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RULE §26.111Certificate of Operating Authority (COA) and Service Provider Certificate of Operating Authority (SPCOA) Criteria

amendment application is required, a notice of approval may be issued. Notice to the commission must include but not be limited to:

    (A) A joint filing statement;

    (B) Certificated entity names, certificate numbers, contact information, and statements of compliance; and

    (C) An affidavit from each certificated entity attesting to compliance with COA or SPCOA certification requirements, as applicable.

  (4) No later than five working days after filing an application or amendment with the commission, the applicant must provide a copy of the application or amendment to the Commission on State Emergency Communications and, in accordance with paragraph (3) of this subsection, notice to all affected 9-1-1 administrative entities. The applicant may provide the amendment application and notice via electronic mail.

  (5) If the application to amend requests any change other than a name change, the factors as set forth in subsections (c) and (d) of this section may be considered by the commission in determining whether to approve an amendment to a COA or SPCOA.

(j) Non-use of certificates. Applicants must use their COA or SPCOA certificates expeditiously.

  (1) A certificate holder that has discontinued providing service for a period of 12 consecutive months after the date the certificate holder has initially begun providing service must file an affidavit on an annual basis attesting that it continues to possess the required technical and financial resources necessary to provide the level of service proposed in its initial application.

  (2) A certificate holder that has not provided service within 24 months of being granted the certificate by the commission may have its certificate suspended or revoked.

(k) Renewal of certificates. Each COA and SPCOA holder must file with the commission a renewal of its certification once every ten years. The commission may, prior to the ten year renewal requirement, require each COA and SPCOA holder to file a renewal of its certification.

  (1) The certification renewal must include:

    (A) the certificate holder's name;

    (B) the certificate holder's address; and

    (C) the most recent version of the annual report the commission requires the certificate holder to submit to comply with subsection (l)(1) of this section, to the extent required by PURA and this title.

  (2) A certification renewal must be filed on or before June 1, 2014, and every ten years thereafter.

  (3) COA or SPCOA holders will have an automatic extension of the filing deadline until October 1 of each reporting year to comply with paragraph (1) of this subsection. Commission staff will send three notices to each COA and SPCOA holder that has not submitted its certification renewal by June 1. The first notice will be sent on or before July 1, the second notice will be sent on or before August 1, and the third notice will be sent on or before September 1. Failure to send any of these notices by commission staff or failure to receive any of these notices by a COA or SPCOA holder must not affect the requirement to renew a certificate under this section by October 1 of the renewal period.

  (4) Failure to timely file the annual renewal required in paragraph (1) of this subsection on or before October 1 of each reporting year will automatically render the certificate of the COA or SPCOA invalid and therefore no longer in compliance with PURA §54.001.

  (5) COA or SPCOA holders that continue to provide regulated telecommunications services under an invalid COA or SPCOA may be subject to administrative penalties and other enforcement actions.

  (6) A certificate holder whose COA or SPCOA certificate is invalid may obtain a new certificate only by complying with the requirements prescribed for obtaining an original certificate.

(l) Reporting Requirements.

  (1) Each COA or SPCOA holder must provide and maintain accurate contact information via the annual report to the extent required by PURA and this title. At a minimum, the COA or SPCOA holder must maintain a current regulatory contact person, complaint contact person, primary and secondary emergency contact, operation and policy migration contact, business physical and mailing address, primary business telephone number, toll-free customer service number, and primary email address. The COA or SPCOA holder must submit the required information in the manner established by the commission.

  (2) The applicable annual report is due on or before April 30 of each calendar year. The COA or SPCOA holder must electronically submit the required information in a manner established by the commission.

  (3) When terminating or disconnecting service to another CTU, a COA or an SPCOA holder must file a copy of the termination or disconnection notice with the commission not later than two working days after the notice is sent to the CTU. The service termination or disconnection notice must be filed in a project established for that purpose.

  (4) COA and SPCOA holders must file a notice of the initiation of a bankruptcy in a project number established for that purpose. The notice must be filed not later than five working days after the filing of the bankruptcy petition. The notice of bankruptcy must also include, at a minimum, the following information:

    (A) The name of the certificated company that is the subject of the bankruptcy petition, the date and state in which bankruptcy petition was filed, type of bankruptcy such as Chapter 7, 11, or 13, and whether the bankruptcy is voluntary or involuntary, the bankruptcy case number; and

    (B) The number of affected customers, the type of service provided to the affected customers, and the name of each provider of last resort associated with the affected customers.

  (5) Reports.

    (A) A certificate holder must file all reports to the extent required by PURA and this title, including §26.51 of this title (relating to Reliability of Operations of Telecommunications Providers); §26.76 of this title (relating to Gross Receipts Assessment Report); §26.80 of this title (relating to Annual Report on Historically Underutilized Businesses); §26.85 of this title (relating to Report of Workforce Diversity and Other Business Practices); §26.89 of this title (relating to Nondominant Carriers' Obligations Regarding Information on Rates and Services); §26.465 of this title (relating to Methodology for Counting Access Lines and Reporting Requirements for Certified Telecommunications Providers); and §26.467 of this title (relating to Rates, Allocation, Compensation, Adjustments and Reporting).

    (B) An amendment for certification must include a copy of the applicant's most recent tariff that has been approved by the commission in accordance with §26.207 of this title (relating to Form and Filing of Tariffs), §26.208 of this title (relating to General Tariff Requirements), and other commission rules as applicable or specified by those provisions. A tariff that has not been approved but is currently under review by the commission may be used to satisfy this requirement.

      (i) A control number for the project associated with the applicant's most recently approved tariff or tariff that is currently under review by the commission may be provided as an alternative to providing a copy.

      (ii) An entity subject to §26.89 of this title (Relating to Nondominant Carriers' Obligations Regarding Information on Rates and Services) may, but is not required to, comply with this paragraph.

(m) Standards for cessation of operations and relinquishment of certification. A COA or SPCOA holder may cease operations in the state only if authorized by the commission in accordance with this subsection. A COA or SPCOA holder that ceases operations and relinquishes its certification must comply with PURA §54.253. This section does not apply to a deregulated company holding a certificate of operating authority or to an exempt carrier.

  (1) Before the certificate holder ceases operations, it must give notice of the intended action to the commission, each affected customer, the Commission on State Emergency Communications (CSEC), each affected 9-1-1 administrative entity, the Office of Public Utility Counsel (OPUC), each wholesale provider of telecommunications facilities or services from which the certificate holder purchased facilities or services, the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts, the Texas Secretary of State and the administrator of the Texas Universal Service Fund.

    (A) The notification letter must clearly state the intent of the certificate holder to cease providing service.

    (B) The notification letter must provide each customer a minimum of 61 days of notice of termination of service, and the date of the termination of service must be clearly stated in the notification letter.


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