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RULE §25.181Energy Efficiency Goal

    (A) The EM&V contractor shall use existing Texas, or other state, deemed savings manual(s), protocols, and the work papers used to develop the values in the manual(s), as a foundation for developing the TRM. The TRM shall include applicability requirements for each deemed savings value or deemed savings calculation. The TRM may also include standardized EM&V protocols for determining and/or verifying energy and demand savings for particular measures or programs. Utilities may apply TRM deemed savings values or deemed savings calculations to a measure or program if the applicability criteria are met.

    (B) The TRM shall be reviewed by the EM&V contractor at least annually, under a schedule determined by commission staff, with the intention of preparing an updated TRM, if needed. In addition, any utility or other stakeholder may request additions to or modifications to the TRM at any time with the provision of documentation for the basis of such an addition or modification. At the discretion of commission staff, the EM&V contractor may review such documentation to prepare a recommendation with respect to the addition or modification.

    (C) Commission staff shall approve any updated TRMs through the energy efficiency implementation project. The approval process for any TRM additions or modifications, not made during the regular review schedule determined by commission staff, shall include a review by commission staff to determine if an addition or modification is appropriate before an annual update. TRM changes approved by staff may be challenged only by the filing of a petition within 45 days of the date that staff's approval is filed in the commission's central records under the control number for the energy efficiency implementation project described by subsection (d)(2)(A) of this section. The petition must clearly describe the reasons commission staff should not have approved the TRM changes, include supporting data and calculations, and state the relief sought.

    (D) Any changes to the TRM shall be applied prospectively to programs offered in the appropriate program year.

    (E) The TRM shall be publicly available.

    (F) Utilities shall utilize the values contained in the TRM, unless the commission indicates otherwise.

  (7) The utilities shall prepare projected savings estimates and claimed savings estimates. The utilities shall conduct their own EM&V activities for purposes such as confirming any incentive payments to customers or contractors and preparing documentation for internal and external reporting, including providing documentation to the EM&V contractor. The EM&V contractor shall prepare evaluated savings for preparation of its evaluation reports and a realization rate comparing evaluated savings with projected savings estimates and/or claimed savings estimates.

  (8) Baselines for preparation of TRM deemed savings values or deemed savings calculations or for other evaluation activities shall be defined by the EM&V contractor and commission staff shall review and approve them. When common practice baselines are defined for determining gross energy and/or demand savings for a measure or program, common practice may be documented by market studies. Baselines shall be defined by measure category as follows (deviations from these specifications may be made with justification and approval of commission staff):

    (A) Baseline is existing conditions for the estimated remaining lifetime of existing equipment for early replacement of functional equipment still within its current useful life. Baseline is applicable code, standard or common practice for remaining lifetime of the measure past the estimated remaining lifetime of existing equipment;

    (B) Baseline is applicable code, standard or common practice for replacement of functional equipment beyond its current useful life;

    (C) Baseline is applicable code, standard or common practice for unplanned replacements of failed equipment; and

    (D) Baseline is applicable code, standard or common practice for new construction or major tenant improvements.

  (9) Relevant recommendations of the EM&V contractor related to program design and reporting should be addressed in the Energy Efficiency Implementation Project (EEIP) and considered for implementation in future program years. The commission may require a utility to implement the EM&V contractor's recommendations in a future program year.

  (10) The utilities shall be assigned the EM&V costs in proportion to their annual program costs and shall pay the invoices approved by the commission. The commission shall at least biennially review the EM&V contractor's costs and establish a budget for its services sufficient to pay for those services that it determines are economic and beneficial to be performed.

    (A) The funding of the EM&V contractor shall be sufficient to ensure the selection of an EM&V contractor in accordance with the scope of EM&V activities outlined in this subsection.

    (B) EM&V costs shall be itemized in the utilities' annual reports to the commission as a separate line item. The EM&V costs shall not count against the utility's cost caps or administration spending caps.

  (11) For the purpose of analysis, the utility shall grant the EM&V contractor access to data maintained in the utilities' data tracking systems, including, but not limited to, the following proprietary customer information: customer identifying information, individual customer contracts, and load and usage data in accordance with §25.272(g)(1)(A) of this title (relating to Code of Conduct for Electric Utilities and Their Affiliates). Such information shall be treated as confidential information.

    (A) The utility shall maintain records for three years that include the date, time, and nature of proprietary customer information released to the EM&V contractor.

    (B) The EM&V contractor shall aggregate data in such a way as to protect customer, retail electric provider, and energy efficiency service provider proprietary information in any non-confidential reports or filings the EM&V contractor prepares.

    (C) The EM&V contractor shall not utilize data provided or received under commission authority for any purposes outside the authorized scope of work the EM&V contractor performs for the commission.

    (D) The EM&V contractor providing services under this section shall not release any information it receives related to the work performed unless directed to do so by the commission.

(p) Targeted low-income energy efficiency program. Each unbundled transmission and distribution utility shall include in its energy efficiency plan a targeted low-income energy efficiency program. A utility in an area in which customer choice is not offered may include in its energy efficiency plan a targeted low-income energy efficiency program that utilizes the cost-effectiveness methodology provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection. Savings achieved by the program shall count toward the utility's energy efficiency goal.

  (1) Each utility shall ensure that annual expenditures for the targeted low-income energy efficiency program are not less than 10% of the utility's energy efficiency budget for the program year.

  (2) The utility's targeted low-income program shall incorporate a whole-house assessment that will evaluate all applicable energy efficiency measures for which there are commission-approved deemed savings. The cost-effectiveness of measures eligible to be installed and the overall program shall be evaluated using the Savings-to-Investment ratio (SIR).

  (3) Any funds that are not obligated after July of a program year may be made available for use in the hard-to-reach program.

(q) Energy Efficiency Implementation Project - EEIP. The commission shall use the EEIP to develop best practices in standard offer market transformation, self-directed, pilot, or other programs, modifications to programs, standardized forms and procedures, protocols, deemed savings estimates, program templates, and the overall direction of the energy efficiency program established by this section. Utilities shall provide timely responses to questions posed by other participants relevant to the tasks of the EEIP. Any recommendations from the EEIP process shall relate to future years as described in this subsection.

  (1) The following functions may also be undertaken in the EEIP:

    (A) development, discussion, and review of new statewide standard offer programs;

    (B) identification, discussion, design, and review of new market transformation programs;

    (C) determination of measures for which deemed savings are appropriate and participation in the development of deemed savings estimates for those measures;

    (D) review of and recommendations on the commission EM&V contractor's reports;


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