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RULE §25.381Capacity Auctions

          (-a-) Minimum energy. The entitlement holder may not schedule energy at any level between zero MW and five MW from the entitlement at any time during the month.

          (-b-) Maximum energy. The entitlement holder may not schedule energy at any level greater than the daily capacity commitment in any settlement interval after the entitlement holder designates its daily capacity commitment.

        (II) Maximum changes. Subject to the limits specified in subclause (I) of this clause:

          (-a-) The maximum change in the rate at which energy is scheduled from the first settlement interval in one hour to the first settlement interval in the next hour is plus or minus six MW;

          (-b-) Subject to the limitation in item (-a-) of this subclause, the maximum change in the rate at which energy is scheduled from one settlement interval to the next is plus or minus two MW; and

          (-c-) Subject to the limitation specified in item (-a-) of this subclause, the maximum change in ancillary services scheduled from the first settlement interval in one hour to the first settlement interval of the next hour is plus or minus six MW.

        (III) Ancillary services. Subject to the limitations in subclauses (I) and (II) of this clause:

          (-a-) The total MW of non-spinning reserve service, regulation service up, regulation service down, responsive reserve service, and balancing energy service up and balancing energy service down from the entitlement in one hour shall not exceed ten MW;

          (-b-) Subject to the limitations in item (-a-) of this subclause, the total MW of regulation service up, regulation service down, responsive reserve service, and bids for balancing energy service up and balancing energy service down from the entitlement in one hour shall not exceed:

            (-1-) Four MW if the entitlement holder schedules any two-MW changes in the levels of energy within the hour;

            (-2-) Five MW if the entitlement holder schedules any one-MW, but not two-MW changes in the levels of energy within the hour; or

            (-3-) Six MW if the entitlement holder does not schedule any changes in the levels of energy within the hour.

          (-c-) In addition to the limitations in items (-a-) and (-b-) of this subclause, the total MW of non-spinning reserve service, regulation service up, responsive reserve service, and balancing energy service up from the entitlement in a settlement interval shall not exceed an amount of MW equal to the daily capacity commitment for the settlement interval minus the energy scheduled for that settlement interval.

          (-d-) In addition to the limitations in items (-a-), (-b-), and (-c-) of this subclause, the total MW of regulation service down and balancing energy service down from the entitlement in a settlement interval shall not exceed an amount of MW equal to the energy scheduled for that settlement interval minus five MW.

          (-e-) Non-spinning reserve service may be provided from the entitlement in 30 minutes, and other permitted ancillary services may be provided from the entitlement in ten minutes.

        (IV) Starts. Subject to the limits specified in subclause (I) - (III) of this clause, the entitlement holder may not direct more than 20 starts during the month of the entitlement, and the entitlement holder may not direct more than one start per day. A start occurs every time a schedule increases the MW of energy from zero MW. Once 20 starts have occurred during the entitlement, the energy scheduled by the entitlement holder may not be lower than a rate of five MW unless that level is lowered to zero MW, at which time the level may not be raised above zero MW for the remainder of the entitlement.

      (v) Default schedule. If the entitlement holder does not submit a timely day-ahead or two-day ahead schedule, as applicable, then the schedule for the applicable operating day is deemed to be, in every settlement interval of the applicable operating day, zero MW for the daily capacity commitment, zero MW of energy, and zero MW of ancillary services. This deemed schedule may not be changed in any hour-ahead schedule.

    (B) Gas-cyclic ancillary services. Subject to the scheduling limits in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, the entitlement holder may use the entitlement in any one hour for one or more of these ancillary services: regulation service up, regulation service down, responsive reserve service, non-spinning reserve service, balancing energy service up, and balancing energy service down. When ERCOT requires mandatory balancing energy service down bids, then the affiliated PGC shall so notify the entitlement holder, and the entitlement holder shall then submit a balancing energy service down bid in the same percentage that ERCOT requires of the affiliated PGC, subject to the MW limits for gas-cyclic in this paragraph.

    (C) Contract price for gas-cyclic. The items to be included in the contract price between the entitlement holder and the affiliated PGC for the entitlement shall include:

      (i) Capacity payment. The capacity payment from the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the capacity price in dollars per MW specified in the letter confirmation for the entitlement times 25 MW.

      (ii) Energy payment.

        (I) The energy payment for each settlement interval from the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the fuel price defined in subclause (II) of this clause times (energy scheduled plus energy deployed up minus energy deployed down.)

        (II) Fuel price.

          (-a-) The fuel price, for the portion of the daily capacity commitment that is designated by the entitlement holder by 8:00 a.m. in the day-ahead or two-day- ahead schedule, is a heat rate equal to 12.100 MMBtu per MWh times the daily gas price.

          (-b-) The fuel price, for the portion of the daily capacity commitment that is not released or committed at 8:00 a.m., but is committed before the gas-cyclic start deadline, is a heat rate equal to 12.100 MMBtu per MWh times (the sum of the daily gas price plus $ .25.)

      (iii) Ancillary services payment.

        (I) The ancillary services payment to be paid by the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the product of the ancillary services cost defined in subclause (II) of this clause times the difference, for each settlement interval of the entitlement, between the daily capacity commitment and energy scheduled.

        (II) The ancillary services cost is a heat rate adjustment equal to 1.622 MMBtu per MW times the daily gas price.

      (iv) Energy deployed up reimbursement payment. For energy deployed up, for all settlement intervals in the entitlement month, the affiliated PGC shall pay the entitlement holder the MCPE in dollars per MWh paid by ERCOT for a settlement interval times the energy deployed up in a settlement interval.

      (v) Energy deployed down reimbursement payment. For energy deployed down for all settlement intervals in the entitlement month, the entitlement holder shall pay the affiliated PGC the MCPE in dollars per MWh paid to ERCOT for a settlement interval times the energy deployed down in a settlement interval.

    (D) Timing of payment of contract price. The entitlement holder shall pay the affiliated PGC the capacity payment portion of the contract price not less than five days before the beginning of the entitlement month or 20 days after receiving an invoice for the capacity payment from the affiliated PGC, whichever is later. The entitlement holder shall pay the remainder of the contract price after receiving an invoice for that amount in accordance with the other terms of the Agreement. If the affiliated PGC owes the entitlement holder any net amount under the contract price calculation, it will pay that amount to the entitlement holder in accordance with the other terms of the Agreement.

  (6) Gas-peaking.

    (A) Gas-peaking scheduling.

      (i) Schedule types. The entitlement holder shall submit a day-ahead schedule for the entitlement and may submit hour-ahead schedules. The entitlement holder shall submit a two-day-ahead schedule for the entitlement if notified to do so by ERCOT.

      (ii) Timing of scheduling. All of the times for scheduling referred to in this subparagraph are based on the times in the ERCOT protocols. If the times in the ERCOT protocols are changed, then the times in this subparagraph will be considered to have changed to equitably accommodate the changes in the ERCOT protocols.

        (I) The entitlement holder shall submit day-ahead or two-day-ahead schedules for the entitlement to the affiliated PGC no later than 8:00 a.m. The daily capacity commitment is determined for a gas-peaking entitlement by the 8:00 a.m. schedule, unless the entitlement holder notifies the affiliated PGC, in the schedule, that it is exercising its option to set the daily capacity commitment in the last schedule submitted before the gas-peaking start deadline defined in subclause (V) of this clause. The entitlement holder shall submit hour-ahead schedules for the entitlement to the affiliated PGC no later than one hour before the deadline for the affiliated PGC's QSE to submit hour-ahead schedules to ERCOT.


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