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RULE §25.107Certification and Obligations of Retail Electric Providers (REPs)

  (19) Failure to comply with §25.272 of this title (relating to Code of Conduct for Electric Utilities and Their Affiliates); and

  (20) Other significant violations or a pattern of failures to meet the requirements of PURA, commissions rules or orders, or protocols adopted by the applicable independent organization.

(l) Suspension of a REP's ability to acquire new customers. The commission may suspend a REP's ability to acquire new customers for a significant violation, as described by subsection (k) of this section. A suspension of a REP's ability to acquire new customers may be limited to specific customer classes. The suspension order may also impose administrative penalties or other conditions for reinstatement on a REP whose ability to acquire new customers has been suspended.

  (1) Commission staff may initiate a proceeding for suspension of a REP's ability to acquire new customers under this subsection by filing a petition for suspension.

    (A) Commission staff must provide reasonable notice of a petition for suspension to the affected REP in accordance with §22.54 of this title (relating to Notice to Be Provided by the Commission).

    (B) The REP may submit a request for hearing on the petition for suspension within 20 days after the date the REP receives notice of the petition. Notice is deemed to have been received upon the earlier of receipt of actual notice or three days after the order is mailed. A request for hearing received more than 20 days after the date the petition is received by the REP will be denied by the presiding officer.

    (C) If the REP does not submit a request for hearing within 20 days after receiving notice of the petition for suspension, the presiding officer may administratively approve the petition for suspension under §22.35 of this title (relating to Informal Disposition). The commission delegates authority to the presiding officer to approve a petition for suspension under this subsection with a notice of approval in accordance with §22.35(b)(1) of this title.

  (2) The executive director may suspend a REP's ability to acquire new customers without prior notice or opportunity for a hearing in the form of a cease and desist order if the executive director determines that providing notice and an opportunity for a hearing is impracticable and that the conduct of the REP meets the criteria for issuing such an order under PURA §15.104(a)(2). In determining the practicability of providing notice and an opportunity for hearing, the executive director may consider, among other relevant factors, whether immediate action is necessary to ensure the REP is able to provide continuous and reliable service to its current or potential customers, reduce the risk of the REP exposing its current or potential customers to a mass transition event, or otherwise ensure the REP is able to meet its financial obligations. For purposes of determining whether the criteria of PURA §15.104(a)(2) are met, the statutory term continuous and adequate electric service includes continuous and reliable electric service as defined in this section. If the executive director issues a cease and desist order suspending a REP's ability to acquire new customers without prior notice or opportunity for a hearing, the procedural provisions of §25.54(d)(2) of this title (relating to Cease and Desist Orders) apply.

  (3) In addition to any other applicable requirements, an order suspending a REP's ability to acquire new customers must describe the conduct of the of the REP and the significant violations that support the issuance of the order. The order must also describe any conditions the REP must meet for reinstatement.

  (4) If appropriate, an order suspending a REP's ability to acquire new customers may also include specific, verifiable conditions for expedited reinstatement. The conditions for expedited reinstatement may require actions beyond those required to come into compliance with applicable law and may include verification from commission staff that the conditions for expedited reinstatement have been met, verification that commission staff has not identified any reasons the suspension should remain in effect, or a deadline for meeting one or more of the conditions. Expedited reinstatement is not appropriate if the basis for the suspension cannot be redressed by the fulfillment of specific, predetermined remedial actions, if the pattern of conduct giving rise to the suspension supports a general concern about the REP's ability to comply with applicable law or provide customers with continuous and reliable service, or if there is evidence that may support additional grounds for suspension. If appropriate, a compliance docket will be opened for filings relevant to this paragraph. If the REP fulfills the conditions for expedited reinstatement and files all required supporting documentation, commission staff must lift the suspension, notify ERCOT of the reinstatement, and file a notice of reinstatement as soon as practicable. If commission staff verification is required and commission staff does not agree that expedited reinstatement is appropriate under the terms of the suspension order, the REP may seek reinstatement under paragraph (6) of this subsection.

  (5) A REP that has its ability to acquire new customers suspended must cease, within three working days, the solicitation or enrollment of new customers and the applicable independent organization will be directed to report to commission staff, on a weekly basis, any new customers that have been added by the REP. In this subparagraph, the term "enrollment" means the act of executing a contract with an applicant for the provision of electric service but does not include renewing the contract of an existing customer.

  (6) A REP may request reinstatement by filing a petition for reinstatement. The commission delegates authority to the presiding officer to approve a petition for reinstatement under this subsection with a notice of approval in accordance with §22.35(b)(1) of this title. In determining whether to lift the suspension, the presiding officer may consider, as appropriate, whether:

    (A) the REP has resolved all violations underlying the suspension and fulfilled all conditions for reinstatement;

    (B) the REP is in compliance with all or specific individual technical, managerial, and financial requirements in this section; and

    (C) there exist any additional grounds that would support the suspension of the REPs ability to acquire new customers under this subsection.

  (7) A REP subject to suspension of acquiring new customers under this section must continue to serve existing customers and maintain compliance with PURA, commission substantive rules, and protocols adopted by the applicable independent organization. Suspension of the ability to acquire new customers does not impact a REP's obligation to timely initiate service to a customer that completed enrollment with the REP prior to the effective date of the suspension, even if the scheduled service initiation date falls within the suspension period.

  (8) Nothing in this subsection limits the commission's ability to revoke a REP's certificate, proceed with a draw on a REP's financial instruments, or impose administrative penalties. Commission staff retains the discretion to seek to revoke the certificate of a REP subject to suspension.

Source Note: The provisions of this §25.107 adopted to be effective April 26, 2023, 48 TexReg 2089

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