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RULE §26.5Definitions

  (206) Residual charge--The per-minute charge designed to account for historical contribution to joint and common costs made by switched transport services.

  (207) Retail service--A telecommunications service is considered a retail service when it is provided to residential or business end users and the use of the service is other than resale. Each tariffed or contract offering which a customer may purchase to the exclusion of other offerings shall be considered a service. For example: the various mileage bands for standard toll services are rate elements, not services; however, individual optional calling plans that can be purchased individually and which are offered as alternatives to each other are services, not rate elements.

  (208) Return-on-assets--After-tax net operating income divided by total assets.

  (209) Reversal of partial deregulation--The ability of a minimum of 10% of the members of a partially deregulated cooperative to request, in writing, that a vote be conducted to determine whether members prefer to reverse partial deregulation. Ten percent shall be calculated based upon the total number of members of record as of the calendar month preceding receipt of the request from members for reversal of partial deregulation.

  (210) Rule--A statement of general applicability that implements, interprets, or prescribes law or policy, or describes the procedure or practice requirements of the commission. The term includes the amendment or repeal of a prior rule but does not include statements concerning only the internal management or organization of the commission and not affecting private rights or procedures.

  (211) Rulemaking proceeding--A proceeding conducted pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 2001, Subchapter B, to adopt, amend, or repeal a commission rule.

  (212) Rural incumbent local exchange company (ILEC)--An ILEC that qualifies as a "rural telephone company" as defined in 47 United States Code §3(37) and/or 47 United States Code §251(f)(2).

  (213) Selective routing--The feature provided with 9-1-1 or 311 service by which 9-1-1 or 311 calls are automatically directed to the appropriate answering point for serving the location from which the call originates.

  (214) Selective transfer--A public safety answering point initiating the routing of a 9-1-1 call to a response agency by operation of one of several buttons typically designated as police, fire, and emergency medical, based on the emergency service number of the caller.

  (215) Separation--The division of plant, revenues, expenses, taxes, and reserves applicable to exchange or local service if these items are used in common to provide public utility service to both local exchange telephone service and other service, such as interstate or intrastate toll service.

  (216) Service--Has its broadest and most inclusive meaning. The term includes any act performed, anything supplied, and any facilities used or supplied by a public utility in the performance of the utility's duties under the Public Utility Regulatory Act to its patrons, employees, other public utilities, and the public. The term also includes the interchange or facilities between two or more public utilities. The term does not include the printing, distribution, or sale of advertising in a telephone directory.

  (217) Service connection charge--A charge designed to recover the costs of non-recurring activities associated with connection of local exchange telephone service.

  (218) Service order system--The system used by a telecommunications provider that, among other functions, tracks customer service requests and billing data.

  (219) Service provider--Any entity that offers a product or service to a customer and that directly or indirectly charges to or collects from a customer's bill an amount for the product or service on a customer's bill received from a billing telecommunications utility.

  (220) Service provider certificate of operating authority (SPCOA) reseller--A holder of a service provider certificate of operating authority that uses only resold telecommunications services provided by an ILEC or by a COA holder or by a SPCOA holder.

  (221) Service restoral charge--A charge applied by the DCTU to restore service to a customer's telephone line after it has been suspended by the DCTU.

  (222) Serving wire center (SWC)--The CTU designated central office which serves the access customer's point of demarcation.

  (223) Signaling for tandem switching--The carrier identification code (CIC) and the OZZ code or equivalent information needed to perform tandem switching functions. The CIC identifies the interexchange carrier and the OZZ digits identify the call type and thus the interexchange carrier trunk to which traffic should be routed.

  (224) Small certificated telecommunications utility (CTU)--A CTU with fewer than 2.0% of the nation's subscriber lines installed in the aggregate nationwide.

  (225) Small local exchange company (SLEC)--Any incumbent CTU as of September 1, 1995, that has fewer than 31,000 access lines in service in this state, including the access lines of all affiliated incumbent local exchange companies within the state, or a telephone cooperative organized pursuant to the Telephone Cooperative Act, Texas Utilities Code Annotated, Chapter 162.

  (226) Small incumbent local exchange company (Small ILEC)--An ILEC that is a cooperative corporation or has, together with all affiliated ILECs, fewer than 31,000 access lines in service in Texas.

  (227) Spanish speaking person--A person who speaks any dialect of the Spanish language exclusively or as their primary language.

  (228) Special access--A transmission path connecting customer designated premises to each other either directly or through a hub or hubs where bridging, multiplexing or network reconfiguration service functions are performed and includes all exchange access not requiring switching performed by the dominant carrier's end office switches.

  (229) Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (STAP)--The program described in §26.415 of this title (relating to Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (STAP)).

  (230) Specialized Telecommunications Assistance Program (STAP) voucher--A voucher issued by the Texas Department of Assistive and Rehabilitative Services under the equipment distribution program, in accordance with its rules, that an eligible individual may use to acquire eligible specialized telecommunications devices from a vendor of such equipment.

  (231) Stand-alone costs--The stand-alone costs of an element or service are defined as the forward-looking costs that an efficient entrant would incur in providing only that element or service.

  (232) Station--A telephone instrument or other terminal device.

  (233) Study area--An incumbent local exchange company's (ILEC's) existing service area in a given state.

  (234) Supplemental services--Telecommunications features or services offered by a CTU for which analogous services or products may be available to the customer from a source other than a DCTU. Supplemental services shall not be construed to include optional extended area calling plans that a DCTU may offer pursuant to §26.217 of this title (relating to Administration of Extended Area Service (EAS) Requests), or pursuant to a final order of the commission in a proceeding pursuant to the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Chapter 53.

  (235) Suspension of service--That period during which the customer's telephone line does not have dial tone but the customer's telephone number is not deleted from the central office switch and databases.

  (236) Switched access--Access service that is provided by CTUs to access customers and that requires the use of CTU network switching or common line facilities generally, but not necessarily, for the origination or termination of interexchange calls. Switched access includes all forms of transport provided by the CTU over which switched access traffic is delivered.

  (237) Switched access demand--Switched access minutes of use, or other appropriate measure where not billed on a minute of use basis, for each switched access rate element, normalized for out of period billings. For the purposes of this section, switched access demand shall include minutes of use billed for the local switching rate element.

  (238) Switched access minutes--The measured or assumed duration of time that a CTU's network facilities are used by access customers. Access minutes are measured for the purpose of calculating access charges applicable to access customers.

  (239) Switched transport--Transmission between a CTU's central office (including tandem-switching offices) and an interexchange carrier's point of presence.


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