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RULE §26.467Rates, Allocation, Compensation, Adjustments and Reporting

    (H) A CTP, whether an underlying CTP or reselling CTP, shall make its adequate proof agreements available for review by municipalities and the commission upon request.

(l) Alternate reporting and compensation arrangements. Notwithstanding any other subsection, a CTP shall be subject to the following terms when making alternate reporting and compensation arrangements.

  (1) For the purposes of this subsection, "underlying CTP" and "reselling CTP" shall have the same meanings as assigned in subsection (k) of this section.

  (2) Designated reporting party. A CTP may reach a written agreement separate from any other agreement, including the adequate proof agreement, to have a designated reporting party fulfill the reporting and compensation requirements of this section on its behalf. If the CTP is a reselling CTP, the designated reporting party may be the underlying CTP.

    (A) If such an agreement is reached, the designated reporting party shall file the quarterly access line count report in each municipality, by category, on behalf of the CTP, and also compensate the municipality for those lines.

    (B) The designated reporting party shall file the quarterly access line count report for each municipality, by category, with the commission on a disaggregated basis by CTP.

    (C) Nothing in this subsection shall prevent a designated reporting party from charging a reasonable administrative fee for reporting and compensating a municipality on behalf of a CTP.

    (D) Nothing in this subsection shifts the liability from a CTP, reselling or otherwise, for non-payment of municipal compensation and failure to report pursuant to this section.

  (3) Affiliates. A CTP may file access line reports and remit payments for itself and its affiliates that are CTPs on an aggregated basis. If the CTP does so, the CTP shall include a list of the affiliates and their certification numbers in its quarterly access line count report.

(m) Pass-through. A CTP recovering its municipal compensation from its customers within the boundaries of a municipality shall not recover a total amount greater than the sum of the amounts derived from the multiplication of access line rates by the number of lines, per category, for that municipality. Pass-through of the commission's rates established under this chapter shall be considered to be a pro rata charge to customers.

  (1) Where a CTP chooses to pass through the municipal fee to its customers such CTP shall not pass through any costs associated with its administration of municipal fees. The pass-through amount shall not exceed the access line rate, by category, established by the commission for that municipality.

  (2) A CTP shall be allowed to deduct from its current payment any amounts that are direct write-offs as a result of its collection efforts. Any amounts subsequently recovered from the customer after the direct write-offs shall be included in the amounts payable to each affected municipality in the month(s) received. There shall be no reduction in payment for any estimated uncollectible allowances reported for financial purposes by the CTP.

  (3) Beginning January 1, 2001, on request from the commission, a CTP shall report the amounts collected in municipal fees from customers and the municipal fees paid to municipalities for a period determined by the commission. This report shall be filed with the commission by the CTP no later than 60 days from the date the CTP receives this request.

(n) Compensation from customers of lifeline or other low-income assistance programs. A municipality may choose to forgo municipal compensation from access lines serving Lifeline customers or customers of other similar low-income assistance programs. A municipality electing this option shall notify all CTPs in the municipality of this decision before September 1 on any given year. Upon receipt of such notification, CTPs shall exclude such end-use customers from their quarterly access line count, not pass through a municipal fee to such end-use customers for the next calendar year, and shall be relieved of any obligation to pay fees on such access lines to the municipality.

Source Note: The provisions of this §26.467 adopted to be effective March 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 1601; amended to be effective August 15, 2000, 25 TexReg 7691; amended to be effective January 10, 2002, 27 TexReg 382; amended to be effective March 26, 2003, 28 TexReg 2511

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