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RULE §25.181Energy Efficiency Goal

    (E) review of and recommendations on incentive payment levels and their adequacy to induce the desired level of participation by energy efficiency service providers and customers;

    (F) review of and recommendations on a utility's annual energy efficiency plans and reports;

    (G) utility program portfolios and proposed energy efficiency spending levels for future program years;

    (H) periodic reviews of the cost-effectiveness methodology; and

    (I) other activities as identified by commission staff.

  (2) The EEIP projects shall be conducted by commission staff. The commission's EM&V contractor's reports shall be filed in the project at a date determined by commission staff.

  (3) A utility that intends to launch a program that is substantially different from other programs previously implemented by any utility affected by this section shall file a program template and shall provide notice of such to EEIP participants. Notice to EEIP participants need not be provided if a program description or program template for the new program is provided through the utility's annual energy efficiency report. Following the first year in which a program was implemented, the utility shall include the program results in the utility's annual energy efficiency report.

  (4) Participants in the EEIP may submit comments and reply comments in the EEIP on dates established by commission staff.

  (5) Any new programs or program redesigns shall be submitted to the commission in a petition in a separate proceeding. The approved changes shall be available for use in the utilities' next EEPR and EECRF filings. If the changes are not approved by the commission by November 1 in a particular year, the first time that the changes shall be available for use is the second EEPR and EECRF filings made after commission approval.

  (6) Any interested entity that participates in the EEIP may file a petition to the commission for consideration regarding changes to programs.

(r) Retail providers. Each utility in an area in which customer choice is offered shall conduct outreach and information programs and otherwise use its best efforts to encourage and facilitate the involvement of retail electric providers as energy efficiency service companies in the delivery of efficiency and demand response programs.

(s) Customer protection. Each energy efficiency service provider that provides energy efficiency services to end-use customers under this section shall provide the disclosures and include the contractual provisions required by this subsection, except for commercial customers with a peak load exceeding 50 kW. Paragraph (1) of this subsection does not apply to behavioral energy efficiency programs that do not require a contract with a customer.

  (1) Clear disclosure to the customer shall be made of the following:

    (A) the customer's right to a cooling-off period of three business days, in which the contract may be canceled, if applicable under law;

    (B) the name, telephone number, and street address of the energy efficiency service provider and any subcontractor that will be performing services at the customer's home or business;

    (C) the fact that incentives are made available to the energy efficiency services provider through a program funded by utility customers, manufacturers or other entities and the amount of any incentives provided by the utility;

    (D) the amount of any incentives that will be provided to the customer;

    (E) notice of provisions that will be included in the customer's contract, including warranties;

    (F) the fact that the energy efficiency service provider must measure and report to the utility the energy and peak demand savings from installed energy efficiency measures;

    (G) the liability insurance to cover property damage carried by the energy efficiency service provider and any subcontractor;

    (H) the financial arrangement between the energy efficiency service provider and customer, including an explanation of the total customer payments, the total expected interest charged, all possible penalties for non-payment, and whether the customer's installment sales agreement may be sold;

    (I) the fact that the energy efficiency service provider is not part of or endorsed by the commission or the utility; and

    (J) a description of the complaint procedure established by the utility under this section, and toll free numbers for the Customer Protection Division of the Public Utility Commission of Texas, and the Office of Attorney General's Consumer Protection Hotline.

  (2) The energy efficiency service provider's contract with the customer, where such a contract is employed, shall include:

    (A) work activities, completion dates, and the terms and conditions that protect residential customers in the event of non-performance by the energy efficiency service provider;

    (B) provisions prohibiting the waiver of consumer protection statutes, performance warranties, false claims of energy savings and reductions in energy costs;

    (C) a disclosure notifying the customer that consumption data may be disclosed to the EM&V contractor for evaluation purposes; and

    (D) a complaint procedure to address performance issues by the energy efficiency service provider or a subcontractor.

  (3) When an energy efficiency service provider completes the installation of measures for a customer, it shall provide the customer an "All Bills Paid" affidavit to protect against claims of subcontractors.

(t) Grandfathered programs. An electric utility that offered a load management standard offer program for industrial customers prior to May 1, 2007 shall continue to make the program available, at 2007 funding and participation levels, and may include additional customers in the program to maintain these funding and participation levels.

(u) Identification notice. An industrial customer taking electric service at distribution voltage may submit a notice identifying the distribution accounts for which it qualifies under subsection (c)(30) of this section. The identification notice shall be submitted directly to the customer's utility. An identification notice submitted under this section must be renewed every three years. Each identification notice must include the name of the industrial customer, a copy of the customer's Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification (under Tax Code §151.317), a description of the industrial process taking place at the consuming facilities, and the customer's applicable account number(s) or ESID number(s). The identification notice is limited solely to the metered point of delivery of the industrial process taking place at the consuming facilities. The account number(s) or ESID number(s) identified by the industrial customer under this section shall not be charged for any costs associated with programs provided under this section, including any shareholder bonus awarded; nor shall the identified facilities be eligible to participate in utility-administered energy efficiency programs during the term. Notices shall be submitted not later than February 1 to be effective for the following program year. A utility's demand reduction goal shall be adjusted to remove any load that is lost as a result of this subsection.

(v) Administrative penalty. The commission may impose an administrative penalty or other sanction if the utility fails to meet a goal for energy efficiency under this section. Factors, to the extent they are outside of the utility's control, that may be considered in determining whether to impose a sanction for the utility's failure to meet the goal include:

  (1) the level of demand by retail electric providers and energy efficiency service providers for program incentive funds made available by the utility through its programs;

  (2) changes in building energy codes; and

  (3) changes in government-imposed appliance or equipment efficiency standards.

Source Note: The provisions of this §25.181 adopted to be effective May 4, 2008, 33 TexReg 3585; amended to be effective December 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 7747; amended to be effective January 1, 2013, 37 TexReg 8512; amended to be effective March 30, 2017, 42 TexReg 1399; amended to be effective May 13, 2018, 43 TexReg 3001; amended to be effective April 4, 2019, 44 TexReg 1569

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