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RULE §26.25Memorandum of Understanding with Texas Department of Transportation

  (3) Coordinated Projects. If TxDOT qualified professional staff determines that a project requires individual coordination with THC for a courthouse review, easement review, or antiquities permit or due to a potential adverse effect on historic properties, TxDOT shall submit that project to THC:

    (A) THC will respond within 20 calendar days of receipt of TxDOT's request for review, in accordance with the terms set out by an interagency contract adopted by THC and TxDOT, by indicating whether an affected historic property will require a historic structures permit for an SAL, whether THC intends to initiate an SAL nomination for the affected property, or whether additional consultation pursuant to a preservation easement or covenant will be required. If THC does not respond within 20 calendar days, TxDOT may assume THC's concurrence with its determinations, and TXDOT may proceed with the project to construction; and

    (B) in accordance with Texas Government Code §442.008 and §17.2 of this title (relating to Review of Work on County Courthouses), TxDOT will notify THC of any work affecting a county courthouse or its surrounding site, up to and including the curb. THC will respond within 20 calendar days of receipt of TxDOT's notification by indicating whether a historic structures permit for an SAL or additional consultation pursuant to a preservation covenant or easement will be required;

  (4) Documentation. For projects that are internally reviewed or individually coordinated under paragraphs (2) and (3) of this subsection, TxDOT will comply with the following project documentation requirements:

    (A) For projects that are internally reviewed under paragraph (2) of this subsection, TxDOT shall retain all documentation in the project file and will provide documentation to the THC upon request with memos and basic project information submitted through the THC's electronic review and compliance (eTRAC) system or other means as appropriate.

    (B) For projects that are individually coordinated under paragraph (3) of this subsection, documentation submitted to THC will include:

      (i) project description and scope;

      (ii) project location map with delineation of the APE and location of historic properties;

      (iii) methodology used to identify historic properties;

      (iv) photographic and descriptive information for each identified property;

      (v) justification for findings of historic properties, including setting, integrity, and contextual information;

      (vi) justification of effects on historic properties, including evaluations, reports, and other information relevant to the findings by TxDOT; and

      (vii) a description of efforts to avoid or minimize harm, mitigation, and commitments.

(v) Project File. TxDOT's Environmental Compliance and Oversight System (ECOS) is the project file of record for each project coordinated under this MOU.

(w) Denial of Access. In cases where access to private land for conducting investigations is denied prior to the approval of the environmental review document, TxDOT will make a commitment to complete appropriate investigations once access is obtained, but prior to any construction related impacts.

(x) MOU to Govern TxDOT Procedures. TxDOT satisfies applicable THC requirements if it utilizes the procedures of this MOU in lieu of other applicable THC procedures. In cases where TxDOT is utilizing this MOU in lieu of other THC procedures, TxDOT must follow the requirements of this MOU.

(y) Project-Specific Agreements. Any project-specific agreements reached between TxDOT and THC regarding the evaluation or treatment of project effects shall be honored by both parties and shall supersede the requirements of this MOU. TxDOT and THC may deviate from the terms of the agreement only when both parties concur that the agreement requires revision.

(z) Continuous Improvement Agreement. TxDOT and THC agree to collaborate on improvements to their programs and development of innovative solutions for expedited review procedures. Such mechanisms may include using project outcomes to refine approaches to resource identification, evaluation, treatment methods, programmatic mitigation measures and interagency agreements that facilitate early coordination, and streamlining and expedited review of TxDOT's transportation projects.

(aa) THC Review of TxDOT Project Files. THC may review TxDOT project files for specific undertakings carried out under this MOU. THC may recommend process improvements based on issues identified during the review.

(bb) Dispute Resolution. THC and TxDOT staff will be responsible for attempting to resolve any conflict between THC and TxDOT that results from the implementation of this section before elevating to agency management.

(cc) Review of MOU. This MOU shall be reviewed and updated as provided by law or by agreement between the parties. THC and TxDOT agree to convene every four years to review, update, or extend this agreement.

Source Note: The provisions of this §26.25 adopted to be effective August 16, 2018, 43 TexReg 5199

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