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RULE §26.5Definitions

  (240) Tandem-switched transport--Transmission of traffic between the serving wire center and another CTU office that is switched at a tandem switch and charged on a usage basis.

  (241) Tariff--The schedule of a utility containing all rates, tolls, and charges stated separately by type or kind of service and the customer class, and the rules and regulations of the utility stated separately by type or kind of service and the customer class.

  (242) Telecommunications provider--As defined in the Public Utility Regulatory Act §51.002(10).

  (243) Telecommunications relay service (TRS)--A service using oral and print translations by either live or automated means between individuals who are hearing-impaired or speech-impaired who use specialized telecommunications devices and others who do not have such devices. Unless specified in the text, this term shall refer to intrastate telecommunications relay service only.

  (244) Telecommunications relay service (TRS) carrier--The telecommunications carrier selected by the commission to provide statewide telecommunications relay service.

  (245) Telecommunications utility--

    (A) a public utility;

    (B) an interexchange telecommunications carrier, including a reseller of interexchange telecommunications services;

    (C) a specialized communications common carrier;

    (D) a reseller of communications;

    (E) a communications carrier who conveys, transmits, or receives communications wholly or partly over a telephone system;

    (F) a provider of operator services as defined by §55.081, unless the provider is a subscriber to customer-owned PTS; and

    (G) a separated affiliate or an electronic publishing joint venture as defined in the Public Utility Regulatory Act, Chapter 63.

  (246) Telephones intended to be utilized by the public--Telephones that are accessible to the public, including, but not limited to, pay telephones, telephones in guest rooms and common areas of hotels, motels, or other lodging locations, and telephones in hospital patient rooms.

  (247) Telephone solicitation--An unsolicited telephone call.

  (248) Telephone solicitor--A person who makes or causes to be made a consumer telephone call, including a call made by an automatic dialing/announcing device.

  (249) Test year--The most recent 12 months, beginning on the first day of a calendar or fiscal year quarter, for which operating data for a public utility are available.

  (250) Texas Universal Service Fund (TUSF)--The fund authorized by the Public Utility Regulatory Act, §56.021 and 1997 Texas General Laws Chapter 149.

  (251) Tier 1 local exchange company--A local exchange company with annual regulated operating revenues exceeding $100 million.

  (252) Title IV-D Agency--The office of the attorney general for the state of Texas.

  (253) Toll blocking--A service provided by telecommunications carriers that lets consumers elect not to allow the completion of outgoing toll calls from their telecommunications channel.

  (254) Toll control--A service provided by telecommunications carriers that allows consumers to specify a certain amount of toll usage that may be incurred on their telecommunications channel per month or per billing cycle.

  (255) Toll limitation--Denotes both toll blocking and toll control.

  (256) Total element long-run incremental cost (TELRIC)--The forward-looking cost over the long run of the total quantity of the facilities and functions that are directly attributable to, or reasonably identifiable as incremental to, such element, calculated taking as a given the CTU's provision of other elements.

  (257) Transitioning company--An incumbent local exchange company for which at least one, but not all, of the company's markets has been deregulated.

  (258) Transport--The transmission and/or any necessary tandem and/or switching of local telecommunications traffic from the interconnection point between the two carriers to the terminating carrier's end office switch that directly serves the called party, or equivalent facility provided by a carrier other than a DCTU.

  (259) Trunk--A circuit facility connecting two switching systems.

  (260) Two-primary interexchange carrier (Two-PIC) equal access--A method that allows a telephone subscriber to select one carrier for all 1+ and 0+ interLATA calls and the same or a different carrier for all 1+ and 0+ intraLATA calls.

  (261) Unauthorized charge--Any charge on a customer's telephone bill that was not consented to or verified in compliance with §26.32 of this title (relating to Protection Against Unauthorized Billing Charges ("Cramming")).

  (262) Unbundling--The disaggregation of the ILEC's network/service to make available the individual network functions or features or rate elements used in providing an existing service.

  (263) Unit cost--A cost per unit of output calculated by dividing the total long run incremental cost of production by the total number of units.

  (264) Usage sensitive blocking--Blocking of a customer's access to services which are charged on a usage sensitive basis for completed calls. Such calls shall include, but not be limited to, call return, call trace, and auto redial.

  (265) Virtual private line--Circuits or bandwidths, between fixed locations, that are available on demand and that can be dynamically allocated.

  (266) Voice carryover--A technology that allows an individual who is hearing-impaired to speak directly to the other party in a telephone conversation and to use specialized telecommunications devices to receive communications through the telecommunications relay service operator.

  (267) Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP)--The technology used to transmit voice communications using Internet Protocol.

  (268) Voice over Internet Protocol service--A service that:

    (A) uses Internet Protocol or a successor protocol to enable a real-time, two-way voice communication that originates from or terminates to the user's location in Internet Protocol or a successor protocol;

    (B) requires a broadband connection from the user's location; and

    (C) permits a user generally to receive a call that originates on the public switched telephone network and to terminate a call to the public switched telephone network.

  (269) Volume insensitive costs--The costs of providing a basic network function (BNF) that do not vary with the volume of output of the services that use the BNF.

  (270) Volume sensitive costs--The costs of providing a basic network function (BNF) that vary with the volume of output of the services that use the BNF.

  (271) Wireless provider--A provider that:

    (A) provides commercial mobile radio service as defined in paragraph (40) of this section; or

    (B) utilizes fixed wireless technology to provide local exchange service.

  (272) Wholesale service--A telecommunications service is considered a wholesale service when it is provided to a telecommunications utility and the use of the service is to provide a retail service to residence or business end-user customers.

  (273) Working capital requirements--The additional capital required to fund the increased level of accounts receivable necessary to provide telecommunications service.

  (274) "0-" call--A call made by the caller dialing the digit "0" and no other digits within five seconds. A "0-" call may be made after a digit (or digits) to access the local network is (are) dialed.

  (275) "0+" call--A call made by the caller dialing the digit "0" followed by the terminating telephone number. On some automated call equipment, a digit or digits may be dialed between the "0" and the terminating telephone number.

  (276) 311 answering point--A communications facility that:

    (A) is operated, at a minimum, during normal business hours;

    (B) is assigned the responsibility to receive 311 calls and, as appropriate, to dispatch the non-emergency police or other governmental services, or to transfer or relay 311 calls to the governmental entity;

    (C) is the first point of reception by a governmental entity of a 311 call; and

    (D) serves the jurisdictions in which it is located or other participating jurisdictions.


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