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RULE §26.215Long Run Incremental Cost Methodology for Dominant Certificated Telecommunications Utility (DCTU) Services

  (1) Relevant increment of output. When the LRIC is computed for a group of services, the relevant increment of output, as that term is used in the definition of LRIC in §26.5 of this title (relating to Definitions), must be the level of output necessary to satisfy current demand levels for the services in the group. Adjustments to total service output may be made to reflect the presence of new services for which demand levels can demonstrably be anticipated to increase significantly over the course of six months.

  (2) Relating expenses to groups of services. The company must avoid the use of embedded cost data and must determine expenses consistent with the principles of long run incremental costing.

    (A) Common expenses. Common expenses that are not directly attributable, using the cost causation principle, to the group of services must be excluded.

    (B) Nonrecurring expenses. The expenses of nonrecurring activities must be separately identified.

    (C) Taxes. Any tax expenses not directly attributable, using the cost causation principle, must be excluded from the LRIC study for the group of services.

  (3) Least cost technology. LRIC studies must assume the use of least cost technology. The choice of least cost technologies, however, must:

    (A) be restricted to technologies that are currently available on the market and for which vendor prices can be obtained;

    (B) be consistent with the level of output necessary to satisfy current demand levels for all services using the BNF in question; and

    (C) be consistent with overall network design and topology requirements.

  (4) Network topology. LRIC studies must use the existing or planned network topology.

  (5) Cost of money. When the company uses the most recent commission approved rate of return for the company, determined either in a rate proceeding as described in §26.201(d)(1) of this title (relating to Cost of Service) or a commission arbitration proceeding, there will be a rebuttable presumption of its reasonableness. The company may use any other forward-looking rate, but must justify its use. The DCTU is not required to update its filing only to reflect the most recently approved cost of money.

  (6) Rate of depreciation. When the company uses the most recent commission approved rate of depreciation for the company there will be a presumption of reasonableness. The company must justify the use of any other rate.

(j) Requirements for subsequent filings of LRIC studies. The LRIC studies required by this subsection must be consistent with the principles, instructions and requirements set forth in this section and the workplan approved by the commission and must be reviewed in accordance with the procedures established in subsection (k) of this section.

  (1) Updated studies. A DCTU may be required to update the filings required by this section, other than the workplan, for those studies where significant changes have occurred.

  (2) Provisions for new BNFs. When significant technological or other changes occur that necessitate a change in the definition of current BNFs or the identification of new BNFs, the DCTU must file with the commission and the Office of Public Utility Counsel (OPUC) updated versions for all affected LRIC studies or new studies as appropriate.

  (3) Provisions for new services. For each application for a service filed in accordance with this title, the DCTU must file with the commission and OPUC a LRIC study for the service consistent with the principles described in subsection (d) of this section and the specific requirements set forth in subsection (g) of this section.

  (4) Unbundling of existing tariffed services. When an application filed in accordance with this title proposes a service that previously had been bundled with other BNFs into a tariffed service, the DCTU must carefully reexamine the identification of groups of services that share significant common costs (as required under subsection (h) of this section). If the new service significantly changes the identification of groups of services and the identification of common costs, the DCTU should update all studies required under this section that are affected by these changes.

(k) Review process for LRIC studies. A LRIC study considered under this section will be reviewed administratively to determine whether the DCTU's LRIC study is consistent with the principles, instructions and requirements set forth in this section.

  (1) Sufficiency. The LRIC study will be examined for sufficiency. To be sufficient, the LRIC study must conform to the prototype studies developed under the workplan approved by the commission. If the presiding officer or the commission staff concludes that material deficiencies exist in the LRIC study, the DCTU will be notified within 15 days of the filing date of the specific deficiency in its LRIC study. The DCTU will have 15 days from the date it is notified of the deficiency to file a corrected LRIC study.

  (2) Time schedule.

    (A) No later than 45 days after the filing date of the sufficient LRIC study, any party that demonstrates a justiciable interest may file with the presiding officer written comments or recommendations concerning the LRIC study.

    (B) No later than 55 days after the filing date of the sufficient LRIC study, OPUC may file with the presiding officer written comments or recommendations concerning the LRIC study.

    (C) No later than 65 days after the filing date of the sufficient LRIC study, commission staff must file with the presiding officer written comments or recommendations concerning the LRIC study.

    (D) No later than 75 days after the filing date of the sufficient LRIC study, any party that demonstrates a justiciable interest, OPUC, or the DCTU may file with the presiding officer a written response to the commission staff's recommendation.

    (E) No later than 85 days after the filing date of the sufficient LRIC study, the presiding officer must complete an administrative review to determine whether the DCTU's LRIC study is consistent with the principles, instructions and requirements set forth in this section. The presiding officer must approve the LRIC study or order the DCTU to refile the LRIC study incorporating all modifications recommended by the presiding officer.

    (F) Any party may appeal to the commission an administrative determination by a presiding officer within five days after the date of notification of the determination. The commission will rule on the appeal within 30 days after the date it receives the appeal. If the commission or a presiding officer orders a cost study to be changed, the dominant certificated telecommunications utility must be ordered to make those changes within a period that is commensurate with the complexity of the LRIC study.

  (3) Requests for information. While the LRIC study is being administratively reviewed, the commission staff, OPUC, and any party that demonstrates a justiciable interest may submit requests for information to the DCTU. Answers to such requests for information must be provided within ten days after receipt of the request by the DCTU to commission staff, OPUC and any party that demonstrates a justiciable interest.

  (4) Suspension. At any point within the first 45 days of the review process, the presiding officer, the commission staff, OPUC, the DCTU, or any party that demonstrates a justiciable interest may request that the review process be suspended for 30 days. The presiding officer may grant a request for suspension only if he or she has determined that the party has demonstrated that good cause exists for such suspension.

  (5) Effective date of the LRIC study. The effective date of the LRIC study must be the date it is approved by the presiding officer.

(l) Notice requirements. At least ten days before a DCTU files any workplan or LRIC study in accordance with this section, the DCTU must file with the commission and OPUC a notice of its intent to file such workplan or LRIC study and the expected filing date. The DCTU's notice must indicate that the filing is being made in accordance with this section. The commission must then publish notice of the DCTU's intent to file the workplan or LRIC study in the Texas Register.

Source Note: The provisions of this §26.215 adopted to be effective August 10, 1999, 24 TexReg 6066; amended to be effective December 21, 1999, 24 TexReg 11318; amended to be effective December 21, 2023, 48 TexReg 7524

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