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RULE §26.5Definitions

    (A) voice grade dial tone residential service consisting of flat rate service or local measured service, if chosen by the customer and offered by the DCTU;

    (B) if applicable, mandatory services, including EAS, extended metropolitan service, or ELCS;

    (C) tone dialing service;

    (D) access to 911 service;

    (E) access to dual party relay service;

    (F) the ability to report service problems seven days a week;

    (G) access to business office;

    (H) primary directory listing;

    (I) toll blocking service; and

    (J) non-published service and non-listed service at the customer's option.

  (178) Premises--A tract of land or real estate including buildings and other appurtenances thereon.

  (179) Pricing flexibility--Discounts and other forms of pricing flexibility may not be preferential, prejudicial, or discriminatory. Pricing flexibility includes:

    (A) customer specific contracts;

    (B) volume, term, and discount pricing;

    (C) zone density pricing, with zone to be defined as an exchange;

    (D) packaging of services; and

    (E) other promotional pricing flexibility.

  (180) Primary interexchange carrier (PIC)--The provider chosen by a customer to carry that customer's toll calls.

  (181) Primary interexchange carrier (PIC) freeze indicator--An indicator that the end user has directed the CTU to make no changes in the end user's PIC.

  (182) Primary rate interface (PRI) integrated services digital network (ISDN)--One of the access methods to ISDN, the 1.544-Mbps PRI comprises either twenty-three 64 Kbps B-channels and one 64 Kbps D-channel (23B+D) or twenty-four 64 Kbps B-channels (24B) when the associated call signaling is provided by another PRI in the group.

  (183) Primary service--The initial provision of voice grade access between the customer's premises and the switched telecommunications network. This includes the initial connection to a new customer or the move of an existing customer to a new premises but does not include complex services.

  (184) Print translations--The temporary storage of a message in an operator's screen during the actual process of relaying a conversation.

  (185) Privacy issue--An issue that arises when a telecommunications provider proposes to offer a new telecommunications service or feature that would result in a change in the outflow of information about a customer. The term privacy issue is to be construed broadly. It includes, but is not limited to, changes in the following:

    (A) the type of information about a customer that is released;

    (B) the customers about whom information is released;

    (C) the entity or entities to whom the information about a customer is released;

    (D) the technology used to convey the information;

    (E) the time at which the information is conveyed; and

    (F) any other change in the collection, use, storage, or release of information.

  (186) Private line--A transmission path that is dedicated to a customer and that is not connected to a switching facility of a telecommunications utility, except that a dedicated transmission path between switching facilities of interexchange carriers shall be considered a private line.

  (187) Proceeding--A hearing, investigation, inquiry, or other procedure for finding facts or making a decision. The term includes a denial of relief or dismissal of a complaint. It may be rulemaking or non-rulemaking; rate setting or non-rate setting.

  (188) Promotional rate--A temporary tariff, fare, toll, rental or other compensation charged by a certificated telecommunications utility (CTU) to new or new and existing customers and designed to induce customers to test a service. A promotional rate shall incorporate a reduction or a waiver of some rate element in the tariffed rates of the service, or a reduction or waiver of the service's installation charge and/or service connection charges, and shall not incorporate any charge for discontinuance of the service by the customer. Such rates may not be offered for basic local telecommunications service, including local measured service.

  (189) Promotional Service--A service offered to customers at a promotional rate or rates.

  (190) Provider of pay telephone service--The entity that purchases PTAS from a CTU and registers with the Public Utility Commission as a provider of PTS to end users.

  (191) Public safety answering point (PSAP)--A continuously operated communications facility established or authorized by local government authorities that answers 9-1-1 calls originating within a given service area, as further defined in Texas Health and Safety Code Chapters 771 and 772. The term includes an emergency communications center.

  (192) Public utility or utility--A person or river authority that owns or operates for compensation in this state equipment or facilities to convey, transmit, or receive communications over a telephone system as a dominant carrier. The term includes a lessee, trustee, or receiver of any of those entities, or a combination of those entities. The term does not include a municipal corporation. A person is not a public utility solely because the person:

    (A) furnishes or furnishes and maintains a private system;

    (B) manufactures, distributes, installs, or maintains customer premises communications equipment and accessories; or

    (C) furnishes a telecommunications service or commodity only to itself, its employees, or its tenants as an incident of employment or tenancy, if that service or commodity is not resold to or used by others.

  (193) Public Utility Regulatory Act (PURA)--The enabling statute for the Public Utility Commission of Texas, located in the Texas Utilities Code Annotated, §§11.001 - 66.016 (West 2007, Supplement 2013).

  (194) Qualifying low-income consumer--A consumer that participates in one of the following programs: Medicaid, food stamps, Supplemental Security Income, federal public housing assistance, or Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program.

  (195) Qualifying services--

    (A) residential flat rate basic local exchange service;

    (B) residential local exchange access service; and

    (C) residential local area calling usage.

  (196) Rate--Includes:

    (A) any compensation, tariff, charge, fare, toll, rental, or classification that is directly or indirectly demanded, observed, charged, or collected by a public utility for a service, product, or commodity, described in the definition of utility in the Public Utility Regulatory Act §31.002 or §51.002; and

    (B) a rule, practice, or contract affecting the compensation, tariff, charge, fare, toll, rental, or classification.

  (197) Reciprocal compensation--An arrangement between two carriers in which each of the two carriers receives compensation from the other carrier for the transport and termination on each carrier's network facilities of local telecommunications traffic that originates on the network facilities of the other carrier.

  (198) Reclassification area--The geographic area within the electing ILEC's territory, consisting of one or more exchange areas, for which it seeks reclassification of a service.

  (199) Redirect the call--A procedure used by operator service providers (OSPs) that transmits a signal back to the originating telephone instrument that causes the instrument to disconnect the OSP's connection and to redial the digits originally dialed by the caller directly to the local exchange carrier's network.

  (200) Regional planning commission--The meaning established in Texas Health and Safety Code §771.001(10).

  (201) Regulatory authority--In accordance with the context where it is found, either the commission or the governing body of a municipality.

  (202) Relay Texas Advisory Committee (RTAC)--The committee authorized by the Public Utility Regulatory Act, §56.110 and 1997 Texas General Laws Chapter 149.

  (203) Relay Texas--The name by which telecommunications relay service in Texas is known.

  (204) Relay Texas administrator--The individual employed by the commission to oversee the administration of statewide telecommunications relay service.

  (205) Repeated trouble report--A customer trouble report regarding a specific line or circuit occurring within 30 days or one calendar month of a previously cleared trouble report on the same line or circuit.


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