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RULE §25.381Capacity Auctions

        (I) Minimum energy. The entitlement holder may not schedule energy at less than 20 MW from the entitlement at any time during the month.

        (II) Maximum energy. The entitlement holder may not schedule energy at any level greater than the daily capacity commitment in any scheduling interval.

        (III) Maximum changes. Subject to the minimum energy rate specified in subclause (I) of this clause:

          (-a-) Total. Generally, the rate at which energy is scheduled by the entitlement holder in each hour cannot change more than plus or minus two MW.

          (-b-) Energy. Subject to the maximum change specified in item (-a-) of this subclause, the maximum change in energy scheduled from one scheduling interval to the next scheduling interval cannot exceed plus or minus two MW.

      (v) Default schedule. If the entitlement holder does not submit a timely day-ahead schedule, as applicable, then the schedule for the applicable operating day shall be deemed to be, in every settlement interval of the applicable operating day, a total of 20 MW for the daily capacity commitment.

    (F) Contract price for baseload. The items to be included in the contract price between the entitlement holder and the affiliated PGC for the entitlement shall include:

      (i) Capacity payment. The capacity payment from the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the capacity price in dollars per MW specified in the letter confirmation for the entitlement times 25 MW.

      (ii) Energy payment. The fuel price is as specified on the letter confirmation for the entitlement. The energy payment from the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the fuel price in dollars per MWh specified in the letter confirmation for the entitlement times the greater of:

        (I) The total energy scheduled from the entitlement during the entitlement month; or

        (II) An amount of MWh equal to 20 MW times the number of hours in the entitlement month.

    (G) Timing of payment of contract price. The entitlement holder shall pay the affiliated PGC the capacity payment portion of the contract price not less than five days before the beginning of the entitlement month or 20 days after receiving an invoice for the capacity payment from the affiliated PGC, whichever is later. The entitlement holder shall pay the remainder of the contract price to the affiliated PGC after receiving an invoice for that amount in accordance with the other terms of the Agreement. If the affiliated PGC owes the entitlement holder any net amount under the contract price calculation, it will pay that amount to the entitlement holder in accordance with the other terms of the Agreement.

  (3) Gas-intermediate product.

    (A) Description. For each gas-intermediate capacity entitlement, not less than 30% of the entitlement shall be provided to the entitlement holder at any time when any of the entitlement is being scheduled by the entitlement holder , with the remainder of the block scheduled as day-ahead shaped power in accordance with the scheduling requirements and limitations provided in subparagraph (E) of this paragraph.

    (B) Block size. Each gas-intermediate capacity entitlement shall be 25 MW in size.

    (C) Fuel price.

      (i) Except as specified otherwise in clause (ii) of this subparagraph, the fuel cost owed to the affiliated PGC by the entitlement holder for the gas-intermediate capacity dispatched will be 10.850 MMBtu per MWh heat rate times the minimum MWh that shall be taken for gas-intermediate capacity as required in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph times the first-of-the-month index posted in the publication "Inside FERC" for the Houston Ship Channel for the month of the entitlement. For power dispatched above the minimum MWh required, the additional fuel price owed to the affiliated PGC will be 10.850 MMBtu per MWh times the MWh of gas-intermediate power dispatched pursuant to the entitlement above the minimum requirement times the daily gas price.

      (ii) EGSI.

        (I) For EGSI gas-intermediate capacity in the eastern congestion zone, the fuel cost owed to its affiliated PGC by the capacity entitlement holder for the gas-intermediate capacity dispatched will be 10.850 MMBtu per MWh heat rate times the minimum MWh that shall be taken for gas- intermediate capacity as required in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph times the first-of-the-month index posted in the publication "Inside FERC" for Henry Hub for the month of the entitlement. For power dispatched above the minimum MWh required, the additional fuel price owed to the affiliated PGC will be 10.850 MMBtu per MWh times the MWh of gas-intermediate power dispatched pursuant to the entitlement above the minimum requirement times the Henry Hub daily gas price.

        (II) For EGSI gas-intermediate capacity in the western congestion zone, the fuel cost owed to its affiliated PGC by the capacity entitlement holder for the gas-intermediate capacity dispatched will be 10.850 MMBtu per MWh heat rate times the minimum MWh that shall be taken for gas- intermediate capacity as required in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph times the average of the first-of-the-month index posted in the publication "Inside FERC" for Henry Hub for the month of the entitlement and the first-of-the- month index posted in the publication "Inside FERC" for the Houston Ship Channel for the month of the entitlement. For power dispatched above the minimum MWh required, the additional fuel price owed to the affiliated PGC will be 10.850 MMBtu per MWh times the MWh of gas- intermediate power dispatched pursuant to the entitlement above the minimum requirement times the average of the Henry Hub daily gas price and the Houston Ship Channel daily gas price.

    (D) Starts per month. The entitlement holder of gas-intermediate capacity shall take a minimum of 30% of the power from the entitlement in each interval and is therefore not permitted to direct the affiliated PGC to make any starts of gas intermediate capacity entitlements.

    (E) Gas-intermediate scheduling.

      (i) Schedule types. The entitlement holder shall submit a day-ahead schedule for the entitlement.

      (ii) Timing of scheduling.

        (I) The entitlement holder shall submit day-ahead schedules for the entitlement to the seller no later than 8:00 a.m. The daily capacity commitment is determined for a gas-intermediate entitlement by the 8:00 a.m. schedule.

        (II) The entitlement holder may submit to seller a revised day- ahead schedule for energy from the entitlement no later than noon, subject to the limit on maximum energy in clause (iv)(II) of this subparagraph.

        (III) No hour-ahead schedules are permitted for energy from gas- intermediate entitlements.

      (iii) Schedule content. Each schedule shall specify, for each scheduling interval, the energy scheduled to be delivered to the entitlement holder from the entitlement.

      (iv) Scheduling limits.

        (I) Minimum energy. The entitlement holder may not schedule energy at less than eight MW from the entitlement at any time during the month.

        (II) Maximum energy. The entitlement holder may not schedule energy at a level greater than the daily capacity commitment in any scheduling interval.

        (III) Maximum changes. Subject to the minimum energy rate specified in subclause (I) of this clause and the maximum energy rate specified in subclause (II) of this clause, the energy scheduled by the entitlement holder in each hour cannot change more than plus or minus six MW.

      (v) Default schedule. If the entitlement holder does not submit a timely day-ahead schedule, as applicable, then the schedule for the applicable operating day shall be deemed to be, in every settlement interval of the applicable operating day, a total of eight MW for the daily capacity commitment. This deemed schedule may not be changed in any hour-ahead schedule.

    (F) Contract price for gas-intermediate. The items to be included in the contract price between the entitlement holder and the affiliated PGC for the entitlement shall include:

      (i) Capacity payment. The capacity payment from the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the capacity price in dollars per MW specified in the letter confirmation for the entitlement times 25 MW.

      (ii) Energy payment.

        (I) The energy payment from the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the sum, for each settlement interval in the entitlement month, of the minimum energy payment and the excess energy payment.

          (-a-) The minimum energy payment is the product of eight MWh times the minimum fuel price.

          (-b-) The excess energy payment is the product, for each settlement interval, of the excess fuel price defined in subclause (II)(-b-) of this clause times energy scheduled.

        (II) Fuel price.

          (-a-) The minimum fuel price is the product of a heat rate equal to 10.850 MMBtu per MWh times the daily gas price.


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