable deposit amount set by the Executive Director or staff designee. If funds remain available after distribution to the VREPs, the remaining funds must be distributed to the appropriate LSPs by dividing the amount remaining by the number of low income customers as identified in the LILA list that are allocated to LSPs, up to the reasonable deposit amount set by the Executive Director or staff designee.

    (C) If the funds distributed in accordance with §25.107(f)(6) of this title do not equal the reasonable deposit amount determined, the VREP and LSP may request from the customer payment of the difference between the reasonable deposit amount and the amount distributed. Such difference must be collected in accordance with §25.478(e)(3) of this title (relating to Credit Requirements and Deposits).

    (D) Notwithstanding §25.478(d) of this title, 90 days after the transition date, the VREP or LSP may request payment of an amount that results in the total deposit held being equal to what the VREP or LSP would otherwise have charged a customer in the same customer class and service area in accordance with §25.478(e) of this title, at the time of the transition.

  (10) On the occurrence of one or more of the following events, ERCOT must initiate a mass transition to POLR providers, of all of the customers served by a REP:

    (A) Termination of the Load Serving Entity (LSE) or Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) Agreement for a REP with ERCOT;

    (B) Issuance of a commission order recognizing that a REP is in default under the TDU Tariff for Retail Delivery Service;

    (C) Issuance of a commission order de-certifying a REP;

    (D) Issuance of a commission order requiring a mass transition to POLR providers;

    (E) Issuance of a judicial order requiring a mass transition to POLR providers; and

    (F) At the request of a REP, for the mass transition of all of that REP's customers.

  (11) A REP must not use the mass transition process in this section as a means to cease providing service to some customers, while retaining other customers. A REP's improper use of the mass transition process may lead to de-certification of the REP.

  (12) ERCOT may provide procedures for the mass transition process, consistent with this section.

  (13) A mass transition under this section must not override or supersede a switch request made by a customer to switch an ESI ID to a new REP of choice, if the request was made before a mass transition is initiated. If a switch request has been made but is scheduled for any date after the next available switch date, the switch must be made on the next available switch date.

  (14) ERCOT must identify customers who are mass transitioned for a period of 60 calendar days. The identification must terminate at the first completed switch or at the end of the 60-day period, whichever is first. If necessary, ERCOT system changes or new transactions must be implemented no later than 14 months from the effective date of this section to communicate that a customer was acquired in a mass transition and is not charged the out-of-cycle meter read pursuant to paragraph (16) of this subsection.

  (15) In the event of a transition to a POLR provider or away from a POLR provider to a REP of choice, the switch notification notice detailed in §25.474(l) of this title (relating to Selection of Retail Electric Provider) is not required.

  (16) In a mass transition event, the ERCOT initiated transactions must request an out-of-cycle meter read for the associated ESI IDs for a date two calendar days after the calendar date ERCOT initiates such transactions to the TDU. If an ESI ID does not have the capability to be read in a fashion other than a physical meter read, the out-of-cycle meter read may be estimated. An estimated meter read for the purpose of a mass transition to a POLR provider must not be considered a break in a series of consecutive months of estimates, but must not be considered a month in a series of consecutive estimates performed by the TDU. A TDU must create a regulatory asset for the TDU fees associated with a mass transition of customers to a POLR provider pursuant to this subsection. Upon review of reasonableness and necessity, a reasonable level of amortization of such regulatory asset must be included as a recoverable cost in the TDU's rates in its next rate case or such other rate recovery proceeding as deemed necessary. The TDU must not bill as a discretionary charge, the costs included in this regulatory asset, which must consist of the following:

    (A) fees for out-of-cycle meter reads associated with the mass transition of customers to a POLR provider; and

    (B) fees for the first out-of-cycle meter read provided to a customer who transfers away from a POLR provider, when the out-of-cycle meter read is performed within 60 calendar days of the date of the mass transition and the customer is identified as a transitioned customer.

  (17) In the event the TDU estimates a meter read for the purpose of a mass transition, the TDU must perform a true-up evaluation of each ESI ID after an actual meter reading is obtained. Within 10 days after the actual meter reading is obtained, the TDU must calculate the actual average kWh usage per day for the time period from the most previous actual meter reading occurring prior to the estimate for the purpose of a mass transition to the most current actual meter reading occurring after the estimate for the purpose of mass transition. If the average daily estimated usage sent to the exiting REP is more than 50% greater than or less than the average actual kWh usage per day, the TDU must promptly cancel and re-bill both the exiting REP and the POLR using the average actually daily usage.

(q) Termination of POLR service provider status.

  (1) The commission may revoke a REP's POLR status after notice and opportunity for hearing:

    (A) If the POLR provider fails to maintain REP certification;

    (B) If the POLR provider fails to provide service in a manner consistent with this section;

    (C) The POLR provider fails to maintain appropriate financial qualifications; or

    (D) For other good cause.

  (2) If an LSP defaults or has its status revoked before the end of its term, after a review of the eligibility criteria, the commission staff designee will, as soon as practicable, designate the next eligible REP, if any, as an LSP, based on the criteria in subsection (j) of this section.

  (3) At the end of the POLR service term, the outgoing LSP must continue to serve customers who have not selected another REP.

(r) Electric cooperative delegation of authority. An electric cooperative that has adopted customer choice may select to delegate to the commission its authority to select POLR providers under PURA §41.053(c) in its certificated service area in accordance with this section. After notice and opportunity for comment, the commission will, at its option, accept or reject such delegation of authority. If the commission accepts the delegation of authority, the following conditions apply:

  (1) The board of directors must provide the commission with a copy of a board resolution authorizing such delegation of authority;

  (2) The delegation of authority must be made at least 30 calendar days prior to the time the commission issues a publication of notice of eligibility;

  (3) The delegation of authority must be for a minimum period corresponding to the period for which the solicitation must be made;

  (4) The electric cooperative wishing to delegate its authority to designate a continuous provider must also provide the commission with the authority to apply the selection criteria and procedures described in this section in selecting the POLR providers within the electric cooperative's certificated service area; and

  (5) If there are no competitive REPs offering service in the electric cooperative certificated area, the commission must automatically reject the delegation of authority.

(s) Reporting requirements. Each LSP that serves customers under a rate prescribed by subsection (m)(2) of this section must file the following information with the commission on a quarterly basis beginning January of each year in a project established by the commission for the receipt of such information. Each quarterly report must be filed within 30 calendar days of the end of the quarter.


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