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RULE §26.272Interconnection

    (D) must provide all relevant documentation concerning the position of each of the negotiating parties with respect to those issues;

    (E) must provide all relevant documentation concerning any other issue discussed and resolved by the negotiating parties; and

    (F) must send a copy of the petition and any documentation to the CTU or negotiating party with which agreement cannot be reached, not later than the day on which the commission receives the petition.

  (2) A non-petitioning party to a negotiation under subsection (f) of this section may respond to the other party's petition and provide such additional information within 25 days after the commission receives the petition.

  (3) The compulsory arbitration process must be completed no later than nine months after the date on which a CTU receives a request for interconnection under subsection (f) of this section.

  (4) Any disputes arising under or pertaining to arbitrated interconnection agreements must be resolved in accordance with Chapter 21, Subchapter E of this title.

(h) Filing of rates, terms, and conditions.

  (1) Rates, terms and conditions resulting from negotiations, compulsory arbitration process, and statements of generally available terms.

    (A) A CTU from which interconnection is requested must file each agreement adopted by negotiation or by compulsory arbitration with the commission. The commission will make such an agreement available for public inspection and copying within ten days after the agreement is approved by the commission in accordance with subparagraphs (C) and (D) of this paragraph.

    (B) An ILEC serving greater than five million access lines may prepare and file with the commission, a statement of terms and conditions that the ILEC generally offers within the state in accordance with 47 U.S.C. §252(f) (1996). The commission will make such a statement available for public inspection and copying within ten days after the statement is approved by the commission in accordance with subparagraph (E) of this paragraph.

    (C) The commission will reject an agreement, in whole or in part, adopted by negotiation if it finds that:

      (i) the agreement (or any portion thereof) discriminates against a telecommunications carrier not a party to the agreement; or

      (ii) the implementation of such agreement or portion is not consistent with the public interest, convenience, and necessity.

    (D) The commission will reject an agreement, in whole or in part, adopted by compulsory arbitration under subsection (g) of this section, in accordance with guidelines found in 47 U.S.C. §252(e)(2)(B) (1996).

    (E) The commission will review the statement of generally available terms filed under subparagraph (B) of this paragraph, in accordance with guidelines found in 47 United States Code §252(f) (1996). The submission or approval of a statement under this paragraph does not relieve an ILEC serving greater than five million access lines of its duty to negotiate the terms and conditions of an agreement in accordance with 47 U.S.C. §251(c)(1) (1996).

  (2) Rates, terms or conditions among DCTUs. Within 15 days of a request from a CTU negotiating interconnection arrangements with a DCTU, a non-redacted version of any agreement reflecting the rates, terms, and conditions between or among DCTUs which relate to interconnection arrangements for similar traffic must be disclosed to the CTU, subject to commission-approved non-disclosure or protective agreement. A non-redacted version of the same agreement must be disclosed to commission staff at the same time if requested, subject to commission-approved non-disclosure or protective agreement.

(i) Customer safeguards.

  (1) Requirements for provision of service to customers. Nothing in this section or in a = CTU's tariffs precludes a customer of a CTU from purchasing local exchange service from more than one CTU at a time. A CTU is prohibited from connecting, disconnecting, or moving any wiring or circuits on the customer's side of the demarcation point without the customer's express authorization as specified in §26.130 of this title, (relating to Selection of Telecommunications Utilities).

  (2) Requirements for CTUs ceasing operations. If a CTU ceases operations, the CTU is responsible for notifying the commission and each customer of the CTU at least 61 working days in advance that each customer's service will be terminated. The notification must include a listing of all alternative service providers available to customers in the exchange and specify the date on which service will be terminated.

  (3) Requirements for service installations. A DCTU that interconnect with an NCTU is responsible for meeting the installation of service requirements under §26.54 of this title in providing service to the NCTU. NCTUs must make a good-faith effort to meet the requirements for installation in §26.54 of this title, and may negotiate with the DCTU to establish a procedure to meet this goal.

    (A) For those customers for whom the NCTU provides dial tone but not the local loop, 95% of the NCTU's service orders must be completed in no more than ten working days from request for service, unless a later date is agreed to by the customer.

    (B) For those customers for whom the NCTU does not provide dial tone and resells the telephone services of a DCTU, 95% of the NCTU's service orders must be completed no more than seven working days from request for service, unless the customer agrees to a later date.

    (C) For those customers where the NCTU uses facilities other than a DCTU's resale facilities obtained through Public Utility Regulatory Act §60.041, the NCTU must complete service orders within 30 calendar days from the request for service, unless a later date is agreed to by the customer.

    (D) A DCTU must not discriminate between the DCTU's customers and the customers of an NCTU if the DCTU is able to install service in less than the time permitted under §26.54 of this title.

Source Note: The provisions of this §26.272 adopted to be effective March 15, 2000, 25 TexReg 2048; amended to be effective November 14, 2010, 35 TexReg 9871; amended to be effective April 7, 2014, 39 TexReg 2499; amended to be effective December 21, 2023, 48 TexReg 7524

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