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RULE §263.901LIDDA Requirements for Providing Service Coordination in the HCS Program

      (iv) driver license number and state of issuance or personal identification card number issued by the Department of Public Safety; and

      (v) place of employment and the employer's address and telephone number;

    (B) name, address, and telephone number of a relative of the individual or other person whom HHSC or the service coordinator may contact in an emergency situation, a statement indicating the relationship between that person and the individual, and at the parent's or LAR's option:

      (i) that person's driver license number and state of issuance or personal identification card number issued by the Department of Public Safety; and

      (ii) the name, address, and telephone number of that person's employer; and

    (C) a signed acknowledgement of responsibility stating that the parent or LAR agrees to:

      (i) notify the service coordinator of any changes to the contact information submitted; and

      (ii) make reasonable efforts to participate in the individual's life and in planning activities for the individual;

  (36) within three business days after an individual under 22 years of age begins receiving supervised living or residential support:

    (A) provide the information listed in subparagraph (B) of this paragraph to the following:

      (i) the CRCG for the county in which the individual's LAR lives (see the HHSC website for a listing of CRCG chairpersons by county); and

      (ii) the local school district for the area in which the individual's residence is located, if the individual is at least three years of age, or the early childhood intervention (ECI) program for the county in which the individual's residence is located, if the individual is under three years of age (see the HHSC website to search for an ECI program by zip code or by county); and

    (B) as required by subparagraph (A) of this paragraph, provide the following information to the entities described in subparagraph (A) of this paragraph:

      (i) the individual's full name;

      (ii) the individual's sex;

      (iii) the individual's ethnicity;

      (iv) the individual's birth date;

      (v) the individual's social security number;

      (vi) the LAR's name, address, and county of residence;

      (vii) the date of initiation of supervised living or residential support;

      (viii) the address where supervised living or residential support is provided; and

      (ix) the name and phone number of the person providing the information;

  (37) for an applicant or individual under 22 years of age seeking or receiving supervised living or residential support:

    (A) make reasonable accommodations to promote the participation of the LAR in all planning and decision making regarding the individual's care, including participating in:

      (i) the initial development and annual review of the individual's PDP;

      (ii) decision making regarding the individual's medical care;

      (iii) routine service planning team meetings; and

      (iv) decision making and other activities involving the individual's health and safety;

    (B) ensure that reasonable accommodations include:

      (i) conducting a meeting in person, by videoconferencing, or by telephone, as mutually agreed upon by the program provider and the LAR;

      (ii) conducting a meeting at a time and location, if the meeting is in person, that is mutually agreed upon by the program provider and the LAR;

      (iii) if the LAR has a disability, providing reasonable accommodations in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, including providing an accessible meeting location or a sign language interpreter, if appropriate; and

      (iv) providing a language interpreter, if appropriate;

    (C) provide written notice to the LAR of a meeting to conduct an annual review of the individual's PDP at least 21 calendar days before the meeting date and request a response from the LAR regarding whether the LAR intends to participate in the annual review;

    (D) before an individual who is under 18 years of age, or who is at least 18 years of age and under 22 years of age and has an LAR, moves to another residence operated by the program provider, attempt to obtain consent for the move from the LAR unless the move is made because of a serious risk to the health or safety of the individual or another person; and

    (E) document compliance with subparagraphs (A) - (D) of this paragraph in the individual's record;

  (38) in accordance with Chapter 303, Subchapter G of this title (relating to Transition Planning) conduct:

    (A) a pre-move site review for an applicant 21 years of age or older who is enrolling in the HCS Program from a nursing facility or as a diversion from admission to a nursing facility; and

    (B) post-move monitoring visits for an individual 21 years of age or older who enrolled in the HCS Program from a nursing facility or has enrolled in the HCS Program as a diversion from admission to a nursing facility;

  (39) do the following to inform applicants and individuals about responsibilities related to EVV:

    (A) for an applicant who will receive a service that requires the use of EVV from the program provider or through the CDS option:

      (i) orally explain the information in the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to the applicant or LAR;

      (ii) sign the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to attest to explaining the information and to providing a copy to the individual or LAR;

      (iii) provide the individual or LAR with a copy of the signed form;

      (iv) perform the activities described in clause (i) - (iii) of this subparagraph before the individual's enrollment; and

      (v) maintain the completed HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form in the individual's record;

    (B) for an individual who will receive a service that requires the use of EVV from the program provider or who is transferring to another program provider or LIDDA and will receive a service that requires the use of EVV from the program provider or through the CDS option:

      (i) orally explain the information in the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to the individual or LAR;

      (ii) sign the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to attest to explaining the information and to providing a copy to the individual or LAR;

      (iii) provide the individual or LAR with a copy of the signed form;

      (iv) perform the activities described in clause (i)-(iii) of this subparagraph on or before the effective date of the IPC that includes the EVV required service or the effective date of the transfer to another program provider or LIDDA; and

      (v) maintain the completed HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form in the individual's record; and

    (C) for an individual who will receive a service that requires the use of EVV through the CDS option or who will transfer to another FMSA and is receiving a service requiring the use of EVV:

      (i) orally explain the information in the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to the individual or LAR;

      (ii) sign the HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form to attest to explaining the information and to providing a copy to the individual or LAR;

      (iii) provide the individual or LAR with a copy of the signed form;

      (iv) perform the activities described in clause (i)-(iii) of this subparagraph before the individual receiving the EVV required service through the CDS option or on or before the effective date of the transfer to another FMSA; and

      (v) maintain the completed HHSC Electronic Visit Verification Responsibilities and Additional Information form in the individual's record;

  (40) have contact with an individual in-person, by videoconferencing, or telephone to provide service coordination during a month in which it is anticipated that the individual will not receive an HCS Program service unless:

    (A) the individual's HCS Program services have been suspended; or


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