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RULE §25.381Capacity Auctions

        (I) The entitlement holder shall submit day-ahead schedules for the entitlement to the seller no later than 8:00 a.m. The daily capacity commitment is determined for a gas-peaking entitlement by the 8:00 a.m. schedule, unless the entitlement holder notifies the seller, in the schedule, that it is exercising its option to set the daily capacity commitment in the last schedule submitted before the gas-peaking start deadline defined in subclause (III) of this clause. The entitlement holder shall submit hour-ahead schedules for the entitlement to the seller no later than one hour before the start of the operating hour.

        (II) The entitlement holder may submit to the seller a revised day- ahead schedule for energy from the entitlement no later than noon.

        (III) The gas-peaking start deadline for declaring the daily capacity commitment for each operating hour is two hours before the beginning of the operating hour.

      (iii) Schedule content. Each schedule shall specify, for each scheduling interval, the energy scheduled to be delivered to the entitlement holder from the entitlement.

      (iv) Scheduling limits.

        (I) The rate at which energy is scheduled by the entitlement holder in each scheduling interval during one hour shall be either zero MW or 25 MW and cannot change during the hour.

        (II) Subject to the requirement of subclause (I) of this clause, if the entitlement holder schedules any energy from the entitlement in one hour, the rate at which energy is scheduled shall continue uninterrupted at a level of 25 MW for not less than four hours.

        (III) Subject to the requirements of subclause (I) and (II) of this clause, when the entitlement holder decreases a schedule for energy to zero MW from the entitlement in one hour, the energy scheduled shall continue uninterrupted at a level of zero MW for not less than two hours.

      (v) Default Schedule. If the entitlement holder does not submit a timely day-ahead schedule then the schedule for the applicable operating day shall be deemed to be, in every settlement interval of the applicable operating day, zero MW for the daily capacity commitment and zero MW of energy. This deemed schedule may not be changed in any revised day-ahead schedule, or in any hour- ahead schedule.

    (F) Contract price for gas-peaking. The items to be included in the contract price between the entitlement holder and the affiliated PGC for the entitlement shall include:

      (i) Capacity payment. The capacity payment from the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the capacity price in dollars per MW specified in the letter confirmation for the entitlement times 25 MW.

      (ii) Energy payment.

        (I) The energy payment for each settlement interval from the entitlement holder to the affiliated PGC is the product of the fuel price defined in subclause (II) of this clause times energy scheduled.

        (II) Fuel price.

          (-a-) The fuel price, for operating days for which the entitlement holder designated its daily capacity commitment by 8:00 a.m. in the day-ahead schedule, is the product of a heat rate equal to 14.100 MMBtu per MWh times the daily gas price.

          (-b-) The fuel price, for operating days for which the entitlement holder exercised its option to designate its daily capacity commitment after 8:00 a.m. and before the gas-peaking start deadline, is the product of a heat rate equal to 14.100 MMBtu per MWh times (the sum of the daily gas price plus $ .25).

    (G) Timing of payment of contract price. The entitlement holder shall pay the affiliated PGC the capacity payment portion of the contract price not less than five days before the beginning of the entitlement month or 20 days after receiving an invoice for the capacity payment from the affiliated PGC, whichever is later. The entitlement holder shall pay the remainder of the contract price after receiving an invoice for that amount in accordance with the terms of the Agreement. If the affiliated PGC owes the entitlement holder any net amount under the contract price calculation, it will pay that amount to the entitlement holder in accordance with the terms of the Agreement.

  (6) Scheduling discrepancies. If the entitlement holder submits a schedule to seller for an entitlement that violates any of the scheduling requirements for that capacity auction product type, the schedule shall be deemed a non-conforming schedule for a scheduled hour. The schedule for that non-conforming scheduled hour shall then be deemed to be the same as the schedule for the nearest preceding hour for which the schedule was not a non-conforming schedule. The seller shall promptly notify the entitlement holder of a non-conforming schedule.

  (7) Ancillary services. Until such time that all ancillary services issues are addressed and resolved within the context of a Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved regional transmission organization, entitlements will include rights only to energy and capacity as described in this subsection and specifically exclude any ancillary services rights. Such exclusion is consistent with subsection (e)(1) of this section, which allows products other than those described in this subsection to be offered with good cause. In the interim, the affiliated PGC shall provide the required ancillary services to eligible customers at the current FERC- approved rates.

(h) Auction process.

  (1) Timing issues.

    (A) Frequency of auctions.

      (i) Auction dates. Capacity auctions shall begin on March 10, July 10, September 10, and November 10 of each year. If the date for an auction start falls on a weekend or banking holiday, then that auction shall begin on the first business day after the weekend or banking holiday.

      (ii) Simultaneous auctions. Auctions for a product will be held simultaneously by all affiliated PGCs of entitlements within the respective North American Electric Reliability Council (NERC) regions in Texas. For example, ERCOT and non-ERCOT auctions can be held at different times and dates.

      (iii) Termination of the capacity auction process. The obligation of an affiliated PGC to auction entitlements shall continue until the earlier of 60 months after the date customer choice is introduced or the date the commission determines that 40% or more of the electric power consumed by residential and small commercial customers within the affiliated transmission and distribution utility's certificated service area before the onset of customer choice is provided by nonaffiliated retail electric providers. The determination of the 40% threshold shall be as prescribed by the commission's rule relating to the price to beat.

    (B) Auction conclusion.

      (i) Receipt of bids. In order for an affiliated PGC that is auctioning capacity to consider a bid, the bid must be received by that affiliated PGC by close of the round for which the bid is to be submitted.

      (ii) Concluding each individual auction. The affiliated PGC shall provide notice of the winning bid(s) to auction participants and the commission by the close of business on the first day after the auction closes that is not a weekend or banking holiday.

      (iii) Confidentiality and posting of bids. The affiliated PGC shall designate non-marketing personnel to evaluate the bids, and persons reviewing the bids shall not disclose the bids to any person engaged in marketing activities for the affiliated PGC or use any competitively sensitive information received in the bidding process. Upon announcement of the winning bids, the affiliated PGC shall provide the commission and all auction participants information on the quantity of each product requested by bidders during each round of an auction, but shall not divulge the identity of any particular bidders. Upon specific request by the commission, and under standard protective order procedures, the utility shall provide the identity of the bidders to the commission.

      (iv) The affiliated PGC shall be deemed to have met the 15% requirement if it offered products in a product category (for example, gas- intermediate) and successfully sold, at least, all of the entitlements offered in one particular month, in that product category. If there is no month in which all of the products in a product category are sold, the affiliated PGC shall comply with the provisions of paragraph (7)(C) of this subsection.

  (2) Auction administration.

    (A) Each auction shall be administered by the affiliated PGC selling the entitlement. An affiliated PGC or group of affiliated PGCs may retain the services of a qualified third-party to perform the auction administration functions.

    (B) Notice of capacity available for auction.

      (i) Method of notice. At least 60 days before each auction start date, each affiliated PGC offering capacity entitlements at auction shall file with the commission notice of the pending auction. Within 20 days of the filing of the notice, interested parties may provide comments on the affiliated PGC's proposed notice. If no comments are received, the affiliated PGC's proposed notice shall be deemed appropriate. If any party objects to the affiliated PGC's proposed notice, then the commission shall administratively approve, reject, or approve Cont'd...

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